"There is no fighting power, too boring."

Xiaolongyuan stepped on the fighter's martial arts spirit, his figure swooped down, the expression on his face seemed rather uncomfortable.

Soon it took the storage from the corpse, and then flew up again and sat back in the passenger seat.

"Boss, you will leave me a stronger enemy in the future."

Xiaolongyuan handed the storage ring to Yang Zilei, his tone was serious.


Yang Zilei casually perfunctory, looking at the storage ring in his hand, his spiritual sense swept in quickly.

Immediately there was a touch of surprise on his face.

Because Yang Zilei discovered that the black puppet sect elder's storage ring contained the profound spirit iron alone, which actually weighed about 100,000 catties!

If it is converted into a strengthening point, it is equivalent to a huge value of 10 million.

For Yang Zilei at this moment, this windfall was like a pie falling from the sky.

Two days ago, in order to resist the invasion of the Sunset Sect, Yang Zilei had squandered the strengthening points of the system. The two missiles just now were sold at the system mall for one million strengthening points.

If there is no more gain, I am afraid it will be a little tricky to enter the ancient mystery. After all, the Thunder fighter is his most powerful life-saving card. If the ammunition is insufficient, it is equivalent to a pile of scrap iron.

Fortunately, the Black Puppet Sect that emerged from this half of the road gave him charcoal in the snow, sending him this expensive resource!

Ten million strengthening points are enough to make him spend some time in the ancient secret realm.

Immediately, Yang Zilei stopped being lazy and controlled the steering wheel personally, flying at full speed.

The Tongtian Pagoda is located in the deserted ancient plain in the northern region.

Two hours later, when Yang Zilei arrived at the edge of the deserted plain, he noticed from the radar of the operation platform that there were dense figures like ants on the vast plain below.

These people are all talented leaders from various sects, tens of thousands.

It was only then that he clearly understood that the ancient secret realm had such a powerful temptation power to allow so many sectarian forces to come and join in the fun at all costs.

And in the sky not far away, from time to time, there were a number of human figures flying by, flying towards the depths of the desolate plain in an endless stream.

These people are riding a variety of flying mounts, or Lingbao Wuhun, turning into many rays of light across the sky.

The rainbow lights were intertwined, and the sky in that area was divided into extremely gorgeous squares.

"It's really lively."

Yang Zilei couldn't help being a little bit stunned, staring at the terrifying popularity, a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes.

In order not to attract too much attention, Yang Zilei put away the Thunder fighter and replaced it with a fighter Wuhun.

Immediately he looked far away, looking into the depths of the great wilderness.

There, faintly, a giant tower shadow can be seen standing in the clouds.

Even though they were far apart at this time, Yang Zilei still felt an extremely obscure wave of terror.

Under that kind of energy fluctuation, even a strong person in the Spiritual God Realm seemed extremely small and humble.

Obviously, that should be the area where Tongtian Tower exists.

"It is worthy of being a mysterious force that has been passed down from ancient times to the present. Even after thousands of years, it is still difficult to hide its domineering and majestic!"

Feeling the terrible fluctuations emanating from the giant tower shadow, Yang Zilei's eyes narrowed slightly, his expression also slightly solemn.

Moreover, Yang Zilei was surprised to find that this energy fluctuation seemed to have the effect of a closed space.

As it goes deeper into the depths of the desolate ancient plain, the fighter's spirit power runs, and it seems to be imprisoned, and it begins to sink, trying to crush it to the ground.

Although this force field full of oppression is not very obvious to the body, it is irresistible that Yang Zilei urges all the spiritual power.

Not only him, but also the martial artists of other sects in the surrounding sky, the same situation is also true.

Obviously, this area is restricted from flying.

"It seems that the fluctuation has a suppressing effect on the aura, but my Thunder fighter consumes fuel, so the flight should not be affected."

Yang Zilei secretly guessed in his heart, but did not have the idea of ​​taking out the Thunder fighter again.

Otherwise, everyone is restricted to flying, but he can still travel the sky, which is too showy and breaks the rules of the Tongtian Tower.

When the time comes, it will be nothing more than trouble.

Instead of this, it's better to act low-key, wait until you enter the ancient mystery, and then act wildly.

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