"who is it?!"

The sudden sound made the bald-headed man and the others frowned, and immediately looked for reputation.

However, I saw a young man in a red robe, who had appeared behind them for some time, and looked at them with a joking expression.

There is no doubt that this person is Yang Zilei.

"Boy, I advise you not to be nosy!"

The bald man was full of **** at this time, but Yang Zilei came out and broke a good deed, his eyes flashed with anger.

"Have I said to be nosy?"

Yang Zilei lightly shrugged his shoulders and said with a playful smile: "The woman is in good shape, you continue, I can watch the next action scene."

"Dare to play us and die!"

The bald man was obviously completely irritated by Yang Zilei's words, his body surged, and a lion-headed and tiger-like martial spirit suddenly appeared, roaring and rushing toward Yang Zilei.

There was a hint of coldness between Yang Zilei's eyebrows, and the aircraft carrier Wuhun appeared above his head suddenly.

Shoo! ! !

Immediately afterwards, dozens of fighter jets on the ship board suddenly rushed into full fire!

In the blink of an eye, the beast soul that swooped in was burst into disarray in an instant.

With the collapse of Wuhun, the bald man was like a heavy blow, a mouthful of blood spurted out, and his face became extremely pale.


The bald man and the other four disciples of the Hehuan Sect stared at Yang Zilei's ship martial arts in amazement, terrified.

Obviously, it was also unexpected that Yang Zilei's martial arts was so powerful, and he instantly defeated the bald man's eighth-grade martial arts!

This terrifying strength, I am afraid that only those enchanting geniuses of the super sect can achieve.

But when they felt unbelievable, the sect robe on Yang Zilei's body was not any power of the super sect at all, but the lowest-level first-grade sect, the Sunset Sect.

However, what shocked them even more was that Yang Zilei's body suddenly turned into a beast, turning into a monster covered with scales.

The cold, dark golden eyes showed bloodthirsty and violent light.

Heroes save beauty?

Yang Zilei didn't have that kind of noble heart. He didn't want to be nosy, but when he heard the ‘Secret Key of the Ancient Hall’ they just mentioned, it aroused interest.

Maybe you can find a lot of high-grade metals in that place.


When the bald man was horrified, he also reacted quickly and shouted.

In an instant, the five of them rushed out, scattered in five directions, and the vigorous aura filled them, forming a simple formation in an instant.

The surging spiritual power immediately spread, and suddenly locked Yang Zilei's figure.

"Wuhe Killing Array!"

The bald man stared at Yang Zilei fiercely, and said gloomily: "Boy, no matter what monster you are, you are trapped by this battle, you can't escape!"

The Wuhe Killing Array is the inheritance of their Hehuan Sect. It can gather the power of five people and increase its power to a hundredfold.

Even if it is a strong spiritual god, there is a great chance that it will be killed.

Yang Zilei's eyes sank, and he slammed out with a fist.


The air exploded under his fist, with a sharp howling sound, fiercely blasting on the light curtain of the formation.


A heavy impact suddenly sounded, and the array light curtain suddenly trembled violently.

A powerful ripple of power spread, and the bald man and others standing in all directions, their bodies were also shocked, their feet staggered and almost fell into position.

"What a terrible power!"

A trace of fear flashed in the eyes of the bald man, and immediately they dared to retain any spiritual power in their bodies, continuously pouring into the formation.

Suddenly, the originally dim array light curtain became solidified again, bursting into sharp light.


Then the bald man let out a deep cry, and the space in the formation light curtain was strangely twisted.

Yang Zilei suddenly felt his body tighten, as if an invisible energy trapped him. The feeling was like when twisting a towel.

And now, he is equivalent to a towel, twisted and twisted by that strong invisible force, constantly oppressing his body!

If it is an ordinary person, I am afraid that he will explode on the spot.

Regarding this, Yang Zilei couldn't help being surprised secretly. He didn't expect that this formation could actually change the space, forming a strangulation.

However, although this formation is strong, it is not without a crack.

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