"You should be known to many people, right?" Yang Zilei asked calmly.

Qin Lan shook her head and smiled helplessly, "Because the secret code was too broken at the time, it would break when touched with my hands, so I used my spiritual sense to quickly scan it. When I learned the information from it, the broken code was also thorough. Annihilation."

"Because of no proof, the brothers in Wufu didn't believe me, thinking that I was thinking about me, and even the master laughed, so afterwards, I stopped talking."

Speaking of this, Qin Lan stared at Yang Zilei with a pair of beautiful eyes, "Senior, do you believe me?"

"The words of beautiful women are certainly worthy of trust."

Yang Zilei laughed jokingly. Although his words were casual, from Qin Lan's eyes, he could be sure that the other party did not lie.

Besides, this kind of lie did not affect or harm me much.

So what is unbelievable?

I don't know if it was because of Yang Zilei's trust, or when Qin Lan was called ‘beauty’, Qin Lan's face blushed.

The shy expression is like a flower in bud, gorgeous and not vulgar.

"Lei Jiaofeng is very dangerous. If you don't want to die, leave as soon as possible."

Yang Zilei looked indifferent and didn't intend to continue with the opponent on the team.

Bringing such a girl with a low cultivation base would only be a burden.

"I know, no matter what, I would like to thank seniors for saving my life today."

When the voice fell, Qin Lan saluted again respectfully, then walked to the two corpses not far away, and put one of them into the storage.

Obviously intends to bring him back to Wufu for burial.

As for Song Jiang, who broke her leg earlier, the corpse was completely ignored and left directly in the wilderness.

After doing this, Qin Lan left the Lei Jiao Peak without looking back.

"Big guy, start working."

Yang Zilei did not intend to leave immediately, and ordered the rune puppets to continue hunting thunder-clad lizard dragons on this Lei Jiao Peak.

These thunder-clad lizard dragons have the blood of flood dragons, and since they have encountered them, they can't waste it.

Moreover, the two high-level thunder-clad lizard dragons that suddenly appeared just now made Yang Zilei suspect that this Lei Jiaofeng should contain some kind of precious treasure.

I wondered if I could try my luck to find it. If there is no harvest before dark, I will fly directly to the Wufu Mansion in the sky.

Of course, Yang Zilei's activity area is also very planned, try not to advance to the heights of the mountain.

Avoid provoking that unfathomable flood dragon!

After half an hour.

Yang Zilei, who was looking for prey in the middle of the mountain, suddenly stopped.

He raised his eyes and looked forward, and found a crimson light and shadow, flying in the direction of Lei Jiaofeng.

Yang Zilei immediately took out a sniper rifle, and stared at the red shadow in the distant sky with the help of the high magnification of the scope.

After seeing clearly, the red shadow in the sky is a big red bird!

The red bird's body is about six feet long, with a crimson feather like a fire, and its body is covered with scales and feathers. The long phoenix trails in the wind and is burning with flames.

"This is... Suzaku!!"

Yang Zilei's eyes in the scope widened suddenly, staring at the big red bird that was flying fast, his eyes full of incredible color.

That is the legendary holy beast, Suzaku?

Unexpectedly, such sacred beasts suddenly appeared in front of his eyes! ?

Yang Zilei was short of breath, agitated in his heart.

Although there is still a long distance between the two sides, Yang Zilei can still clearly feel that the pressure of the holy beast that exudes is heart palpitating.

"There is still someone riding on Suzaku's back!"

Immediately, Yang Zilei turned his eyes and was surprised to find that there was a figure of a human woman riding on the back of a bird.

The woman is slim and beautiful, with a perfect body. The thin part is thin, and the full part is also exceptional, which makes people very coveted.

She is wearing a set of fiery red fleece, with soft long black hair, dancing in the wind and waves, beautiful as a dream.

However, what surprised Yang Zilei was that there was a layer of tulle on this woman's face.

The reason for using the word'Ye' is that among the many women he has seen, except for Leng Yuyan, this is the woman in front of him.

"Huh? How does this woman look like Leng Yuyan?!"

Yang Zilei's eyes were startled, and she found that her undetected facial features were very similar to Leng Yuyan!

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