"Boy, dare to come out and ruin our good deeds, die!"

The bald man laughed wildly, his eyes staring at Yang Zilei sullenly. When he thought of the scene where Yang Zilei and others would be strangled by the energy of the formation, a **** perverted pleasure suddenly surged in his heart.

"I want to see if your formation can eat my batch of grenades."

A sneer appeared at the corner of Yang Zilei's mouth.

Immediately, his mind moved, and hundreds of grenades flashed out on the ground in front of him.

Seeing just a pile of iron bumps, the bald man was taken aback for a moment, and then sneered with contempt on his face: "I thought you had any skills. With this pile of broken iron eggs, you want to break the five-point killing formation. It's just wishful thinking!"

The other four Hehuan Sect disciples also smiled contemptuously.

"Go to **** together."

Yang Zilei's eyes were cold, his spiritual power extended and he pulled the fuse of the grenade.


Suddenly, an astonishing explosion sounded suddenly.

Hundreds of grenades exploded at the same time, as if a meteorite fell to the ground, a terrifying fire burst out instantly, directly tearing the array light curtain.

The violent power also shook the bald men and others around, screaming and flying out.

Because of despising and using formations to trap Yang Zilei, they had not opened the body protection aura before, and under the splash of countless iron pieces, they suddenly turned into five **** corpses, crashing to the ground.

Fortunately, the explosive power of hundreds of grenades did not spread out under the compression of the array light curtain, and most of the spiritual plants were not destroyed much.

As for the comatose beauty, she was still lying on the ground safe and sound.

"Fortunately, my body is immune to the weapons of the system."

Yang Zilei looked down at his undamaged body, and the corners of his mouth were curved.

Otherwise, if the hundreds of grenades were detonated at the same time, even if they were in the form of a dragon, they would probably be blown up to the point that there was no **** left.

"It's a pity that none of these spiritual plants can be put into storage or taken away."

Yang Zilei swept his eyes around, looking at the surrounding treasures, which was quite a pity.

Although the spirit fruit can be picked and taken away, but because of the vitality of the spirit plant, if it is put in the storage ring, in the storage space of that vacuum state, it will soon die.

So this is why, those who come here to hunt for treasure have not dug up these spiritual plants as well.

"Right, there is that."

Yang Zilei suddenly remembered that he still had a storage space.

That is the backpack space of the system.

However, Yang Zilei has only been used to store arms and weapons, and has not really tried to store vital plants.

"System, Lingzhi is stored in the backpack space, will it die?"

Yang Zilei asked immediately.

System: "Yes, the shelf life is only 100 days. After the time limit is exceeded, it will wither and die."

Hearing this, Yang Zilei's eyes lit up and he was immediately overjoyed.

The time limit of one hundred days is enough.

Entering the ancient mystery this time, the time limit is only one month, and then returning to the sect and transplanting them to the Lingzhi Garden is more than enough.

Immediately, Yang Zilei walked to a giant banana tree, pressed his palm on it, and directly put it into the backpack space of the system.

In the storage compartment in the space, a pattern of a banana tree emerged, and the number ‘1’ was marked in the lower right corner.

Obviously this is a symbol for quantity.

"With so many Lingzhi, you can't get tired after walking in a circle, let the clone do it."

Yang Zilei's eyes swept across this vast spiritual plantation garden, and suddenly felt lazy and cancerous, so he directly got the clone out, and then ordered him to work.

As for himself, he walked to the beauty who was still in a coma, first took off her storage ring, and then found something similar to the ‘key’ from it.

"This thing is the secret key of the ancient hall?"

Yang Zilei whispered to himself, looking at a gray key about the size of a palm in his hand, he clearly sensed a wave of spiritual energy permeating out.

After careful observation, he found that the material of the key was not metal, but made of an extremely rare spiritual stone, which was extremely strong and covered with rune totems, but it was not complete.

It seems that this key is just one of the keys to unlock the ancient hall?

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