After Yang Zilei arrived here, his gaze also swept forward, and he looked at the Tongtian Tower from a close range.

The gate of the tower is arched, and on both sides of the gate is a huge stone sculpture several feet high, inscribed with various ancient and mysterious totems of beasts.

Inside the door was white, like a barrier, unable to see what was inside.

After scanning a little, Yang Zilei's gaze suddenly solidified on the left side of Tongtian Tower, and a sincere shock suddenly appeared on the young face.

There stood a huge ancient stone monument of nearly one hundred feet, vaguely, there was a reckless and majestic ancient atmosphere, from the stone monument, it seemed to make people feel that it has gone through a long time.

"That is the barren ancient stone stele, the entrance to the ancient secret realm?"

Listening to the surrounding discussion, Yang Zilei's eyes narrowed slightly, but he saw that on the huge monument, it was covered with huge and mysterious runes. Although he could not understand the runes, it should be a giant formation from its structure.

Yang Zilei guessed in his mind that this should be the source of the enchantment seal on the Tianyan Continent.

After thousands of years of ancient times, the runes on the stele were looming, but there was a wave of terror that seemed to tear the world apart, spreading from the bottom of it.

That energy fluctuation made every martial arts expert present clearly feel his own insignificance.

"If this stele is destroyed, does it mean that the seal of Tianyan Continent disappears, and it is completely connected to the prehistoric world?"

Looking at the huge ancient stone tablet, Yang Zilei was speechless, his pupils were full of shock.

At the same time, Yang Zilei was also a little curious in his heart. He didn't know whether the sectarian forces in the Northern Territory knew the secrets of Tianyan Continent?


While Yang Zilei was meditating, the crowd not far away suddenly commotion, but saw the space at that location rippling.

Immediately afterwards, a crack was torn open in the void, and a large number of figures rushed out of the crack in the space.

Yang Zilei turned his head abruptly and saw that from these people, he clearly sensed an extremely cold spiritual power fluctuation.

"Spirit Devouring Sect!"

Seeing this person's arrival, everyone's complexion changed slightly, and there was obviously a trace of fear in their eyes.

People from the eight super sects finally arrived.

With the appearance of the Spirit Devouring Sect and others, the flow of people in that nearby area quickly vacated a large circle.

They know very well that as the top sectarian power in the Northern Territory, no one dares to have any conflict with them before entering the ancient mystery.

In this way, the hundreds of genius leaders of the Spirit Devouring Sect, under the leadership of a thin old man, flew directly to the front of the flow of people, occupying a good position.

They obviously enjoyed the jealous gazes around them and the fearful faces.

Only the blood-robed young man standing beside the skinny old man, with a blank face, quietly stared at the deserted ancient stone monument not far away, his eyes filled with scorching light.

"What a violent spiritual power!"

Yang Zilei's eyes narrowed slightly, staring at the blood-robed youth of the Spirit Devouring Sect, he could obviously feel that this guy's aura fluctuated extremely violently.

And the cold and bloodthirsty eyes, like a beast that chooses people to eat, giving people a very dangerous smell.

In addition to the blood-robed youth, the young disciples of the Spirit Devouring Sect were all auras strong, all of them at least at the spiritual level of the spiritual realm, controlled by the requirements of entering the ancient mystery.

All of a sudden, hundreds of sect disciples who had their cultivation bases reached the spiritual **** realm were dispatched. Perhaps the eight super sects have such a solid foundation.

"Swish swish!!!"

Then, from all sides of the sky, there was a violent sound of breaking wind.

All of a sudden, countless eyes were looking for prestige, but behind the crowded black sea, there were seven huge rainbow lights rushing from high above.

"They belong to the eight super sects, and the other seven sects!"

Looking at the seven rays of light, there was a sound of shock in the presence.

Under the suppression of this barren ancient plain, it can resist flying, and only the super sect can do it.

Because under their feet are all flying objects stepping on the sacred weapon class.

For example, Fu Zong used a golden roulette wheel, with an area of ​​one hundred feet wide, more than enough to control more than two hundred adults.

As for the flying tool of the Heavenly Sword Sect, it was a huge flying sword. All the disciples of the Heavenly Sword Sect stood in a row, standing against the wind, they were extremely energetic.

Xuanyuezong’s flying sacred weapon is like a golden platform on a mountain. It looks like a mountain flying extremely fast in mid-air, with very spicy eyes.

Although the various flying tools of the various sects are diverse, they have one thing in common, that is, they can resist the oppression and oppression of the deserted ancient plains.

These methods are enough to shock the many small factions present.

"Look at it, Wuzong's flying object is actually a holy beast!"

At this moment, an exclamation sounded from the crowd.

Yang Zilei immediately turned his head and looked around, but saw a huge fire-red beast shadow flying in the sky in that direction with a scorching flame.

Wherever he went, the traces of flame remained, as if the space had been burned through.

There is no doubt that this flame sacred beast is Suzaku.

However, the size of this Suzaku is much larger than that of Huo Feng'er.

Obviously this is an adult Suzaku, the soaring fiery red beast's shadow, about a hundred meters, covering the sky and the sun.

The figures standing on the back of the beast are all the younger generation of disciples dispatched by Wuzong in the sky.

Standing at the top was a beautiful woman in a red robe.

Next to the beautiful woman, there are two very eye-catching shadows.

One red and one blue.

Yang Zilei's eyes narrowed slightly, and he immediately recognized the two beautiful women with the same looks.

They are Huo Feng'er and Leng Yuyan.

With the arrival of Wuzong in the sky, due to the existence of the twin beauties, they undoubtedly became the focus of attention.

The countless fiery eyes were full of intense excitement.

Some young talents even straightened their backs, trying to show their most handsome angles, dreaming that Leng Yuyan and Huo Feng'er would notice, and then embark on an epic love.

Then, seven rainbows swept across.

Under countless surprised eyes, they appeared directly at the forefront of the flow of people, each occupying a good position, and they were quite distinct from each other.

With the gathering of the eight super sects, the atmosphere here suddenly became a little strange.

As the eight top forces in the northern sectarian world, although they are superficial and friendly, they are secretly conflicting and competing with each other for various resources.

Therefore, the ancient mystery once every 100 years has become one of the venues where the eight super sects compete.

Although this competition is only the younger generation of their respective sects, it is not a real sect fight, but it is definitely not a small scene.

Thinking of this, countless gazes all turned towards the deserted ancient stone tablet, waiting for the rune seal to weaken.

And when countless people were looking forward to it, the runes on the stele began to loosen, and the light gradually became dim.

"The energy of the formation seal has weakened!"

Perceiving this scene, the crowded crowd at the scene suddenly became scratched.

Countless eyes stared at the deserted ancient stone stele whose runes had faded, and their eyes were hot instantly.

"It's almost starting..."

Yang Zilei's eyes flickered, and he was quite curious about the ancient mystery.

Of course, his system mission also means that it will be officially opened soon.

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