With the increasing number of competitors, Yang Zilei also speeded up the search.

When turning around a lake, Yang Zilei found an area like a small forest.

Yang Zilei's eyes were slightly startled, guessing that this place should be the former spiritual garden of the ancient forces.

After thousands of years, I think it should have grown a lot of natural treasures.

"Since you are here, you can't just look for metal, otherwise it will be too boring."

Yang Zilei licked his lips, looking forward to the spiritual value of those ancient times.

Immediately, Yang Zilei's figure moved, and he rushed towards the Lingzhi Garden.

This spiritual plantation garden has grown quite messy and vigorously due to no one to take care of it, with weeds growing everywhere, and all kinds of weird plants are huge.

It looks like a small enclosed jungle.

And the aura here is quite strong, the spirit grass spirit flowers can be seen everywhere.

When he arrived at the Lingzhi Garden, Yang Zilei suddenly heard the sound of fighting coming from inside.

Yang Zilei immediately leaped onto a huge banana tree, hiding himself.

This banana tree is huge, Yang Zilei is standing on the leaves, the weight is not affected at all, and there is still a faint spiritual energy faintly emitting.

Obviously, this is a kind of spiritual plant.

However, there is no plantain fruit, it should be the first to be listed by others.

At this time, the fighting in the plantation garden became more and more intense, and there were screams.

Yang Zilei's heart shuddered, and he leaped to the top of the banana tree, and then went to look for reputation.

There is a dense grass, surrounded by thorns and vines.

At this time, there was a woman with a fiery figure who was besieged by five men.

And not far away lay a blood-stained male corpse with the same clothes as the woman, who were all disciples of the Fourth Stage Sect.

The woman is delicate and beautiful, she looks like a beauty, and her breath is not weak.

But even with the cultivation base of the later stage of the God Transformation Realm, but facing five men of the same realm at the same time, they can't break through the encirclement, and can only use martial arts to counterattack while retreating.

As for the five men, with a lewd smile on their faces, as if they were not in a hurry to kill them, they were slowly draining the girl's physical strength.


At this time, the girl's sleeve was torn off.

The white, tender and smooth jade hands made the eyes of the five men brighten, and the lustful smiles at the corners of their mouths became more intense.

"Little beauty, our Hehuan Sect pays the most attention to the double cultivation of men and women, and can be regarded as a person of pity and love."

A bald man held the sleeves he had just torn off in his hands, sniffed in front of his nose, and said with a lewd smile: "If you obediently give in and hand over the secret key of the ancient hall, you will be impressed later. dead."

"We have never played a strong woman in the God of Transformation. It must be good."

The other four Huanhezong disciples were also obscene, and their steps were extremely tacit, blocking all the beauties' retreat.


The woman was very angry when she heard the words, and she let out a soft drink, and the sword weapon spirit came out in all directions, and her fierce moves brought a piece of dust on the ground.

Under this violent attack, the spiritual power in the woman's body was almost exhausted and she was panting.


Suddenly unable to dodge, the bald man slapped her abdomen on the dantian area, and the strong spiritual power directly shook her spirit.

"Puff chuff~"

The woman vomited a mouthful of blood, limp to the ground, and suddenly passed out into a coma.

"Hey, brothers, I'll go first."

The bald man smiled obscenely, and the other four Hehuan sect disciples were all standing beside him, approved.

Immediately, the bald-headed man grabbed it with his big hand, and arrogantly tore the woman's shirt.

However, when I was about to do something, a sneer suddenly sounded: "The environment here is quite suitable for trouble."

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