"How could I... be defeated by a low-level sect!"

Gu Qing lay on the ground, eyes full of unwillingness and resentment.


Angrily attacked his heart, he opened his mouth and spit out a big mouthful of blood, and there was also a sharp pain in his chest.

But seeing Gu Qing at this time, with extremely serious injuries, a blood hole was shot out of his chest by a laser, about the size of a fist, shocking.

For such heavy injuries, if the top-level healing pill is used, there may be hope of recovery.

"Brother Gu, how are you?"

At this time, the nearest disciple of Fu Zong in the middle of the Spirit God Realm ran over to help Gu Qing, and asked with a shocked expression on his face.

"Chen Wu, take out the spirit pill that I stored and help me absorb and digest."

Gu Qing urged with a commanding tone.

However, the Fu Zong disciple named Chen Wu was unmoved.

"Chen Wu, you..."

Gu Qing frowned and stared at Chen Wu in anger.

There was a sneer from the corner of Chen Wu's mouth, and he lowered his head to Gu Qing's ear, and said gloomily: "Three months ago, you defiled my sister with Ecstasy and killed her..."

"Do you really think I don't know anything? Go to hell, chopsticks!"

After speaking, Chen Wu flashed a hideous look in his eyes, pressing the palm of Gu Qing's back with a sudden vigor.

A tyrannical spiritual force rushed into Gu Qing's body instantly, shattered his heart, and completely cut off his vitality.


Gu Qing spouted a spit of blood, staring at Chen Wu in both eyes with bitter eyes.

"Brother Gu is dead!"

"Brother Gu was killed by the guy surnamed Yang!"

Confirming that Gu Qing was dead, Chen Wu suddenly shouted and took off the storage ring of the corpse.

At the same time, Chen Wuling swept in and found that the ancient secret key was inside, and he was delighted.

"Brother Gu is dead..."

For a while, all the Fu Zong disciples were horrified.

Gu Qing is the leader of their Fuzong team this time. Now that they die, they are undoubtedly turned into a pile of scattered sand. I don't know if it is necessary to continue fighting with Xuanyuezong and other forces.

However, Yue Lingfeng and others would not let go of such a good opportunity. Gu Qing's death was equivalent to losing a powerful opponent. They took advantage of the situation to pursue them, as if they had a red eye, and their violent martial arts moves continued to blast.


The Fu Zong disciple, who had been carrying the iron cage, suddenly let out a scream, and was directly hit by Yang Zilei's giant steel fist.

Yang Zilei pulled with both hands, violently tore open the iron cage, and broke the rune chain on the little dragon ape, finally freeing it.


The little dragon ape seemed to have been abused by Fu Zong a lot before, and he looked weak at this time.

"Little Ape, it's all right."

Yang Zilei touched the head of the little dragon ape, and immediately took out a pack of functional drinks and let him swallow it.


After a few breaths, the scar on the little dragon ape's body quickly healed, and the life force became vigorous again, raising his head excitedly and let out a roar similar to the dragon's chant.

Hearing this beast roar, everyone was shocked.

Especially those Fu Zong disciples were even more shocked. They knew that this sound was the terrifying monster beast!

Immediately, the little dragon and ape showed fierce brilliance, looking at the Fu Zong disciples wearing yellow robes, their eyes flashed with angry fire.

It took out the Ruyi Profound Golden Rod from its ears, and its shape instantly enlarged, exuding violent energy.

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