"This friend, which martial arts school are you from?"

While looking at Yang Zilei, Song Jiang couldn't help asking.

"No house, no school." Yang Zilei said lightly.

Upon hearing this, Song Jiang and the others looked surprised and looked at Yang Zilei with a slightly suspicious look.

However, looking at what he was wearing, there was indeed no sign of Wufu's clothing. I thought it was just a casual practitioner.

Song Jiang invited: "In that case, you came to Lei Jiaofeng to experience it? Would you like us to take you by the way? The price is negotiated, you break into Lei Jiaofeng by yourself. If you encounter a thunder-clad lizard dragon, you will be fierce Good luck."

"No, I am used to being alone."

Yang Zilei raised his eyebrows lightly. It seemed that this guy not only helped the beautiful younger sisters, but also wanted to make some extra money by the way.

Of course, there is also a possibility, that is, when you are in danger, you want to push yourself as cannon fodder.

This possibility is not without it.

After all, the human heart is sinister, and when encountering danger, no one can care about so much love.

Seeing Yang Zilei's refusal, Song Jiang didn't say anything, but didn't force it.

However, although he didn't say anything, he still had a little disdain in his heart.

This guy is younger than himself, and he is still a casual cultivator, and his strength is probably not much stronger.

In this Lei Jiaofeng, there is no endurance above the Nine Tribulations Realm. It's okay to go around the periphery. If you go deeper, you might have to take your life.

The short-haired young man named Li Ming sneered softly: "I don't know good or bad. It's his blessing that Senior Brother Song is willing to take him, but he refused, and wait for death."

However, as soon as he finished speaking, a black beast's shadow suddenly appeared in the grass behind.


Before everyone had time to react, an extremely fierce black thunder shot violently and hit the short-haired youth.


Li Ming suddenly let out a miserable cry, and fell to the ground scorched.

Without a bodyguard spirit gas mask, his flesh and blood body was struck by this lightning. Although he still had a breath at this moment, he was not far from death.

The sudden changes caused Song Jiang and Qin Lan's expressions to change drastically, and the short-haired youths who could manage their dying moments retreated one after another.

At the same time, the eyes of the two of them also saw the appearance of the giant black beast.

I saw that the fierce beast was the thunder-clad lizard dragon, but the scales were dark, and the flashing black thunder and lightning exuded a terrifying thunderous atmosphere!

"What's the matter! It's not half a mountainside here, the thunder-armor lizard dragon of Tier 9 fierce beasts unexpectedly appeared!"

Song Jiang's eyes shrank tightly, crying out unlucky in his heart.

The Qin Lan next to him was so frightened that Hua Rong turned pale, and the only thought was to run away.

But at this moment, the thunder-clad lizard dragon, fierce eyes have locked them, as long as they dare to turn and escape, I am afraid that they will face the terrible thunder attack.

"How to do?"

Song Jiang's eyes were anxious, and the method of getting out quickly turned in his mind.

Tier 9 fierce beasts are extremely terrifying in strength, equivalent to the level of a human warrior in the Divine Sea Realm.

Although he is now the fourth level of the Nine Tribulations Realm, he has no resistance to the fierce beasts in these areas.

"You must get a bait to have a chance to escape!"

Song Jiang glanced fiercely, swept the spear in his hand, and his vigorous spiritual energy surged, and he slammed the right foot of the Qin Lan nearby.

Just hearing a ‘click’, the foot bones broke instantly.

Qin Lan suddenly screamed and fell to the ground. She glared at Song Jiang in anger, "I didn't expect you to be such a hypocritical scum!"

"I can't die in this kind of place, sorry, Junior Sister."

Song Jiang smiled cruelly, and immediately ignored the opponent's life and death, and ran directly toward the rear periphery.

The direction of rushing, happened to be Yang Zilei who was standing not far away.

"Trash, get out of here!"

Seeing that Yang Zilei was still standing indifferent, Song Jiang thought that the former was frightened and yelled, and the spear in his hand swept towards Yang Zilei.

However, just when this attack blasted out, he seemed to see a touch of mockery from the corner of Yang Zilei's mouth.


In the next instant, a burly black shadow suddenly flashed out, and the knife shadow passed by, and collided with the spear that was swept!


The strong power ripples swept out.

The spear broke in half instantly, and Song Jiang's body, also under the sword's light, was cut off at the waist, blood flowing.


Then there was another black blade light passing by, and Song Jiang's head was directly split open, and his brain and blood spewed out.

Until his death, Song Jiang couldn't see clearly what the guy who killed him looked like.

"The attack method of the orcs is really cruel and cruel."

Looking at the **** scene at close range, Yang Zilei sighed, but his eyes were extremely appreciative, looking at the rune puppet standing in front.

This fighting talisman puppet needs this kind of cruelty!

Obviously, Yang Zilei was very satisfied when he summoned a rune puppet to fight for the first time.

Seeing the tragic death of Song Jiang who was running away, Qin Lan, whose leg was broken at this time, looked almost desperate, as if she had seen the last straw.

She asked with a crying voice: "Help me! Please help me, I carry the secret of an ancient foreign race with me, save me, I will tell you this secret!"

The secret of ancient aliens?

Hearing this, Yang Zilei's eyes moved slightly.

He and this woman are not relatives, so naturally there is no reason to risk saving her, and he can completely leave.

But Yang Zilei was obviously moved by the secrets of this ancient alien race.

At this time, the thunder-armor lizard dragon, with a huge grin, rushed towards Qin Lan quickly, as if he was about to eat this thin-skinned human woman raw.

"Big guy, cut it to death."

Yang Zilei issued an instruction.

The rune spirit puppet called the ‘big guy’ flashed in shape, and the speed was astonishingly fast, and in a blink of an eye he blocked Qin Lan’s front.

At the same time, the sword fell in his hand, and with violent power, he slashed at the Thunder Armor Lizard Dragon.

The thunder-clad lizard dragon of the ninth-order fierce beast obviously also possesses not-low intelligence, the forward stature suddenly stopped, and the tail covered with scales drew towards the long knife.


However, in the face of the powerful rune puppets of the Divine Sea Realm, coupled with the fierce orc power, that tail was easily cut off when it touched the blade!

The tail fell to the ground and twisted frantically, but soon it calmed down.


Thunder-clad Lizard Dragon suddenly opened his mouth and roared, and finally realized the danger of the rune puppet, and hurriedly turned around and ran away.

However, a rune puppet who was ordered to die, how could it be let go so easily.


Strong power spewed out from the foot of the rune puppet, and the burly body suddenly jumped up, and the long knife in his hand, with a wild aura, slammed into the head of the thunder-armed lizard dragon.

The wringing of the long knife directly used a brutal method to wring the head of the Thunder Armor Lizard Dragon to **** flesh.

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