"good stuff!"

Upon seeing this, Yang Zilei's eyes flickered, and a look of wonder appeared in his eyes.

This talisman puppet was completely dark and burly in stature. Sitting like that, it was almost as tall as Yang Zilei.

On its strong body, there are mysterious and complex dark golden runes inscribed.

Compared with this rune puppet, the eight rune puppets he obtained in the ancient tomb mansion were really shabby.

Besides, this magic spirit puppet has no damage to any part except that it is covered with dust.

However, what surprised Yang Zilei the most was that although the rune puppet was in the shape of a human, its facial features were not in the shape of a human.

At both ends of the mouth, pointed and long fangs were exposed, his face was hideous, his ears and nose were also unusually thick.

"According to the inheritance information of Senior Wu Tian, ​​the body of this rune puppet is a frozen corpse he accidentally obtained from a snowy mountain. It is most likely an orc warrior from an ancient alien race thousands of years ago. Rune puppet."

Yang Zilei's eyes narrowed slightly, and he looked closely.

In this way, the appearance of this rune puppet really does not belong to a human being, it is more like a certain orc race.

Ten thousand years ago...

Yang Zilei was secretly speechless. In such a long time, the rumors were true or false, and he could not verify it.

Later, I will ask Kong Ming again if there is really a mysterious and terrifying group of orcs.

"Let's implant the soul brand first."

After looking around, Yang Zilei was cursed with curiosity.

Immediately, he bit his fingertips and forced out a drop of natal blood, and then under the guidance of spiritual power, he quickly poured into the body of the rune puppet, and planted the soul of the inner rune core formation.

With a wave of vigorous spiritual power, it quickly poured into the rune spirit puppet, but on its forehead, a mysterious spirit mark brand slowly emerged, but it was still a little fuzzy.

In this way, time passed by every minute and every second.

Setting the soul brand, Yang Zilei obviously consumed a lot of spiritual power and time.

The spiritual power needed to control the rune spirit puppet was also somewhat beyond Yang Zilei's expectation.

If it weren't for the cultivation base he had broken into the Divine Sea Realm, his body's spiritual power was extremely strong and solid, and he wanted to plant a soul imprint inside this rune puppet, I am afraid that he would not have that great success rate.


After half an hour, the dark and huge body of the rune puppet began to bloom with some golden light. The golden runes on the body also squirmed and spread quickly, gathered to the center of the forehead and eyebrows, and combined with the soul imprint to form a Complete rune.


Yang Zi was overjoyed, looking at the finally condensed soul mark on the forehead of the Fu Ling puppet, a light of joy burst into his eyes at this moment.

Suddenly, the aura of heaven and earth in the stone chamber rushed into the spirit puppets frantically, and the eyes that were as deep as black holes suddenly flashed with scarlet light.

It was sitting cross-legged, and stood up abruptly, its strong body stretched out, like a giant, full of shocking and powerful aura.

Yang Zilei was also surprised to find at this time that the Fuling Puppet was wearing a black storage ring on the index finger of the right palm. As the light flickered, its body was instantly covered with a thick dark golden armor.

Immediately afterwards, a metal helmet was also worn on the head of the Fu Ling puppet, covering the entire head, revealing only a pair of scarlet eyes.


At the same time, a serrated long knife flashed in the hand of Fu Ling Puppet, and the violent evil spirit suddenly whizzed out, making the heart palpitating!

Yang Zilei's eyes lit up. Such equipment undoubtedly increased the combat power of the rune puppets.

It can be seen that Senior Wu Tian had spent a lot of money on this talisman puppet.

And it can take things out of the storage ring, does it have autonomous consciousness?

"Do you understand what I'm saying?"

Thinking of this, Yang Zilei tried to ask.

"Master, what's your order!"

The rune puppet's lips opened lightly, making a deep and cold voice.

Yang Zilei's heart jumped wildly.

This rune puppet can actually speak!

In other words, it does have its own consciousness!

In this way, it should be possible to ask its origin from the rune puppet.

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