Although the outline of the red-clothed woman's face looked like Leng Yuyan, her temperament was not as cold as the latter.

It looks like a red rose emitting a hot glow, beautiful and coquettish.

"Leng Yuyan has a double personality, right?"

Yang Zilei was slightly surprised, and then he thought about it, or is there a twin sister?


A clear chirping sound rang in the sky, and the flying speed of Suzaku was extremely fast, and in a blink of an eye it turned into a rainbow light and came to the area of ​​Lei Jiao Peak.

It hovered in the sky halfway up the mountain, the hot air waves, and the powerful pressure of the holy beasts shrouded it. The fierce beasts around, no matter the ranks one to nine, were all trembling and crawling on the ground.

That is the bloodline suppression in the top beast world!

"Hey, there are still humans here."

As if sensing the existence of Yang Zilei, the woman in red bowed her head and looked down at Yang Zilei.

Those bright eyes, revealing a noble and proud brilliance, like a fairy who does not eat the fireworks in the world.

"It turns out to be the early stage of the Divine Sea Realm, which is a bit interesting."

The woman in red didn't use her spiritual sense, but she saw Yang Zilei's cultivation skills all at once.

She suddenly groaned and smiled, and her voice was like a lark, soft and delicate, which made people feel intoxicated.

"Even the sound is exactly the same!"

Yang Zilei stood there blankly, not only amazed at the voice of the woman in red, and the similar appearance to Leng Yuyan, but also shocked by the mysterious and powerful aura of her.

Even if this aura has converged, it is still strong enough to surpass any powerhouse Yang Zilei has encountered in the past, including the palace lord of Cangqiong Wufu!

Divine Realm...

No, I'm afraid it's not just a god!

The ability to use the sacred beast Suzaku as a mount is not simple.

Maybe it's a higher level, too virtual realm, or even surpassing the existence of too virtual realm!

"She doesn't know herself, it seems that she is not Leng Yuyan."

Yang Zilei had already determined the identity of the other party. She was staring at him at this time, and he could not help but secretly guarded.

After looking at Yang Zilei for a while, it seemed that he was not enough to have any threat. The woman in red turned her eyes to the top of the mountain, and the naked jade feet touched Suzaku's body lightly.


Suzaku suddenly uttered a long cry, suddenly turned into a flame, and rose into the sky!

The scorching wind and waves hit his face, Yang Zilei's eyes narrowed slightly, looking for the figure of the woman in red, and looking up to the top of the mountain.

"What did she do to the top of the mountain? Isn't she looking for treasure?"

Yang Zilei secretly guessed, looking at the top of the mountain full of black thunder, he was quite curious.

Immediately, his mind moved, and the fighter martial arts spirit condensed from under his feet, and the whole person soared towards the peak.

If this woman in red came to hunt for treasure, it seemed that she would probably have nothing to gain.

Moreover, he was also very curious about whether this Lei Jiaofeng really had a dragon.

If it does, then it's not a loss to be able to watch a good show.


However, as soon as Yang Zilei arrived at the top of the mountain, he suddenly heard a high-pitched and low-pitched dragon roar, shaking the entire mountain!

Immediately afterwards, Yang Zilei saw in astonishment that a huge beast shadow suddenly sprang out from the top of the mountain.

That beast shadow is a huge dragon!

The dark purple dragon scales, sharp minions, and long dragon whiskers that flutter freely are almost the same as the dragon in the image.

However, this dragon has no horns on its head. It is obviously not a dragon of purebred blood, but a flood dragon.

But even so, it can be called the top sacred beast in the beast world of Tianyan Continent.

This dragon is obviously a rare thunder dragon. The "Lei Jiao Peak" here is named after it.

It tossed and danced, and it was flashing with thick thunder and lightning, full of fierce and violent momentum.

Yang Zilei's pupils shrank, a little excited.

This dragon's body must have a lot of dragon's essence and blood.

If it can be swallowed and absorbed, my dragonized form may be able to rush to the ninth level directly!

Of course, Yang Zilei just thought about this idea.

The horrible energy aura of the dragon and its amazing defenses, even with the power of artillery and tanks, may not be able to cause much damage to it.

"Look at the situation first."

Yang Zilei's thoughts turned sharply, and he instantly put on an ant-man uniform, shrunk to the size of an ant, and hid in a gap between a piece of psychic ore, quietly watching.

On the top of the mountain, the woman in red stood proudly on Suzaku's back, and seemed to be in a confrontational situation with the dragon that appeared.

"Is this going to fight?"

Yang Zilei suddenly looked forward to it.

"When you come this time, you only need to take some of your natural blood. If we are willing, we can avoid a battle."

The voice of the woman in red was light, but there was an unquestionable command in the words.

This kind of natural domineering gives people an invisible pressure.


Lei Jiao clearly understood human language, roared in anger, and thunderous all over his body.

In an instant, the lingering arc of thunder burst out suddenly, whizzing out like an electric snake.


The strong wind, mixed with countless thunder and lightning, rushed toward her face, but the woman in red was unmoved. She seemed to have an invisible aura field on her body, which directly distorted the power of thunder.

"This woman is really strong!"

Yang Zilei, who was watching in secret, stared slightly. Although he was far away, he could still feel the thunder released by the dragon, full of extremely terrifying and fierce energy.

It's not the point where the Thunder Armor Lizard Dragon can reach.

Even if he was himself, the body guard aura would have to be crashed by the impact of thunder on the spot.

However, the woman in red was extremely casual, the lightning seemed to have been swallowed in an instant, and she could not touch a single trace of her body at all.

When Yang Zilei was shocked, the battle over the top of the mountain had already begun.

I saw an extra long sword in the hands of the woman in red.

This long sword is red all over, as if stained with blood, and there is a dark golden totem on the sword.

It was a flying phoenix with wings spread, and the scorching flame energy fluctuated like the sun, bursting with bright light.

Under the shrouded light, the air in this area suddenly boiled, and the temperature soared.


The long sword in the red-clothed woman's hand trembled slightly, and a burst of red flame suddenly emerged from the blade.

At the beginning, the flame was not too big.

However, the next moment the long sword was raised in the hands of the woman in red.

Blazing flames, soaring into the sky!

The violent air wave swept away, and the layer of tulle on her face also drifted down.

At the moment when his beautiful face was revealed, the world was overshadowed.

Yang Zilei looked up subconsciously.

Just that moment, it freezes like a sparkle.

Yang Zilei was stunned.

The skin is like fat, clear and beautiful.

In his life, he had never seen such a beautiful woman.

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