"This Lingzhi is... Jiuqu Longgen!?"

Looking at the Lingzhi in Yue Lingfeng's hands, some disciples of the sect, who knew the goods, immediately recognized them after observing them.

"What? Jiuqu Longgen!"

"This is a sixth-rank heaven and earth treasure!"

Suddenly, there was a panic in the entire arena.

Although the Wan Beast Fruit that the burly man took out was also a sixth-rank spirit plant, its effect was of great benefit to the monster beast. After the human warrior swallowed it, it only increased the power of qi and blood.

So it didn't cause much sensation.

But this Jiuqu Longgen is different. It is of great use to human martial artists, especially those in the spiritual spirit realm.

For example, a warrior in the early stage of the Spiritual God Realm, swallowing and refining this thing, can make the Spiritual God more solid, and directly promote to the middle or peak realm.

This level of cultivation has undoubtedly saved a lot of energy and time on the journey of martial arts.

From the discussion in the field, Yang Zilei also has a general understanding of the origin of Jiuqu Longgen.

This thing is derived from the spiritual energy of heaven and earth. If a martial artist in the spirit and **** realm swallows and absorbs, it can consolidate the cultivation base and raise it to the limit of the realm.

Now that Yue Lingfeng's cultivation base had reached the pinnacle realm of the Spiritual God Realm.

Therefore, even if Jiuqu Longgen is of great value, to him, it is like a chicken rib.

The only value is to exchange what he needs with others.

But at this time, in this arena, Yue Lingfeng took out the Jiuqu Longgen and asked Yang Zilei.

This kind of behavior couldn't help causing everyone present to have another idea.

Could it be that he wants to challenge Yang Zilei?

At the peak of the spirits and gods, challenge a half-step spirit and gods.

Who would accept this huge gap in strength?

Yang Zilei's thoughts are the same. Although he has transformed into the fourth form of the Dragon Blood Warrior, he is sure to contend with the masters in the middle of the Spirit God Realm, but the powerhouse at the peak level does not have much chance of winning.

"Your Lingzhi is of great value, enough to be worthy of my prize, and its value even exceeds a lot."

Yang Zilei's tone was indifferent, but he said truthfully.

Yue Lingfeng raised his eyebrows and said with a faint smile: "If this is the case, can you agree to the challenge?"

Hearing this, Yang Zilei's eyes darkened slightly.

This guy, is he going to make sure he is?

As soon as this remark came out, the audience in the audience was also secretly speechless.

This Yue Lingfeng really wanted to bully the weak and win the opponent's powerful killer!

Next to you, You Quan and Bai Mingxuan were also slightly surprised, and a trace of their eyes flashed across each other.

They couldn't help but feel a little regretful about this, and they were a step slower!

Perceiving everyone's suspicion, Yue Lingfeng laughed blankly and said, "I think you may have misunderstood what I meant."

Hearing this, Yang Zilei and most of the audience looked at Yue Lingfeng suspiciously.

I don't know what trick this guy is doing.

"We Xuanyue Sect, as one of the eight super sects in the Northern Territory, naturally will not bully the weak with strength."

A faint smile appeared at the corner of Yue Ling's mouth, and said, "Brother Li Xiong, are you willing to fight for you?"

After that, he cast his eyes on the group of Xuan Yuezong forces, but saw a tall, black-haired young man walking out with his head high.

"Li Xiong is willing to do the work for Big Brother."

The black-haired youth clasped his hands together, with a confident smile on his face.

He knew very well that Yue Lingfeng should have taken a fancy to Yang Zilei's rocket launcher, but because of the difference in strength and concerns about the reputation of the sect, he wanted to fight for him.

It is worthwhile to make the big brother owe a person.

Moreover, although Yang Zilei's cultivation base was only half a step away from the Spiritual God Realm, the gap was like a chasm.

Coupled with Zongmen's martial arts inheritance, he is fully confident to defeat Yang Zilei.

After thinking about it, Li Xiong's breath broke out, directly exposing his early strength in the spiritual realm!

Next, just look at whether Yang Zilei dared to challenge.

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