"how about it?"

Yue Lingfeng and others asked calmly.

"Senior Brother Yue, there really is not."

"The storage is not worthy of the ten thousand beast fruits and the heavenly spirit sword."

The referee responded quickly.

And his remarks undoubtedly made everyone present feel incredible.

Then the huge profound spirit iron suddenly disappeared out of thin air. If it wasn't for Yang Zilei, who else would it be?

Moreover, after careful thinking, the Xuanling Iron has a rune formation engraved on it, and even the warrior at the peak of the spiritual **** realm can hardly regret it, let alone Yang Zilei.

Is there an ancient power hidden nearby?

Thinking of this, everyone couldn't help but feel a little creepy.

As for Yang Zilei's ability to win this battle, everyone only regarded him as having a strong ability to respond on the spot. This took the opportunity to attack Li Xiong in the falling pit, which was a fluke behavior.

Yang Zilei said indifferently, neither overbearing nor overbearing: "Since I have won this martial arts fight, then please bring my lottery and the bet to win."

Hearing this, everyone present at this moment also thought of the lost baby again, and suddenly wailed and cursed.

"If we can set up a bank here, we are naturally willing to bet."

Yue Lingfeng took a deep look at Yang Zi, and immediately threw out the Jiuqu Longgen in his hand.

If you take a closer look, you can find that the surface of the Jiuqu Longgen is covered with a layer of light spin, exuding sharp spiritual energy fluctuations.

Yang Zilei's eyes narrowed slightly, but he stretched out his hand without lag.


When the Jiuqu Longgen grabbed into the palm of his palm, Yang Zilei felt a strong energy rushing into his body, wantonly destroying the meridians in his body.

Yang Zilei's mind sank, and he directly opened the fourth form of the Dragon Blood Warrior.


In an instant, a violent breath erupted from Yang Zilei's body, directly dissipating the Qi Jin that had penetrated into the body.

The fierce and terrifying aura swept away in an instant, causing the referee next to him to step back.

Seeing Yang Zilei's sudden changes, the referee was shocked in his heart, but also hurriedly retreated with the momentum of his stature retreat, pulling away from Yang Zilei.

"What a terrible breath!"

Everyone's complexion changed drastically, and when they saw Yang Zilei's dragonized form, they couldn't help taking a breath.

But at this moment, Yang Zilei was covered with scales, his eyes were blood-red, he also had a tail, and his strong physique was filled with a sense of fierce power.

Looking at this scene in a daze, everyone's eyes were full of shock.

"This guy's physical training and martial arts... is it the Nine Dragons Good Fortune Art?!"

Youquan's eyes darkened slightly, as if seeing Yang Zilei's cultivation technique, he was surprised.

"Nine Dragons Good Fortune Art? The inheritance technique of the Dragon Blood clan?!"

Upon hearing this, the faces of Yue Lingfeng and Bai Mingxuan next to them changed slightly.

As the direct disciples of the super sect, the various powerful martial arts materials on the Tianyan Continent have naturally been heard.

And the most difficult thing to cultivate is nothing more than the "Nine Dragons Good Fortune Secret".

Because of this technique, you must have the bloodline of the dragon blood clan before you can practice.

And even so, it is extremely difficult to comprehend the profound and obscure cultivation technique.

For thousands of years, apart from the strong man who created the "Nine Dragons Fortune Formula", no other person can successfully practice.

However, at this moment, Yang Zilei's dragon formation is undoubtedly a sign of successful cultivation.

"This kid's hole card, it turned out to be this!"

Yue Lingfeng's eyes narrowed slightly, and the temptation just now made him think that he finally figured out Yang Zilei's hole card.

Feeling the ferocious aura emanating from Yang Zilei's body, he was at the peak of his spiritual realm, and he also faintly felt a smell of danger.

"If I remember correctly, my odds are 100 times. The 200,000 jin of profound spirit iron I just bet on, the chips I got are 2 million jin!"

Yang Zilei's scarlet eyes were filled with violent and fierce light.

His cold and deep voice made the sect disciple, who had a low cultivation base, shuddered.

With Yang Zilei's powerful strength displayed, at this moment, no one dares to have any contempt for Yang Zilei.

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