"Do you need help?"

Yang Zilei tried to divert the attention of the woman in red, and asked again in a gentlemanly tone.

As for the corpse of the dragon, Yang Zilei still maintained a prudent behavior. After all, strictly speaking, the corpse of the dragon is regarded as the spoils of the woman in red.

And the strength of this woman is unfathomable. Even if she is injured now, the lean camel is bigger than the horse. Maybe she has some powerful cards hidden in her body, so she should explore the bottom before making the next move.

"thank you."

The woman in red said softly, shook her head and said, "But you can't cure my injury."

In her opinion, Yang Zilei is nothing more than trying to come up with some healing pills.

However, women in red have more storage rings and better quality medicine.

But even so, she didn't think there was any possibility to heal her internal injuries.

Because this was the last blow of Jiaolong who paid the price of his life, unexpectedly spit out its Thunder Spirit and invaded her body, violently destroying the meridians in her body!

If it is an ordinary Thunder Spirit, the woman in red can still use spiritual power to erase it, but this Thunder Spirit is the body of the demon spirit that the dragon has cultivated for hundreds of years, and the power of the lightning is extremely fierce and violent.

Even if you use your whole body spiritual power, you can't help it.

Therefore, at this time, he could only use the Martial Spirit Xuanyang Fire Lotus to repress, and there was almost no other way.

The only way to wipe out the Thunder Dragon Demon Spirit in his body is to go back to the sect.

However, the sect was a million miles away from here, and now the Suzaku was injured, and he was unable to fly in order to suppress the Thunder Dragon demon spirit, and it would not last long to walk.

Thinking of this, a trace of bitterness flashed in the red-clothed woman's beautiful eyes. With her current injury, even if she walked to death, she could not reach the sect.

"Let me take a look, maybe my elixir is useful."

As Yang Zilei spoke, he took a few steps forward.

"I said, you have no ability to heal my injury!"

The red-clothed woman frowns her eyebrows slightly. As a sect saint who has been in the high position for a long time, she is very displeased with other people's doubts, especially after saying it twice.

Yang Zilei's move made her feel that she was taking this opportunity and wanted to make some unreasonable thoughts.

Seeing the alert and displeased expression of the woman in red, Yang Zilei was also a little upset. If it wasn't for a purpose, he would like to turn around and leave.

"I have the confidence to heal you and this Suzaku's injury, but you must first promise me one condition."

Yang Zilei said patiently.


Hearing Yang Zilei's words, the red-clothed woman's eyes darkened slightly, and this guy really had a serious thought.

If his condition is to use strong action to detect physical injuries with spiritual sense, then even if he uses the last hole cards, he can kill the prodigal son!

Spirit detection can penetrate many items.

If she removes the body's protective barrier and allows Yang Zilei's spiritual sense to scan, then the clothes on her body will undoubtedly be equivalent to not being worn, and her body will be completely exposed to Yang Zilei's spiritual sense, and she will be all seen.

Thinking of this, the woman in red frowned, "What conditions?"

"My condition is very simple, the body of the dragon belongs to me."

As Yang Zilei spoke, he had already taken out a pack of functional solid drinks and walked to the Suzaku next to him.

Suzaku opened her eyes suddenly when she noticed someone coming, trying to get up vigilantly.

It hurriedly supported its body with its wings, but due to the broken right wing, under this support, it immediately lost its balance and almost fell to the ground.

"Little tit!"

A trace of worry flashed in the eyes of the woman in red, and she quickly stretched out her jade hand and pressed it on Suzaku's back, and the pure aura was continuously input into Suzaku.

Under the infusion of this kind of spiritual energy, Suzaku recovered a bit of energy, and the blood on the wound also stopped immediately.

However, at this time, the red-clothed woman mobilized a lot of spiritual energy, causing the thunder dragon demon spirit in her body to become a masterpiece, and her body suddenly flashed more electric lights, like electric snakes lingering around her body, constantly eroding.

The woman in red groaned softly, her face becoming paler.

"This injury... it seems that it is indeed not a simple elixir that can be cured."

Yang Zilei stood by and saw clearly that the flashing electric arc came out of the woman in red.

Obviously, these injuries were not the electric arc left by the dragon spraying thunder on his body.

Could it be that the Flood Dragon Demon Spirit invaded her body? !

Thinking of this, Yang Zilei seemed to guess something in his heart.

And this guess is exactly the dilemma that the woman in red is now in!

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