"I advise you not to move, otherwise, believe it or not that my gun will pierce your throat."

Yang Zilei held a spear in his hand and looked at Li Xiong who fell on the ground with indifference.

"I...I believe it!"

Feeling the cold and murderous aura from the tip of the gun, Li Xiong was so frightened that he did not dare to move, his face was slightly pale and hurriedly nodded: "I admit defeat."

"Give up? Damn, you just die!"

"Grass, the dignified super sect actually gave in, coward!"

"Cheating, I seriously suspect that this is because they have colluded in private to cheat us!!"

With Li Xiong's surrender, the arena immediately caused a strong sensation, and cursing sounded one after another.

Obviously, losing twice in a row undoubtedly made them angry and even began to question Yang Zilei's identity. In fact, he was not a low-level sect, but he was in private collusion with Yue Lingfeng and the others to perform such a scene specially.

Otherwise, why didn't Yang Zilei kill that Li Xiong? Instead, both sides would stop at nothing.

These circumstances make them feel extremely suspicious.

Seeing the situation gradually getting out of control in the field, Yue Lingfeng frowned, and said solemnly: "Whoever suspects that we are cheating, stand up and confront!"

His voice, blessed with aura, sonorous and powerful, echoed throughout the arena with penetrating power, and immediately shocked everyone.

Suddenly, everyone looked at each other. Although there was dissatisfaction in their hearts, they did not dare to talk about such things without evidence.

What's more, this tripartite force as the dealer is not a super sect to provoke!

Therefore, at this time, under Yue Lingfeng's gaze, everything was silent, and no one wanted to be that early bird.

"The surname is Yang, you can be counted as winning this time."

Yue Lingfeng looked at Yang Zilei with a deep complexion, and said coldly: "However, you must tell what the matter is with the profound spirit iron on the martial arts stage!"

Regarding this issue, everyone's attention has undoubtedly been diverted.

Countless eyes cast towards Yang Zilei, frowning awaiting his reply.

"There are so many eyes here, you don't know, how can I know."

Yang Zilei raised his eyebrows lightly, naturally he wouldn't be so stupid to say that he had swallowed the profound spirit iron secretly.

"Asshole, don't play dumb in front of us!"

The Youquan of the Blood Shadow Gate stared at Yang Zilei with a bewildered look, and shouted coldly with a rather grumpy temper.

"Just now you used those weird smoke, if I didn't guess, you were planning to cover people's eyes and ears, so as to obtain profound spirit iron with some kind of secret method."

Bai Mingxuan held a paper fan in his hand, and said with a smile.

Yang Zilei was noncommittal and said frankly: "If you don't believe it, you can check my storage ring."

Upon hearing this, Zhou Haichun's expression changed drastically.

Is this guy crazy?

If someone checked, wouldn’t it be possible to discover the existence of the ancient secret key?

At this time, the eight super sects have not yet gathered, and people know the ancient secret key in advance, and they will definitely be robbed!

Thinking of this, Zhou Haichun's heart sank into the sea.

"You go check it out."

Yue Lingfeng winked at the referee.

The referee immediately walked in front of Yang Zilei, and while touching the storage ring with his palm, his spiritual consciousness swept in quickly.

However, they found that apart from some extremely common cultivation resources, there was nothing valuable, let alone the huge amount of profound spirit iron.

And the only ones with value were the two loot previously obtained, the heavenly spirit sword and the ten thousand beast fruit.


The referee raised his eyes and glanced at Yang Zilei in surprise, instantly discounting the latter's worth.

Unexpectedly, a dignified sect master would be so poor, that level of wealth is not as good as the lowest handyman disciple of their sect.

Yang Zilei's face was calm and there was no wave in his eyes.


Since he wanted to show the storage ring to others, he must have transferred all the valuable things and the most important ancient secret keys to the system backpack space in advance.

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