call out--!

And at the moment when the rune of the deserted ancient stone tablet became loose, the gate of the Tongtian Tower suddenly shot out a ray of light.

In that light, there was an extremely terrifying wave, which made the surrounding space become distorted.

"The powerhouses of Tongtian Tower have appeared!"

Upon seeing this, there was a large panic of shock, and countless lines of sight followed the direction of the light, and their eyes were full of awe.

Yang Zilei also raised his eyes and looked into the air, but saw that the rays of light intertwined rapidly, forming a light chair.

And in front of the light chair, a silver-haired man flashed out of thin air without warning, sitting casually, calmly looking at the large crowd of people below.

The silver-haired man looks ordinary, his appearance is only about 30 years old, but in his eyes full of vicissitudes, it looks like an old man who has gone through countless years.

And with his appearance, an indescribable terrifying coercion instantly enveloped the world, as if it were under control.

"He is the powerhouse of Tongtian Tower? So young!"

"Yeah, it looks just a few years older than us."

Looking at the condescending, god-like silver-haired man, the many young talents present all looked suspicious and surprised.

Obviously, I didn't expect that the mysterious Tongtian Pagoda had always thought that there were some old monsters inside, but it was so young.

"Don't be rude!"

However, at this time, the elders led by various denominations almost scolded them in unison.

"See senior."

Immediately, they all looked respectful, and bowed somewhat humblely to the silver-haired man in the sky and saluted.

Even the eight great super sects with strong background, the eight high-ranking sects who led the team, are now bent down with arrogant physiques, obviously in awe of the silver-haired man in front of them.

"This guy is very strong."

Yang Zilei stared at the silver-haired man sitting on the light chair above, a touch of solemnity slowly emerged in his eyes.

Although he has never fought against each other, the ability to make all the high-level sects salute respectfully is enough to see that the latter's ability must be terrifyingly strong.

Moreover, Yang Zilei felt an extremely strong pressure from the silver-haired man, and that kind of aura was definitely not comparable to them.

"Elder Mu, who is he? You are over two hundred years old, and you still call him senior?!"

At Wuzong's camp in the sky, Huo Feng'er asked curiously at the beautiful woman next to her.

Hearing this, the beautiful woman smiled and whispered: "Two hundred years ago, when I first participated in the ancient mystery, he looked like this. At that time, I asked the Supreme Elder like you, and he responded to me in the same way. ."

"You said, is it very appropriate for me to call him senior."

Hearing this, Huo Feng'er's beautiful eyes suddenly widened, and said in amazement: "What? When the elder Taishang was young, did he meet this person?!"

Leng Yuyan and others next to her were shocked at the moment.

You know, the Supreme Elder of Wuzong in the sky, now his birthday has reached more than eight hundred years old, and it can be said that he is an extremely long-lived strongman in the martial arts world.

But right now, the silver-haired man already existed when the Supreme Elder was young.

Isn't he at least 800 years old? Even longer!

Thinking of this, Leng Yuyan, Huo Feng'er and the others couldn't help taking a breath. At this time, the eyes of the silver-haired man were full of awe.

And this kind of similar question and answer is undoubtedly spreading among other sectarian groups.

Suddenly, with the exception of Yang Zilei, all sectarian geniuses no longer had the arrogance of the past, and their eyes were filled with deep fear and respect.

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