"Be careful."

Qin Lan exclaimed from behind, but found that Yang Zilei was not hiding.

Isn't he scared stupid?

Thunderball was extremely fast, and in the blink of an eye, it reached Yang Zilei's eyes.

But at this time, Yang Zilei's fist had already blasted out.

The air exploded under his fist!

The violent fist wind hit the thunderball fiercely.


The thunder ball was smashed by a punch on the spot, and the scattered black thunder spread to Yang Zilei's body along his arms, wandering the scales on the surface of his skin.

Yang Zilei felt a tingling sensation, but he couldn't cause the slightest harm to his body.


Yang Zilei's body trembled lightly, directly shaking away the black thunder remaining on his body.

He can already be sure that in the form of Longhua's fourth layer, the attack power of Tier 9 Fierce Beast is not enough to threaten him.

"Swish swish!!"

At this moment, another seven or eight thunderballs shot over.

Yang Zilei danced with his fists, and with the power of his flesh, he smashed the thunderballs one by one with a brutal attitude.

At this moment, Qin Lan, who was still a little worried, was immediately dumbfounded.

She rubbed her eyes subconsciously, thinking that she was too frightened and hallucinated.

However, Yang Zilei still stood there casually, as if the thunder-clad lizard dragon's attack just now didn't hurt him.

How can this be?

Even a martial artist in the Divine Sea Realm didn't dare to be like him, without the hard regret of avoiding that constant thunderball.

And he hadn't used any weapons yet, and he was able to resist it with just a pair of fists.

You know, those thunder powers are quite terrifying, let alone the most lethal black thunder.

How can human beings do this! ?

Qin Lan swallowed secretly.

Suddenly, at this moment, he realized that Yang Zilei's current appearance was not a bit human. The cruel and cold dragon form was clearly a humanoid beast.

Fortunately, this time Lei Jiaoshan and his party encountered such a great power, otherwise, relying on the two Wufu seniors, they would have already died!

After the thunder-clad lizard dragon exhaled dozens of thunderballs in one breath, a trace of fear began to emerge from the bronze bell-like beast eyes.

It finally understood that the guy in front of him was too strong.

With a roar, the power of thunder on the thunder-clad lizard dragon surged wildly, opened its mouth and ejected a larger thunderball, then turned and fled.

"Can you escape?"

Yang Zilei's eyes dazzled, and Long Ying stepped forward, his body instantly appeared beside Thunder-clad Lizard Dragon.

A punch!


Yang Zilei's fist covering the dragon scales, with a wave of violent power, slammed on the back of the thunder armor lizard dragon.

The scales on the surface of the thunder-clad lizard dragon have inherited some genes of the dragon bloodline and are as hard as profound iron.

However, Yang Zilei's punch also had the mighty power of the dragon clan.

It rushes into the thunder-clad lizard dragon and directly acts on its internal organs,


The thunder-clad lizard dragon roared, and the huge body trembled violently. Under this strong fist, its entire spine instantly shattered, and it fell to the ground with blood.


Qin Lan's beautiful eyes widened suddenly, and her sluggish expression was full of shock.

Obviously, he did not expect that Yang Zilei would be like killing a dog. With just one punch, the thunder-clad lizard dragon, weighing nearly several thousand jin, was knocked to the ground.

"His cultivation base shouldn't be above the Divine Sea Realm, right?"

Thinking of this, Qin Lan also trembled.

Looking at all the martial arts in the Tianyan Continent, I am afraid that there are not a few strong people above the Shenhai realm!

She was already in awe of the master of the Nine Tribulations Realm and Nine Layers.

She didn't dare to imagine what concept was above Shenhai Realm, she felt that compared with Yang Zilei in front of her, she was simply an ant.

"He is definitely a hidden expert!"

Qin Lan's eyes flickered, and Yang Zilei's image had already risen to an extremely high level.

Although Yang Zilei's age seems to be very young, in the world of martial arts, those who have cultivated to the realm of God can reach the realm of bigu, live for five to six hundred years, and even look good.

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