In mid-air, countless screams kept coming.

Thousands of pterosaurs gathered together, the huge black beast shadow, like a giant black cloud, biting into the back of the Thunder fighter, chasing after it.

"Damn, I can't get rid of it!"

From the radar scanning platform, Yang Zilei was anxious, staring at a large number of dark shadows behind it.

With such a large number of Pterosaurs, Thunder fighters alone can't resist it. If they are surrounded, they will probably be chewed up in an instant.

"Sure enough, you can't be too public."

Yang Zilei secretly sighed, never expected that there would be so many birds and monsters here.

And the speed is terrifying, not much slower than the Thunder fighter. With the help of the group's advantage, the wind and waves are weakened, but there are some signs of catching up with the fighters.

"Give them a taste."

Seeing that the distance between the two sides did not lengthen, but was getting closer, Yang Zilei pressed the button of the machine gun to try to interfere with their flight speed.

"Boom, boom, boom!!!"

For a time, loud gunshots exploded, and dense bullets burst out frantically.

Fortunately, with the system skills of positioning and tracking, under the operation of Yang Zilei, the bullet that fired toward the front suddenly changed its direction.

A series of fierce thunder bullets, overwhelmingly violently shot at the pterodactyls behind.


However, the group of Pterodactyls obviously possessed not-so-low intelligence, and when countless wings were madly instigated, a fierce storm swept out in an instant.

Hundreds of thunder bullets were turned into powder under the strong wind and waves!

And the power of this storm is undiminished, it is still raging against the thunder fighter in front of it.

"Since bullets can't help you, then try this heavyweight!"

Yang Zilei's complexion changed slightly, and immediately his gaze was fierce, and he suddenly pressed the missile launch button.


Suddenly, huge bullets whizzed out from the bottom of the fuselage, surrounded by thick purple thunder arcs, with amazing energy fluctuations, as if torn the space, and blasted towards the group of pterosaurs.

A thunder missile, even a strong spiritual god, is difficult to resist, not to mention that these are only second-tier bird monsters.

The bullet light crossed the sky, pierced the wind and waves in an instant, and directly blasted into the large group of pterosaurs.

The next second, I just listened to a deafening loud "bang".

As the shells exploded, the fires bloomed, and countless fierce thunders raged in an overwhelmingly powerful and crazy manner.

In mid-air, I saw that the originally dense herd was blown out of a huge open area in an instant.


The shrill screams sounded chaotically.

The corpses of Pterosaurs kept falling down.

Such a terrifying attack, the thousands of pterosaurs remaining, finally a touch of terror emerged in the fierce eyes.

At the moment, the group of pterosaurs stopped chasing in exclamation, flew around in a panic, and fled back to their nest.

"Too exciting!"

Yang Zilei looked excited, and he had great confidence in the missile power of fighter jets.

This is also Yang Zilei's most powerful combat power and hole cards at present!

Once the trump card is out, who will compete? !

Of course, this trump card is also limited to the level of the spirit and **** realm. If it is a martial arts powerhouse, I am afraid that it will not have that crushing power.

In this way, Yang Zilei drove the Thunder fighter and flew away from the giant mountain range unimpeded.

I have to say that the space here is extremely vast. Since leaving the mountains, Yang Zilei has been flying all the way, but he hasn't reached the end.

He came to a desert place at this time, wherever he could see was barren.

In such a place where no grass grows, Yang Zilei naturally didn't even bother to hunt for treasure.

Along the way, I saw some low-level sect disciples wandering in the desert, all of which were robbed of storage rings by him, and then he swept away all the metal and went away.

I like fantasy: the beginning Wuhun hundreds of millions of modern weapons, please collect: ( Fantasy: The opening Wuhun hundreds of millions of modern weapons has the fastest literary update.

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