"The danger in this jungle is really unusual. Let's take a look outside."

Considering that the night was approaching, Yang Zilei changed his mind, and he didn't want to stay in this harsh environment where monsters would attack him again.

Moreover, it is also time to determine whether the little ape exists in this area.

If not, there is no need to waste time here.

After making up his mind, Yang Zilei moved his mind, took out the Thunder fighter, and jumped directly into the driving position of the nose.

Then the joystick was pulled, and the Thunder fighter floated into the air with a strong roar.

"Boom, boom, boom!!!"

The thick branches blocked above were all emptied under the frantic burst of the barrel.

Suddenly, the Thunder fighter rushed up without hindrance, and then quickly rotated over this vast jungle, and shot out from time to time as a signal to the little dragon ape.

However, this signal, instead of waiting for the appearance of the little dragon ape, has attracted the attention of many human warriors and many monsters in the jungle below.

Suspicious eyes, as well as the cold and bloodthirsty beast eyes, all unanimously looked at the sky, watching the thunder fighter plane that kept spinning in the sky.

"Fuck, what's that stuff?"

"A flying monster surrounded by thunder and metal, isn't this also an ancient creature?"

"But I have read the complete collection of monsters in the ancient secret realm, and there is no record of such a flying lightning metal monster?"

Staring at the Thunder fighter above the jungle, for a while, the sectarian disciples who wandered in the jungle were all shocked.

Human beings have a sense of danger and vigilance in the subconscious about unknown things.

Therefore, when seeing the astonishing gunfire occasionally fired by the Thunder fighter, everyone was frightened and hurried to breathe, looking for some rocks or trees as shelter, lest they would be targeted by the Thunder monster.

"It seems that the little ape is not in this jungle."

Yang Zilei looked at the radar scan on the console, and found no trace of the little dragon ape, so he couldn't help but sigh in secret.

I don't know where the little guy was teleported to?

"Forget it, go and take a look elsewhere."

After Yang Zilei pondered for a while, he turned his gaze to the huge plain in the distance.

Compared to this dangerous jungle, the environment there is undoubtedly better, at least you don't need to keep a tight mind all the time, you can't even want to sleep.

"Gah! Gah! Gah!!!"

And just as Yang Zilei was about to turn around and leave, a large number of flying monsters suddenly sprang up from the mountain not far away, and their sharp and piercing calls echoed in the sky.

That hideous and terrifying appearance is like the pterodactyl of the ancient creatures in the previous life, with sharp minions and a fierce and terrifying aura!

Damn it!

Looking at the large number of black beast shadows, which were flying towards him quickly, Yang Zilei's eyes shrank suddenly, and a shocked expression appeared on his face.


With the number of terrifying pterosaurs, Yang Zilei couldn't take any other thoughts into consideration, and immediately turned on its firepower, and the Thunder fighter instantly flew towards the distant sky with a roar like a roar.

The speed of the Thunder fighter is extremely fast, but the speed of the pterosaurs is not inferior, screaming and chasing behind.

Obviously, the sky of this mountain range is the domain of this group of pterosaurs. Yang Zilei suddenly broke into their domain, undoubtedly he was wildly hunted as an intruder!

I like fantasy: the beginning Wuhun hundreds of millions of modern weapons, please collect: (ltnovel.com) Fantasy: The opening Wuhun hundreds of millions of modern weapons has the fastest literary update.

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