The ancient hall, located in the periphery of the Antarctic Land.

The land of Antarctica is a rule forbidden by the Tongtian Tower, and no forces are allowed to set foot in it.

Over the years, the disciples of various sectarian forces in the Northern Territory have indeed followed this rule in an extremely tacit understanding.

Because when the ancient mystery was opened for the first time, there were some people who didn't believe in evil and believed that they were somewhat capable, so they broke into the area of ​​the South Pole.

However, a terrible scene happened. Those people were torn to pieces by some terrifying creature.

After some people who escaped by chance spread the news, this caused a great sensation in the sectarian martial arts world.

After that, the Tongtian Pagoda planted a rune seal in every sect disciple who entered the ancient mystery. Any area that set foot in the Antarctic will be sent out in advance, completely losing the opportunity to experience treasure hunting once a century.

It is precisely because of this that, in order to have a good harvest in the ancient mystery, the disciples of various sect forces will not try to break into that forbidden area as a last resort.

Along the way, in order to relieve Yang Zilei's inner killing intent and restless mood, Zhou Jingchun told a lot of rumors about the forbidden area of ​​the ancient secret realm.

This result also played a very good role.

Yang Zilei undoubtedly had a strong curiosity about the forbidden land, and he was extremely curious about that mysterious and terrifying creature.

Even after completing the mission this time and rescuing the little dragon ape, he would go to explore the forbidden area to check what happened.

As for the rune seal in his body, Yang Zilei had no worries at all, as long as he consumed some strengthening points, the system could easily erase it.

However, in order to ensure the completion of the system tasks and avoid any discrepancies, Yang Zilei kept the symbolic seals to this day.

Ten days later, Yang Zilei finally arrived at his destination during this rushing rush.

The ancient hall.

Although it is named after the temple, what occupies here is a city-like building with an extremely large area and a curtain of light.

From a distance, the light curtain is like an inverted giant bowl, covering the area, and sealing it in the long river of years without erosion.

Through the light curtain, you can vaguely see that those buildings are all towering halls, exuding an ancient and majestic flavor.

Therefore, this place is called the ‘Ancient Hall’.

However, in the central area surrounded by many halls, there stands a huge ancient pagoda, which is very similar to the Tongtian pagoda in Tianyan Continent in terms of its scale.

According to legend, this place was the place where the heritage of the Tongtian Pagoda was originated ten thousand years ago. There are countless martial arts masters, and that scale is stiflingly powerful.

Therefore, when discovering the heritage site of the Tongtian Tower, almost all sectarian forces, regardless of their rank, as long as the people who can get here, during this period of time, basically all rushed over.

Just waiting for the day when the secret of the ancient hall was opened.

As long as you can get a bit of inheritance in it, you will surely be able to stand out in the martial arts world in the future!

However, for so many years, the ancient secret keys have not been collected

After a while, the Thunder fighter landed on a mountain outside the ancient hall.

Yang Zilei put away the fighter plane, and then looked into the distance, looking at the large number of figures hovering below.

That surging popularity made him a little surprised.

"So many sectarian forces occupy nearly 60% of the people who have entered the ancient mystery. The temptation of this ancient hall's treasure is really terrifying."

Watching this scene, Zhou Jingchun's face was filled with shock.

Yang Zilei took out a sniper rifle, adjusted the scope to the highest magnification, and then began to scan every area below, trying to find the trace of the little dragon ape.

However, due to the large number of people and the vast area, Yang Zilei's search was fruitless.

Although there are some Fuzong people in it, there is no trace of the little dragon ape, obviously not the group of Fuzong members who caught the little dragon ape.

"Could it be that the people from Fu Zong haven't come yet?"

Yang Zilei frowned, feeling a little worried.

He knew very well that the secret technique Fu Zong was best at was to refine the talisman puppet. With the powerful physique of the little dragon ape, it was definitely a super combat power to refine the beast puppet.

Yang Zilei was really worried at the moment, the little dragon ape was made into a beast puppet by those Fu Zong guys, just like his rune puppet, it became an unconscious fighter machine.

Thinking of this, Yang Zilei's face grew gloomy.

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