"Boss, walking is too much trouble, get your fighter out to play."

Seeing that it fell to the ground, the little dragon ape yawned lazily.

It has been sitting in a fighter jet for the past two days. It has obviously liked this fast and comfortable flying tool. At this moment, it is quite unaccustomed to let it walk.

"You lazy bone, you need to exercise more to keep fit."

Yang Zilei shook his head and said with a smile.

Even so, Yang Zilei was actually unwilling to walk.

However, the rare item of Thunder fighter had previously caused the greed of those guys in the Black Puppet Sect and caused a battle between the two sides to make Yang Zilei understand that the treasure cannot be exposed at will.

What's more, the sectarian forces here are extremely complex and diverse. If the Thunder fighter flies directly in with fanfare, it will inevitably attract the attention of many sectarian forces.

With him coming single-handedly, coupled with the small sects of the first grade, it will only be troublesome.

Moreover, as a means of life-saving, the Thunder fighter is currently used as little as possible when there is no danger. Even if it is not defeated, he can retreat safely.

"Let's go, Tongtian Tower is not too far from here."

Yang Zilei patted the shoulder of the little dragon ape, and immediately moved his body, suddenly displayed the Dragon Shadow Step, and quickly swept toward the depths of the deserted ancient plain.

However, as soon as he ran hundreds of meters away, Yang Zilei suddenly heard the voice of the little dragon ape from behind.

"Boss, ride up!"

Yang Zilei was startled, and when he looked back, his pupils suddenly shrank.

Because he was surprised to find that the little dragon ape was riding a giant golden rod at this moment, and it extended towards here at a rapid speed.

Wherever he went, there were long trails on the ground along the way, like a wriggling dragon.

There is no doubt that this giant golden rod is exactly the Ruyi mysterious golden rod.

Due to its ability to expand and contract freely, the little dragon ape controls the extension of the front end. When it reaches the limit, it shrinks from the tail end and then extends from the front end. This cycle causes a continuous forward effect.

"This little guy is really clever enough."

Yang Zilei's eyes flashed, and he couldn't help but exclaim.

Immediately, his figure jumped, and he sat directly in front of the little dragon ape, riding a wishful black gold rod, and rushed fast.

That kind of feeling is like riding a roller car in a previous life.

And the most important thing is that this cold weapon Lingbao, at least not like the Thunder fighter, caused an excessive sensation because of the imprisoned flight.

"Huh? Isn't that the treasure of the Sunset Sect, the Ruyi Xuanjin Rod?"

"It is said that the treasures of the Zhenzong of the Sunset Sect are extremely heavy and have rune restrictions. Only by practicing the secret method of this door can the Ruyi mysterious golden rod be worthy."

"It's also an important threshold for becoming a suzerain. From this point of view, this guy should be the new suzerain of the Sunset Sect."

"Tsk tsk, if the treasure of the town sect is used to ruin it like this, this new sect master must not be so good."

Such behavior by Yang Zilei and Xiaolongyuan undoubtedly attracted the attention of many people.

Countless surprised gazes were projected, and during the discussion, the senior sectarians of the older generation shook their heads secretly.

There is undisguised mockery in their words.

Obviously, Yang Zilei's behavior was ridiculous and funny, and he couldn't make it into the elegant hall.

However, Yang Zilei would not care about the thoughts of those people, standing at the front end of the Ruyi Profound Golden Rod, standing with his hands holding hands, with a look of high spirits.

Compared with those sectarians who run on both legs, he has a wishful mysterious golden rod to act.

Relax, isn't it fragrant?

Of course, in either case, there are two sides to the view.

Some people ridicule, naturally others envy.

Some young sectarian disciples looked enviously when they saw Yang Zilei's foot on the mysterious golden rod, moving forward quickly with the effect of stretching and contracting freely.

Even some of the more curious guys are thinking about returning to the sect in the future, and let the refiner play with this type of spiritual tool.

In this way, under the continuous expansion and contraction of the Ruyi Profound Golden Rod, Yang Zilei moved forward quickly, leaving a long trail on the land of the deserted ancient plain.

However, as it penetrates into the barren plain area, the flow of people nearby is also much denser.

There must be a lot of arrogant sectarian forces in the crowded crowd, and they have no intention of giving way.

The people who can come here are generally sects with some strength, and among so many people, there are many people with bad tempers.

Although Yang Zilei had the Wishful Profound Golden Rod as a substitute at this time, which made a lot of limelight, he couldn't resist the anger of those people and found an excuse to make trouble.

Therefore, Yang Zilei had to fall down, let the little dragon ape put away the wishful mysterious golden rod, and then mixed into the vast sea of ​​people.

Soon he took the little dragon ape and quickly shuttled in the crowd, rushing directly to the depths of the deserted ancient plain.

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