"This kid is more difficult to deal with than the previous opponent!"

The burly man frowned, and the fierce attack of the battle axe in his hand had already fully displayed his limit.

However, he was still unable to subdue Yang Zilei, and his heart began to become a little impatient. Although the offensive was still fierce, it was full of flaws.

Yang Zilei's figure flashed, and under the strangling of the spear, the sharp spear light, like a tarsal maggot, rushed straight to the face of the burly man.

At the same time, a clone appeared quietly and quickly behind it.


The burly man roared, his whole body exploded, and he smashed it down with an axe.

Hearing a loud explosion, Yang Zilei's spear was cut in half.

However, he just came out of the offensive and the front door opened wide.

Yang Zilei's clone took this opportunity, and the spear suddenly sank, piercing the burly man's heart!


The spear condensed by spiritual power penetrated the heart of the burly man in an instant.

A shot pierced through, and blood shot out from behind the burly man!

Under the control of Yang Zilei's thoughts, his clone was merciless, and the tip of the spear wriggled, directly crushing the heart of the burly man into pieces of meat!


The burly man shook his body and let out a scream.

Immediately the screaming stopped, the burly man fell straight to the ground, his eyes bulging, bloodshot entangled in his eyeballs, staring at the two'Yang Zilei' in disbelief, his breath was gone.


Looking at the Wudou stage, two identical Yang Zilei suddenly appeared, and the audience was stunned.

The whole arena is silent.

"Why suddenly another Sect Master Yang appeared?!"

Zhou Jingchun's beautiful eyes widened, her expression surprised.

However, seeing Yang Zilei killed the burly man, she was extremely happy, and she was indirectly ashamed of the humiliation of the previous Qingyunzong.


Yue Lingfeng frowned, and stared at each other, Bai Mingxuan and You Quan, both of them were surprised in the eyes of each other.

Immediately, the powerful spiritual consciousness of the three of them immediately extended, and it was obvious that in that clone of Yang Zilei, he felt a strong spiritual energy fluctuation!

Obviously, that'Yang Zilei' is not an illusion, but a clone with offensive power and conscious thinking!

Thinking of this, the three Yue Lingfeng couldn't help but gasp, there is such a strange technique in the martial arts world? !

"The ending is set, Fu Lanzong loses, Sunset Zong wins!"

The referee immediately pronounced the result, and then looked at Yang Zilei with admiration.

Although I was surprised by Yang Zilei's strength, this time their three super sects' bet was a big profit!

As one of them, he can naturally get a lot of shares.

"Damn, I really don't want to use it!"

"This time the loss is big!"

For a while, a curse sounded in the arena.

No one sympathized with the burly man who was killed, but felt sorry for the lost treasure.

At this time, everyone also re-examined Yang Zilei's strength.

The gap between the low-level sects and the high-level sects is deeply ingrained in the hearts of these sect disciples, but Yang Zilei's tyrannical strength is something they have to admit.

"Come on, this is your trophy."

The referee stepped forward and handed the Heaven-Rank Spirit Sword and Ten Thousand Beast Fruits to Yang Zilei's hands.

However, the rocket launcher was still held by him, and then he looked at Yang Zilei and asked: "Next, will you continue to accept the challenge?"

Yang Zilei didn't think much of the rocket launcher, and said lightly: "Then it depends on whether the other party's prizes can arouse my interest."

While talking, Yang Zilei put the spoils in his hands into the storage ring, and felt that this kind of fighting is indeed a good way to make quick money.

"Okay, personality!"

At this moment, Yue Lingfeng stood up suddenly and said with a smile: "What do you think about this."

After speaking, a spiritual plant appeared in his hand.

Yang Zilei's eyes narrowed slightly, but he saw the form of Lingzhi, which looked like a twisted ginseng, with nine roots winding like a dragon.

Even if the two sides are not close, Yang Zilei can still clearly feel the rich spiritual energy that Lingzhi exudes, and an ancient aura.

Looking at it, it is as if seeing the flow of long years, which makes people feel stagnant!

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