Because of the black giant worms that suddenly emerged from the underground before, Yang Zilei still had lingering fears.

Therefore, in order to avoid any further attacks by underground creatures, Yang Zilei slid to the tree, like a monkey, moving flexibly between each giant tree.

At the same time, powerful spiritual consciousness radiated out, monitoring any disturbance within a hundred meters.

As the spiritual sense was covered, Yang Zilei was also secretly surprised. The natural treasures growing here are extremely rich, and can be seen in almost every area.

Regarding this, Yang Zilei did not greedily stop and pick it. With the rations, he had the slightest interest in this not so rare spirit grass or spirit fruit.

Because he could sense all kinds of strange and strange ancient creatures in the vicinity of these treasures.

These guys are extremely cunning. They hide their self-knowing breath very well, and even use the characteristics of the environment to disguise it, making it difficult to detect. If they are not careful, they will become their belly food!

When he reached a giant tree, Yang Zilei suddenly found that in front of him, there was a finger-like slender snake lying on a leaf.

The head of the little snake was triangular in shape, and the whole body was green, almost the same as the color of the leaves. If Yang Zilei had not been in a state of vigilance, it would be hard to notice.

"Why didn't the spiritual sense detect its existence just now?!"

Yang Zilei was startled, and stopped immediately.

The little snake's dark golden eyes stared at Yang Zilei with a gloomy look, and then crawled over along the branches.

Yang Zilei wouldn't have the slightest worries about that small size if it were in the mountains and forests outside.

However, it is different here. Existing in the ancient mystery tens of thousands of years ago, the creatures in it are terrifying monsters with ancient blood inheritance.

If it is taken lightly, the end will be extremely miserable.

A May Fourth pistol flashed out of Yang Zilei's hand, and he shot the little snake directly.


The pistol that synthesized the fire-type beast core, the bullet burst out with flames, and shot at the little snake.

However, there was a sound of ‘clang’ on its scales, and it was blown away by a violent shock, unable to leave a trace on it.

Yang Zilei stared slightly at this scene in surprise.

You know, although the bullet of the pistol is small, it is as big as the head of that little snake.

Under this ratio, bullets can't even kill them at all, let alone bullets that contain flame energy!

"This little snake is really weird."

Yang Zilei's eyes sank, and when he was about to make the next move, the little snake sprang up suddenly.

Its speed is astonishingly fast, like a flash of lightning, it shoots directly at Yang Zilei, biting his neck with one bite.

Yang Zilei, who had been prepared for a long time, had an aura of protection on his body instantly!

At the same time, suddenly transformed into the fourth form of the dragon blood warrior, the cyan scales quickly covered the skin of the whole body.

laugh! !

However, even the body guard aura was directly pierced by the sharp triangle snake head, biting Yang Zilei's neck.

This shows that the attack of this little snake is extremely fast and fierce!

However, Yang Zilei's scales were not ordinary beast scales, but inherited the characteristics of the dragon family and were extremely hard.

The sharp teeth of the little snake bite on it, and it can't hurt the blood vessels at all.

Yang Zilei was shocked and hurriedly reached out to catch the snake.

However, the little snake obviously had a lot of wisdom. Seeing that the attack was unsuccessful, he immediately flung its tail without hesitation and turned around to flee.

Yang Zilei's eyes were cold, how could he let it go so easily, and his figure slammed out and grabbed the little snake.

However, what is strange is that the body of the small snake, as thin as chopsticks, suddenly increased rapidly. Yang Zilei was taken aback and hurriedly let go. The body also quickly retreated and landed on the ground below.

Immediately he looked up, and his pupils suddenly shrank.

Because he saw that, in the blink of an eye, the little snake turned into a huge triangle-headed python that was ten feet long, with a fierce and cold aura.

Obviously, this is the body of the monster, the snake form is only used to pretend to hunt!

I like fantasy: the beginning Wuhun hundreds of millions of modern weapons, please collect: ( Fantasy: The opening Wuhun hundreds of millions of modern weapons has the fastest literary update.

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