"It turns out that your condition is the corpse of the dragon."

After a while, the red-clothed woman tried her best to suppress the violent Lei Jiao demon spirit in her body, her beautiful eyes lifted lightly, and she looked at Yang Zilei in surprise.

"If you can heal my Vermillion Bird, the dragon body can be given to you, but I will take half of the animal's blood."

The woman in red secretly breathed a sigh of relief, it seems that she was a little worried just now.

She never expected that she was only asking the Flood Dragon to extract some blood, so that the Suzaku could evolve after being absorbed and transformed into adulthood, and she planned to use a lot of elixir to make up for it.

But this Lei Jiao was so fierce, until he died, he wanted to die with him at all costs.

Indeed, as the master said, the dragon has the same arrogant nature as the dragon clan. It is unruly and rebellious, and it will definitely work hard to take its blood.


Hearing the request of the woman in red, Yang Zilei nodded and smiled without delay.

A pack of functional drinks, half of the animal's blood, and a corpse of a dragon, there is no loss.

Immediately afterwards, the woman in red stood up, leaned over and whispered a few words in Suzaku's ear.

Suzaku's ferocious eyes that had been wary, only then eased a little.

Yang Zilei had already mixed the functional drink into a glass of liquid and brought it to the side of Suzaku. "Drink this and you will soon be cured."

Suzaku's scarlet golden beast eyes still contained vigilance and distrust.

But with the permission of the woman in red, it could only obey its owner, babble the drink with its mouth, and drank it in with its head up.

The sweet and sour drink runs down the throat.

At the beginning, Suzaku didn't feel much, but after a few breaths, its eyes lit up, and the originally bleak Lingyu suddenly took on a new look.

Cut off the wound on the right wing, the flesh and blood squirmed quickly, and a feather wing was actually re-grown, and the wounds all over his body healed at this moment.


Seeing such a miraculous scene, the woman in red was so emotional, she couldn't help being stunned at this moment.

Staring at the Suzaku who was about to fly, she couldn't calm down for a long time.

Obviously, I did not expect that there is such a magical elixir in this world, and in just a few breaths, it can actually restore the severely injured Suzaku!


Suzaku flapped its wings, the flames on its body were burning, and it made a clear and beautiful cry.

At this moment, in the eyes of Yang Zilei, there was no previous alert, and a deep sense of gratitude was replaced.

"What is your elixir?"

The red-clothed woman slowed down, looked at Yang Zilei in surprise, and asked with a shocked face.

"My secret spiritual water."

Yang Zilei smiled faintly and went over it casually.

Upon hearing this, the woman in red took a deep breath and stared at Yang Zilei in surprise.

Such a magical spirit water, even the top alchemist of the sect, does not have such a powerful secret effect.

"Now, you believe me what I said."

The corner of Yang Zilei's mouth raised, "According to the agreement just now, the dragon corpse belongs to me, and you can only extract half of the animal's blood."

The red-robed woman took a deep look at Yang Zilei, nodded and said softly: "Don't worry, Huo Feng'er does what I say."

"Well, your last name is Huo? Isn't the last name Leng?"

Yang Zilei was quite surprised when he heard the name of the woman in red.


The red-dressed woman's eyes moved slightly, as if she had guessed something, "Do you know my sister, Leng Yuyan?"

Sure enough!

Hearing this, Yang Zilei was happy, Leng Yuyan and this woman are indeed sisters!

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