"Not only do I know Miss Leng very well, she is also my daughter's master."

After confirming that they were sisters, Yang Zilei smiled lightly.

Since she is the sister of an acquaintance, I can also earn some affection for helping me today.

After all, daughter Yang Chenchen is Leng Yuyan's apprentice, and she will definitely go to Wuzong in the sky with her. Now she has a good relationship with this Huo Feng'er, maybe she can take more care of her.

"My sister's apprentice, turns out to be your daughter?"

A trace of surprise flashed in Huo Feng'er's beautiful eyes.

This is really predestined.

"Yes, my daughter's name is Yang Chenchen, do you know her too?"

Yang Zilei smiled and nodded, looking at Huo Feng'er suspiciously.

"Well, I met her half a year ago. She is a well-behaved and smart girl."

When talking about Yang Chenchen, Huo Feng'er's eyes also showed undisguised affection.

"Thank you."

Yang Zilei immediately turned, "If I guessed correctly, you were invaded by Lei Jiao's demon spirit, right?"

Hearing this, Huo Feng'er looked at Yang Zilei in surprise.

Although she already knew that Yang Zilei was an extraordinary person from the Lingshui just now, she did not expect him to have such eyesight, and she had already guessed the condition of her injury without using the spiritual sense to probe herself.

"How did you tell?"

A hint of surprise flashed across Huo Feng'er's face.

"Don't care how I look at it, you now let me check my physical condition."

Yang Zilei has been the city lord for a long time, and now he habitually uses a command tone.

And he didn't talk casually about this, the dragon soul in his body might be able to suppress the thunder dragon demon spirit.

Hearing Yang Zilei's tough tone, Huo Feng'er Liu's eyebrows erected, and an invisible and powerful aura suddenly spread from her.

Because of her inherent status, she has grown up to her current cultivation and status with nobility and pride since she was a child.

And at this moment, facing Yang Zilei's slightly commanding tone, it was undoubtedly touching her nobleness integrated into her bones.

This is not how arrogant Huo Feng'er is, it is a normal reaction of a female emperor in a high position, but suddenly there is a lower-level person who wants to follow instructions.

Besides, this instruction is to scan her body, which obviously touched the bottom line.

"Sorry, I'm just worried about your injury. After all, you are Master Chenchen's sister."

At this time, Yang Zilei also realized the tone of his speech and smiled awkwardly.

Hearing this, the coldness on Huo Feng'er's face eased a little.

"Although I have cured your Suzaku now and can leave at any time, with your current situation, can you guarantee that there will be any accidents in the middle of the road?"

Yang Zilei said patiently.

In this way, Yang Zilei is selfish as it seems to be an abuse of good people.

If you can take this opportunity to get the dragon and demon spirit out for the little ape to eat, it will undoubtedly be a great tonic!

In this way, Huo Feng'er was finally shaken under the softness of Yang Zilei.

"Well, I will let your spiritual sense scan it once, but you must be more disciplined, otherwise you won't blame me for being polite!"

Huo Feng'er frowned and her face was serious.

When this was said, she was also quite surprised.

Obviously she did not expect that she would allow Yang Zilei to detect her body with spiritual sense!

"Don't worry, I see a lot of women."

Yang Zilei grinned, his computer CD in the previous life, but there are dozens of gigabytes of island action movies, and he has seen all kinds of body shapes.

While talking, Yang Zilei had already walked to Huo Feng'er. At such a close distance, he could even smell the faint fragrance of Huo Feng'er's body, which was intoxicating.

Although the scent is good, Yang Zilei didn't dare to make any expressions to avoid irritating this strong woman.

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