Under the fierce and fierce offensive of the rune puppets, even the thunder-clad lizard dragon, a Tier 9 fierce beast, was like a pig being slaughtered, and was beheaded in just a few breaths.

In the **** and terrifying scene, Qin Lan's pretty face was pale next to her, and her beautiful eyes were full of surprise.


Seeing the scruffy head of Thunder-clad Lizard Dragon, blood was flowing at this time, Yang Zilei shook his head.

Immediately, the dragon talisman rushed out again, and instantly swallowed the essence and blood in the beast corpse, extracting a trace of dragon essence and blood.

The black thunder-armor lizard dragon of the ninth rank fierce beast obviously contains more dragon essence and blood.

As the Dragon Rune was absorbed into his body, Yang Zilei felt an extremely strong and fierce blood erupting in his blood.

"Finally got the weight!"

Yang Zilei was overjoyed and hurriedly ran the Nine Dragons Good Fortune Jue's exercises, manipulating this blood energy, and quickly flowing to the limbs.


Soon, he forcibly infiltrated the blood of these dragon shots into the bones to quench the marrow!

Bone marrow is the foundation of human hematopoiesis. If it can be thoroughly tempered and reformed, coupled with the assistance of exercises, it can truly transform into a dragon.

And now, Yang Zilei's attack on the third heavy dragon form started from quenching the marrow.


All of a sudden, the blood and energy penetrated into Yang Zilei's solid bones, and penetrated into the bone marrow.

As soon as the dragon's essence and blood entered the marrow, Yang Zilei suddenly felt his entire body's bone marrow as if he had been poured into fire oil, followed by intense burning pain.


Suddenly, the impurities in the bone marrow were burned crazily by the dragon's essence and blood, and the feeling was like the bone marrow boiled in kerosene, and the impurities were blown up abruptly.

Yang Zilei endured the severe pain, gritted his teeth to keep his consciousness awake, and ran the Jiulong Good Fortune Art technique.

This bit of dragon's essence and blood could not complete the quenching of the bones of the body at all, so Yang Zilei only chose the right arm as part of the quenching first!


Yang Zilei directly shielded the six senses, and despite the raging blood energy, he tempered the bone marrow, burned away impurities, and slowly merged into it.

This situation is like grilling bones in a flame. The painful process can be imagined.

In this way, Yang Zilei was able to hold on with only a perseverance.

The rune puppet held a long knife in his hand, and his loyal guard stood by.

"What happened to him?"

Seeing Yang Zilei suddenly sitting cross-legged on the ground, Qin Lan looked surprised, and hurriedly took out a healing pill from the storage and swallowed it in. It also started to heal the broken leg bone.

About half an hour later, Yang Zilei's aura became stronger and stronger, and a layer of black scales slowly emerged as his skin was squirming rapidly, spreading to his entire body.

The muscles on his body also swelled up piece by piece during the skyrocketing energy, directly splitting his clothes.


Qin Lan was shocked watching from the side.

"Dragon Blood Warrior?!"

She stared at Yang Zilei in disbelief, her face full of shock.

Yang Zilei stood up suddenly with blood red eyes, and the whole spine on his back twisted strangely, and the speed of body transformation increased again.


Immediately afterwards, a blood-stained tail slowly grew from the end of the spine of Yang Zilei's ass.

This tail, covered with black scales, glowed with a cold hard luster in the sun, and looked like a steel whip.


This kind of pain in the tail caused Yang Zilei's throat to let out a deep roar.

At this moment, the energy aura radiating from his body surged wildly!

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