
When Yang Zilei arrived in this area, he immediately attracted the attention of those sect disciples.

Suddenly, with horrified eyes, the Thunder fighters that were thrown into the sky from everywhere, could not help but breathe in air-conditioning.

"Is this big guy the guardian beast of this ancient ruin?!"

Looking at the full-body lingering arc of thunder and flashing electric lights, all the sectarian disciples present were full of shock.

I thought they had provoke some kind of powerful guardian beasts this time!

"No matter what kind of guardian beast he is, dare to stop Zhaosha infallible!"

One of the burly men shouted with a ferocious expression.

The sect robe totem on his body showed the identity of the fourth grade sect's ‘Royal Blade Sect’, and his cultivation was at the level of the Half-Step Spirit God Realm. This level of strength was quite good.

"Huh? This doesn't seem to be a monster, but a flying machine?!"

But then, when he saw Yang Zilei jump out of the driving position and jump to the top of one of the towers.

They discovered in surprise that the Thunder fighter was not a guardian beast!

As for Yang Zilei's sudden arrival, those sect disciples were all wary, their eyes gloomy.

After all, someone came, which also meant that these ancient tower clocks had one more person to get a share of the pie.

Although they were unhappy in their hearts, no one dared to take action easily or stop Yang Zilei.

After all, the appearance of Yang Zilei driving the Thunder fighter was also considered a kind of shock. Before he could figure out the details of Yang Zilei, he had to forbear it for the time being.

No one came to bother, Yang Zilei was naturally happy and quiet, and then walked to the huge clock hanging in the center of the tower.

Observing from a close distance, Yang Zilei was surprised to find that this giant clock was really not an ordinary iron clock, and the spirit energy fluctuations that pervaded it were comparable to the level of profound spirit iron.

Even after a long period of wind and rain, the surface of the clock has never had the slightest trace of rust, and a weird totem is engraved on it.

Yang Zilei guessed that this totem pattern should be the totem badge used by the relic forces here to symbolize their identity.

Regarding these, Yang Zilei was too lazy to figure out too much, pressing his palm directly on the giant clock and saying silently: "Swallow."

Suddenly, the huge ancient clock in front of Yang Zilei disappeared out of thin air as the light surged.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for devouring 200,000 catties of high-grade metal'Bronze Bronze' and gaining 20 million strengthening points."

When he heard the system prompt, Yang Zilei suddenly looked ecstatic, and it was indeed high-grade metal.

This trip is right!

Next, Yang Zilei was undoubtedly like a chicken blood, driving the Thunder fighter quickly around, madly shoving the ancient bells.

Those who finally climbed to the top of the tower suddenly found that Gu Zhong had already been climbed by Yang Zilei, and they were all furious.

Yang Zilei's behavior obviously aroused public outrage, and immediately screamed.

Especially the burly man of the "Yu Dao Sect", because of his strong physique, he climbed fast enough, but because of Yang Zilei's three times, he didn't get a single ancient bell.

"Smelly boy, I will let you grab it!"

At this time, he was groaning and baring teeth, already extremely angry, and directly drew out a long sawtooth knife, bursting with vigorous spiritual energy fluctuations.


In the next instant, a big knife in the hands of the burly man slammed a domineering giant sword light, suddenly tore the air, and violently slashed towards the thunder fighter plane that was about to fly to the opposite ancient tower.

Although Yang Zilei was in a state of excitement at the moment, he was obviously on guard.

Immediately the steering wheel quickly turned in his hands, and the Thunder fighter revolved in a beautiful arc in the void, and it was a surprise to avoid the blazing blade.


Daomang's offensive failed and blasted an ancient tower behind.

Ten thousand years ago, the structure of the ancient pagoda may not be tempting, but it has been fragile after a long period of erosion.

Therefore, at this moment, as the blade of the sword burst on it, it suddenly collapsed, raising a huge cloud of dust.

"Kang Dang~!"

The big clock fell to the ground, and there was a clear buzzing sound.

And as the giant clock fell, the shocked sect disciples nearby reacted instantly and rushed over one by one.

In the chaotic scene, I don't know who took it into the storage ring and picked up a big deal.

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