"who are you?"

Looking at the rune puppet in front of him, Yang Zilei couldn't help being curious.

"Master, I am your servant."

Fu Ling Puppet's eyes were cold, but his tone was extremely respectful.


Yang Zilei was taken aback, took a deep breath, organized the language, and asked again: "Do you know, what kind of race you were before?"

Fu Ling Puppet said in a low voice without any hesitation: "I don't know."

Yang Zilei was obviously not satisfied with this answer and sighed inwardly.

It seems that this rune puppet should have lost its original memory information.

"Perhaps the system should be able to find some information."

Suddenly, Yang Zilei's brain flashed, his mind moved slightly, and he called out the system light curtain panel.

As the system panel appeared in front of Yang Zilei's eyes, in the personal attribute panel, Yang Zilei found a list of weapons, and an additional information table of Rune Puppets.

Immediately, Yang Zilei clicked to take a look.

"Rune puppets: refining materials, orc corpses."

"Level: unlimited, can be continuously improved with the strength of the host."

"Strength: Five levels of Nine Tribulations Realm, upgrades consume 10 million enhancement points at a time, and when reaching the same level of cultivation base of the host, it is changed to the same value of upgrade enhancement points as the host."

"Weapon: Heavenly Sword."

"Equipment: Heavenly Armor."

Although the information panel is relatively brief, the three words ‘orc’ are enough to make Yang Zilei confirm that this talisman puppet is indeed a product of that ancient alien race!

Yang Zilei couldn't help but swallowed secretly.

Unexpectedly, the ancient alien race that was rumored thousands of years ago really existed.

This Tianyan Continent, once the real master, was not human!

But now, how come those ancient alien races are gone, is it an extinction?

When he was puzzled, Yang Zilei's eyes gradually became excited, his eyes scorching staring at the infinite level of information.

The rune puppet has this improvement ability, doesn't it mean that his combat power can double the effect in the future!

Under normal circumstances, if the natal rune spirit puppet wants to upgrade, it needs to be continuously fed by the host with blood and spiritual power. Very few people can do it, and at most it will stop at the level of the Divine Sea Realm.

Because if it continues, the energy demanded by the spirit puppets is getting larger and larger, and a very small number of warriors can sustain it.

However, Yang Zilei is completely different, as long as the strengthening points are sufficient, they can be strengthened infinitely together!


Yang Zilei looked happy, this time it can be said that he found a treasure.

But now the strength of the rune puppet is only at the level of the five levels of the Nine Tribulations Realm. From the early stage of the Divine Sea Realm, it still needs four upgrades to keep pace with him.

But the system settings are also very user-friendly.

For each upgrade, only 10 million strengthening points are specified.

Otherwise, double stacking like he did before, the strengthening point is definitely a terrible number.

Because he wants to be promoted to the middle stage of the Divine Sea Realm now, he needs 22.68 million strengthening points.

Next time, it increased to 45.36 million!

Yang Zilei checked the strengthening points of the system [3 million+]

Suddenly I felt ashamed, so I had to give up the plan to upgrade the rune puppet, put it into the storage ring, and then left here.

Back to the Jinluan Temple, Yang Zilei summoned Kong Ming.

"Boss, I heard that you drove away all the eunuchs in the Qing Palace. What happened?"

When Kong Ming arrived, he asked curiously.

"It's nothing, I feel that the place was used as a residence for a group of eunuchs. It was a bit wasteful." Yang Zilei said perfunctorily.

"It's true."

Kong Ming nodded, but somewhat agreed with Yang Zilei's views.

Immediately, Yang Zilei turned around and asked: "Kong Ming, do you know about the ancient alien race thousands of years ago?"

Hearing that, Kong Ming's face was slightly startled, he glanced at Yang Zilei in surprise, and couldn't help asking: "Boss, why are you suddenly interested in this legend?"

Yang Zilei smiled indifferently, "Get to know, you just need to tell what you know."

After Kong Mingle indulged for a while, he said: "In fact, in the past few days, I have read some secrets about ancient alien races in the historical annals of the Great Yan Dynasty."

"It is said that the Tianyan Continent ten thousand years ago was several times larger than it is now, and there are thousands of ethnic groups, which is extremely complicated."

"Later, I didn't know what happened, and there was a fight between races. In that war, it was a devastating disaster. Many races were destroyed as a result, and there were countless casualties."

"But in the end, human beings managed to survive the race war by virtue of resourcefulness, and expelled all threatening races, and sealed them in the wild land of Tianyan Continent, guarded by eight super sects to seal the enchantment. Until now."

"Although the rumors cannot be verified, the eight super sects are real."

After hearing the ancient secrets that Kong Ming said, Yang Zilei was startled, and immediately couldn't help taking a breath.

Unexpectedly, such terrible things happened in Tianyan Continent ten thousand years ago.

"If one day, the seal barrier is broken, then we humans, will we usher in a huge disaster?"

Yang Zilei suddenly thought of this serious problem.

Hearing this, Kong Ming laughed.

"It should be impossible. Even if the ancient alien race really exists, but it can be suppressed to the present, it shows that the seal barrier is very strong."

Yang Zilei nodded slightly, and immediately laughed at himself.

He felt that he was a little worried.

Moreover, even if the seal barrier is broken, there will still be eight super sects holding on to it.

However, this kind of invisible bomb made Yang Zilei have a faint premonition deep in his heart.

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