"Huh? Why is there another Sunset Sect disciple suddenly? Is he a twin?!"

At this time, some sect disciples who were still hovering nearby also noticed Yang Zilei and his clone, and couldn't help being a little surprised.

They stared at Yang Zilei and the clone in surprise, completely unable to distinguish.

But then, as Yang Zilei's clone suddenly disappeared out of thin air, the expressions of those sect disciples were startled, and their eyes protruded like a ghost.

Perceiving those surprised gazes not far away, Yang Zilei's mouth curled up, as if he was satisfied with this reaction.

At least if there is any danger in the future, this clone skill can add a life guarantee.

Immediately afterwards, Yang Zilei moved his mind and recalled the system light curtain panel.

"There are only 1.34 billion enhancement points left, and I don't know if it can be upgraded to the Spirit God Realm..."

While estimating the value in his mind, Yang Zilei tapped his finger on the ‘+’ sign behind the cultivation base column.

"Ding, the upgrade is successful. Congratulations to the host for upgrading to the late stage of the Divine Sea Realm, with a strengthening point of -32 million."

"Ding, the upgrade is successful. Congratulations to the host for upgrading to the early stage of the Transcendent God Realm, with a strengthening point of -128 million."

"Ding, the upgrade is successful. Congratulations to the host for upgrading to the middle stage of the Divine Sea Realm, with a strengthening point of -256 million."

"Ding, the upgrade is successful. Congratulations to the host for upgrading to the late stage of the Shenhai Realm, with a strengthening point of -512 million."

Suddenly, Yang Zilei's breath soared wildly.

The heaven and earth aura of the entire ancient ruins is also a kind of whirlpool-like shock, continuously converging towards Yang Zilei's body.

"Well, why the aura here has become weak."

The disciples of the sect in this space found that the original strong aura suddenly weakened, and couldn't help being surprised.

Without knowing it, Yang Zilei is now at the speed of riding a roller car, his cultivation is skyrocketing!

However, when Yang Zilei's cultivation reached the late stage of the Transcendent God Realm, it suddenly stopped.

At the same time, the system's prompt sound also sounded in my mind.

"Ding, the upgrade failed."

"It takes 1.024 billion strengthening points to upgrade to the spirits and gods. The host currently has only 412 million strengthening points left, and the upgrade cannot be completed."

Yang Zilei was startled, and immediately detected the changes in his body with spiritual consciousness, but saw that the spiritual consciousness in the sea of ​​the Dantian cave was like a vast ocean, and his spiritual power was surging like a wave.

"There is only one upgrade left."

Yang Zilei made a fist, feeling the tyrannical breath of his body, and he was very happy.

With his current strength and transformed into the form of a dragon blood warrior, even if he encounters a strong spiritual **** and does not use arms and weapons, Yang Zilei has enough power to contend with him.

"It's a pity that a dozen other ancient clocks have been picked up by others for cheap, otherwise you can complete the system task at once."

Yang Zilei swept his eyes and sighed secretly.

The sect disciples nearby who were in sight by Yang Zilei shuddered suddenly, turned around and ran away.

The burly man of the Royal Sword Sect was killed before, let them know that this guy is a ruthless character, it is better not to provoke him.

"It seems that we need to continue to scrape more metal to get 1 billion strengthening points."

Looking at the many figures that fled in all directions, Yang Zilei's expression was weak, his mind turned his mind, his figure rushed out, leaving the ruins, and once again shuttled through the vast ancient ruins.

At the same time, the spiritual consciousness radiated out, scanning for anything related to the fluctuation of metal aura.

After his cultivation level was promoted to the Divine Transformation Realm, his spiritual consciousness coverage was undoubtedly expanded a lot.

From the original 100 meters, it has increased to a thousand meters!

In the course of this search, the sky gradually darkened, and the temperature in the air was faintly reduced a lot, and it became very cold.

Yang Zilei even discovered that the popularity of the ruins was beginning to grow, and many disciples of the sect had found it here.

When they discovered this vast area of ​​ancient relics, their fanatical expressions, like a devil entering the village, swept frantically against the remnant halls.

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