Then, Yang Zilei wandered through the palace following the information route left by Senior Wu Tian.

Fortunately, even after a hundred years, the architectural pattern of the palace did not change much.

Soon, Yang Zilei came to a stone temple.

This is the place where Wu Tian lived back then. The majestic and majestic building can't tell that Wu Tian's status in the royal family at that time was not low.

But later, as Wu Tian chose to leave, King Yan sent people to detect the existence of Fu Puppet Spirit, and in order to humiliate him, he made this the residence of a group of eunuchs.

Fortunately, it is an eunuch, so until now no one has noticed the secret of the basement.

If it were changed to a group of warriors, I am afraid that some Ni Duan would have been discovered long ago.

Stepping into the hall, a group of eunuchs living here immediately knelt down in panic, and said in unison: "See Your Majesty."

"His Majesty, you are here suddenly, what's your order?"

A leading fat eunuch, bowed his head respectfully, asked in a weird tone.

Yang Zilei glanced at all the eunuchs here, frowning slightly, "Go back, from now on, this is no longer your residence, let Manager Kong arrange a place for you."

The fat **** was startled, but he didn't dare to disagree, or continued to inquire, hurriedly and respectfully said: "Oh, yes."

Immediately, hundreds of eunuchs all left cautiously, and the huge hall suddenly became empty and extremely quiet.

When Yang Zilei moved, Shi Zhan Long Yingbu quickly came to the depths of the hall and walked into a small house.

"It should be here."

Yang Zilei glanced slightly, pressing the third-to-last stone brick on the right wall.

Suddenly, a small and mysterious rune formation suddenly appeared on the stone bricks.

Yang Zilei's fingers in both hands changed, and his aura lingered, he made a rune light mark and flew towards the stone brick.

In the next second, the Rune Light Seal instantly sank into the stone brick, like a key, instantly denting the entire stone brick.


Suddenly, the ground suddenly split and opened, revealing a long and narrow sloping ladder leading directly to the ground.

Without any hesitation, Yang Zilei moved directly down the stone staircase passage like a crypt.

"Da da da……"

The sound of footsteps is extremely loud in this dark passage.

This stone ladder is very long, and as it goes down, Yang Zilei clearly felt a cold air coming from the crypt.

However, this kind of cold air is not the slightest threat to Yang Zilei now.

Therefore, Yang Zilei didn't even stop, walking along the underground passage to the ground.

Such a quiet journey lasted more than ten minutes. Obviously, Wu Tian had spent a lot of effort to dig the crypt so deep for the secret of this talisman puppet.


When he reached the end of the stone ladder, Yang Zilei's eyes condensed slightly, and he found a light curtain in the dim crypt passage.

Yang Zilei passed directly, and the line of sight in front of him was also instantly widened.

What appeared in front of him was a huge stone chamber.

This stone room is not big or small, and the surrounding walls are inlaid with night pearls, and the gentle light envelopes the entire stone room, making it turn a blind eye.

Yang Zilei glanced briefly, and then stopped in the center.

There was a huge figure sitting cross-legged.

No, to be precise, it should be a humanoid talisman puppet.

Although there was no movement while sitting cross-legged, there was a terrible aura fluctuation, which spread out from the body.

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