"Crack! Pop!"

As the body of the triangle-headed python grew larger, the branches above were instantly crushed and fell directly to the ground.

Hearing a deep sound of ‘bang’, a deep pit was smashed into the wet ground.


In the next instant, the hideous triangle snake head suddenly emerged from the pit, his eyes locked on Yang Zilei with gloomy eyes, and a black tongue letter uttered, making a heart-palpitating hiss.

"This monster beast seems to have part of the dragon blood."

Yang Zilei suddenly found that the dragon talisman in his body was trembling a little, and he obviously sensed the blood of the triangular python in front of him.

Regarding this, Yang Zilei's eyes lit up.


However, at this time, the triangle python violently rushed out, opened a huge mouth full of sharp fangs, and rushed towards Yang Zilei.

Yang Zilei, who was in the quadruple form of Longhua, had a strength equivalent to that of the later stage of the Transformation Realm. There was no fear in his eyes, and he instantly attracted the dragon soul in his body.

Directly display the first style of the Nine Dragons Good Fortune tactics, the dragon swings its tail!


In the next instant, a blue dragon shadow suddenly appeared, and between the dragon's body swinging, that sturdy dragon's tail suddenly pulled out, suddenly turned into an afterimage torn the air, and slammed it at the triangle python!

The dragon's tail is extremely fast, and it rushes in an instant, with violent power, it is heavily drawn on the triangle python.


A low impact sounded, and the triangle python's body was suddenly pulled upside down and flew out, breaking a lot of giant trees along the way, and the body continued to emit violent explosions.

Obviously, it was the sound of being attacked by the power ripples, and the scales on his body burst one by one.


The body of the triangle python flew upside down, and finally hit a giant rock, before it stopped, but there was still a strong aftermath of force that spewed from its body, directly smashing the rock behind it.

The triangle python that was so badly injured, its scales burst all over, blood was flowing, and it was dying on the ground.

Hiss! ! !

The python monsters that lurked in the surrounding bushes and turned into the form of small snakes, they originally planned to wait for an opportunity to move, but they found that Yang Zilei was so fierce and powerful, and they immediately flee in fright.

"Huh? Something seems to be happening there."

"Go, go and see."

At this time, two young people walked out of the dense grass nearby.

They wore the same sect costumes, and they were all disciples of the third grade sect of the "Blue Rain Sect", and their strength was in the early stage of the Transcendent God Realm.

Yang Zilei's eyes narrowed slightly, looking at the two people opposite, his eyes filled with alertness.

He was not sure if there were other companions nearby, so he could only wait and see the changes temporarily.

"This is a Tier 2 monster!"

When they saw the scarred triangle python, the eyes of the two Qingyuzong disciples lit up.

Over the past ten thousand years, various sects have entered the ancient mystery to explore and experience, so they have also integrated the "Monsters and Beasts" in this space and divided them into levels.

At the moment, this triangular python is exactly the level of a second-order monster beast, equivalent to the **** transformation of a human martial artist.

The higher the level of the monster beast, the stronger the monster spirit contained in it, whether it is used for refining or absorbing nourishing spirits, it has great effects.

If it were in the martial arts world of Tianyan Continent, the demon spirit of this second-order demon beast was worth at least one million spirit spars, and it was favored by many master refiners.

"The triangle python just died, the demon spirit should still exist in the body."

The two Qingyuzong disciples looked greedily at the python corpse, and then turned their eyes to Yang Zilei not far away.

At this time, Yang Zilei had reverted to a human form, and the clothes that had been torn apart by muscles just now looked a little embarrassed in the eyes of the two.

"Good guy, with the power of the Divine Sea Realm, he can even hunt the triangle python alone."

Looking at it this time, they also saw Yang Zilei's cultivation aura, and both of them couldn't help but be a little surprised.

"It turns out to be from the Sunset Sect."

"I remember this guy, when he entered the deserted ancient plain before, he used the Ruyi Profound Golden Rod to move forward."

Seeing Yang Zilei's sect dress, the eyes of the two Qingyuzong disciples flashed a little.

Could it be possible that with that Wishful Golden Rod, was it possible to kill the Triangle Python?

Both of them had the same idea.

Immediately, the two Qingyuzong disciples turned their heads and looked at each other, and both saw a hint of scorching greed in each other's eyes.

Obviously, whether it was the Ruyi Profound Golden Rod or the demon spirit of the triangle python, they aroused great interest.

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