"The heaven and earth aura inside is so strong!"

Yang Zilei took a deep breath, feeling the vigorous aura fluctuations all over his body, his eyes lit up suddenly.

Unexpectedly, after thousands of years, this space still gathered such a strong aura.

"It seems that in this underground, there should be some kind of giant formation that gathers spiritual energy, and it has the function of running on its own."

Yang Zilei guessed in his heart, otherwise even a machine would not be able to do it.

He knew that most of these ancient superpowers would use some special means to condense the Heaven and Earth Elemental Power, and its concentration was much greater than that of the outer world.

If you can practice here, the speed can be said to increase day by day.

"It's a pity a treasure..."

Yang Zilei sighed secretly, and immediately swept his eyes around, but he was able to see some moving figures in the passages of the many halls.

However, Yang Zilei didn't take the initiative to ask about the whereabouts of the little dragon ape. The people who came here were all groups of forces of various sects in the Northern Territory, and they certainly couldn't trust outsiders.

If you take the initiative to say hello, there will not only be no benefit at that time, but it will also cause a lot of trouble.

After several fights, Yang Zilei has deeply understood the meaning of'human heart sinister'.

"This kind of ancient relic with profound heritage should have a refining pavilion. If it can be found, there will be profound spirit iron."

After Yang Zilei glanced around, he decided the destination.

No matter what kind of power it is, the length of the inheritance, to a certain extent, also represents the depth of the foundation.

And this kind of background is generally divided into two types, industry and martial arts.

Cultivation field, weapon pavilion, alchemy room, refining pavilion, spiritual plantation garden, animal breeding farm...

These are all industries.

As for the martial arts, the important nature of the martial art inheritance of a power need not be said much.

Of course, these two are just the bottom line on the surface.

There is only one that can really determine the development and strength of the power.

That's the members.

If these people have mediocre talents and intrigue all day long, even with how powerful martial arts and secondary sources of industry, they will eventually gradually decline and become the fat of other forces.

Since he didn't know where the area of ​​the refining pavilion was, Yang Zilei could only find it by feeling.

Because the Refining Pavilion requires a very high temperature, in order to avoid flames from damaging the building, most of its building materials are made of metal.

It is not difficult to search based on this special evidence.

In this way, Yang Zilei swiftly shuttled through the passages of the various temples, and his spiritual sense also extended, covering an area of ​​a hundred meters in radius.

During this detection, Yang Zilei's heart suddenly moved for about half an hour, and his body jumped to the top of a large hall, his eyes slamming into the distance.

There are huge towers standing there, seeming to be used as training grounds, and there is an obscure and ancient atmosphere.

Looking at the scale of the huge tower, it should be a relatively advanced practice ancient.

At least, it won't be any ordinary disciple who can enjoy the industrial resources.

However, these are not important, because Yang Zilei's attention was completely fixed on the giant clock above the top of the tower, and there was a scorching light in his eyes.

There is no doubt that the materials of those giant clocks are all made of metal.

Those giant clocks are all in the color of bronze and are extremely heavy. Depending on their size, each ancient clock must weigh at least 200,000 catties.

And there is a vaguely fluctuating spirit, which is obviously not an ordinary metal, but an advanced rare metal similar to Xuan Ling Iron!

"These ancient towers for cultivation have at least a hundred, which is equivalent to a hundred giant clocks."

Each giant clock is about 200,000 jin, with a hundredfold strengthening point, isn’t that..."

Yang Zilei's mind was startled, his brain cells quickly turned, and finally got a huge value.


When this number was uttered, Yang Zilei's heart beat wildly, and a fiery color of excitement appeared in his eyes.

If all these giant clocks can be taken away, the system mission this time can be upgraded in seconds!

However, at this moment, Yang Zilei's eyes sank, he saw many figures, and he had climbed to the top of the tower.

Seeing their greedy expressions on their faces, they undoubtedly intend to use the giant clock for their own use.

Immediately, Yang Zilei didn't care about acting as low-key as possible. He directly summoned the Thunder fighter, rushed up and flew frantically towards the ancient towers in the distance.

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