"Don't worry, if the materials are insufficient, the people of Fu Zong will not easily refine the little apes into beast puppets."

As if seeing Yang Zilei's worries, Zhou Jingchun comforted.

Hearing this, Yang Zilei's restless mood restored a trace of calmness.

Zhou Jingchun's words are just comforting, but they are also quite reasonable.

If you are a member of Fuzong, under this environment, you will definitely not immediately refine the little dragon ape into a beast puppet, but you will bring it back to the sect to ensure that you are safe.

The ancient hall is only the core area of ​​the heritage site, and there are still many ancient dilapidated buildings around.

Looking at its scale, I think it should be the sectarian power that attached to the Tongtian Tower.

But the resources in it have long been looted by those who came here, and this has created eight super sects.

It is not difficult to imagine that if the ancient hall in the core area is completely unblocked, the huge resources in it will surely cause the sectarian power structure of the Tianyan Continent to undergo a huge transformation!

"There seems to be a lot of people gathered in the north, what are they doing?"

Yang Zilei held a Barrett sniper rifle, and saw the square not far away through the scope. A large number of people gathered together, which looked extremely lively.

"What you said should be fighting martial arts."

Zhou Jing looked for fame, but saw that there was a huge flow of people there. Although it was far apart, there were still noisy sounds from time to time.


A hint of surprise flashed in Yang Zilei's eyes. Could there be a ring competition here?

"Fighting martial arts can be regarded as a traditional show in the ancient secret realm."

Seeing Yang Zilei's puzzled expression, Zhou Jingchun explained: "In the beginning, the various sects just waited here for others who had collected the ancient secret key, but this kind of waiting was really boring."

"So then someone thought of the entertainment item of fighting martial arts, that is, the two sides of the contest took out the corresponding treasures, the winner can get the other's things, and there is also gambling on the periphery."

Hearing this, Yang Zilei's eyes moved slightly, this fighting martial arts is a bit interesting.

"But every time you fight martial arts, the real protagonist is the genius of the eight super sects. When the people of Fu Zong come to the ancient hall, they will inevitably go there to participate."

When saying this, Zhou Jingchun glanced at Yang Zilei carefully.

But seeing Yang Zilei's reaction was not as extreme as before, completely reducing his murderous aura and anger, his cold eyes did not know what he was thinking.

"Go, let's go see the excitement." Yang Zilei said lightly.

"Watch the excitement? Don't you tell me about the ancient secret key first?"

Upon hearing this, Zhou Jingchun looked puzzled.

"The ancient secret key is now my bargaining chip. I won't expose it until I'm not sure whether the little ape is safe."

Yang Zilei turned his gaze to Zhou Jingchun, with a cold glow in his eyes, and said: "If you dare to leak out in advance, don't blame me for turning my face and ruthlessly."

When he said this, Yang Zilei's face was serious, not just talking.

Zhou Jingchun's expression was awkward, and under Yang Zilei's powerful aura, she nodded involuntarily, "I see."

Yang Zilei stopped speaking too much, and then swept down the mountain and headed towards the plaza of the northern building complex.

Behind him, Zhou Jingchun also immediately followed.

She has been able to get along with Yang Zilei for a while, and she knows a little bit about the strength of the latter. I am afraid that even the geniuses of the super sect can hardly take advantage of her.

When he arrived at the open-air arena, a hustle and bustle hit his face.

In the Zongmen martial arts arena that Yang Zilei had seen before, the audience sat in the stands in a very regular manner, commenting on the battle process or shouting cheer.

However, here, perhaps without the deterrence of high-level sect leaders and the restrictions of various sects, the many sect disciples present undoubtedly released the most primitive ferocity.

The battlefield in the ordinary concept has been completely overturned!

Here, it seems to be a fighting place where there is real killing and venting.

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