
Seeing this change in Yang Zilei, Qin Lan was completely shocked, and couldn't help taking a breath.

According to the exercise records in the "Nine Dragons Creation Art", there are nine forms of dragon transformation.

The third form, the whole body is covered with dragon-like scales.

And now, Yang Zilei had grown a tail, apparently reaching the fourth form of the Dragon Blood Warrior.

"Unexpectedly, the dragon's essence and blood of this ninth-order fierce beast, plus the previously stored, instantly shed two levels!"

Yang Zilei felt the surging power in his body, and he was excited.

His current body is in a perfect state, and his strength is at least ten times that of the past.

In the pure power competition, even reached the level that can compete with the rune puppets.

The most powerful thing about the orcs is their intrepid power. Even if they are refined into talisman puppets, their bodies still possess that terrifying power!

Yang Zilei swept his gaze to the rune puppet in front, his fighting spirit in his eyes was burning, and there was an urge to try.

But when he thought of the brutal way the rune puppet killed the thunder-armor lizard dragon just now, Yang Zilei had to suppress the thought in his heart.

After all, rune puppets just follow orders, and if they break their arms in battle, or something else, they are really asking for trouble.


At this moment, a fierce beast roar came.

I saw another thunder-clad lizard dragon rushing over, and the black scale armor was also a Tier 9 fierce beast.

However, its beast body is much larger than the thunder-clad lizard dragon just now, and its limbs are extremely thick, and it should be of the male category.

Qin Lan had already healed the broken leg bones with the effect of the pill.

When she saw another thunder-clad lizard dragon, she suddenly trembled with fright, and hurried to the side of Yang Zilei and the rune puppet.

"Come just right!"

Yang Zilei's eyes narrowed slightly, and he grinned. This big guy just allowed him to try the effect of the Dragon's Quadruple Form!

After thinking about it, Yang Zilei stepped out and walked over at will.

Seeing Yang Zilei walking towards him, Thunder-clad Lizard Dragon roared, his scarlet eyes, with a fierce light glowing, stared at Yang Zilei.

For this monster human who resembles a dragon, the thunder-clad lizard dragon vaguely feels an extremely dangerous smell.

Because of its keen sense of smell, it can sense Yang Zilei's body, with the same breath as it, and feel threatened!

That is the inheritance of the dragon blood!


The thunder-clad lizard dragon let out a roar, seemingly as a signal of intimidation.

Yang Zilei also had no intention of attacking, but stood there calmly.

The behavior of this thunder-clad lizard dragon made Yang Zilei feel a little strange.

This feeling seemed to be not to hunt for food or to attack indiscriminately. It was more like guarding something precious, coming here to drive it out.

Of course, this kind of drive is based on Yang Zilei and the rune puppet possessing powerful strength.

Otherwise, he would have been killed by the bite.

The atmosphere froze for a while.

Looking at this scene, Qin Lan's face became more tense.

She wanted to run away now, but she was afraid that Thunder Armor Lizard Dragon would suddenly target her and turn her head to attack herself.

After several internal struggles, she had no choice but to stay stuck, hoping that this young man who resembled the dragon blood clan could defeat this Tier 9 fierce beast.

At this time, Thunder Armor Lizard Dragon roared again, and the whole body flashed with thunder, it was warning Yang Zilei to leave its territory.

However, for this behavior, Yang Zilei was even more determined that this Lei Jiaofeng was very likely to hide some kind of treasure.

Immediately, instead of leaving, Yang Zilei approached the Thunder-clad Lizard Dragon step by step.

This time, it was undoubtedly completely angered the Thunder Armor Lizard Dragon, which was full of the proud gene of the Flood Dragon's blood, and could not tolerate Yang Zilei's ignorance and provocation.


The thunder-clad lizard dragon roared, and its ferocious mouth suddenly had a huge thunderball ejected!

However, Yang Zilei showed no signs of evading, his vigorous spiritual power exploded from his body, his right fist was grasped, and he was ready to resist this attack.

I intend to taste the defensive power of the four-fold form of Halong Hua, to what extent.

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