
In an instant, the little dragon and ape rushed into the crowd of Fu Zong disciples like a peerless beast, and the wishful mysterious golden rod danced wildly.

The little dragon ape was originally an ancient dragon ape, its power was terrifying, and coupled with the mighty power of the wishful mysterious golden rod, it would be difficult for the spirit **** realm warrior to bear it with one blow, and each of the Fuzong disciples were directly beaten up to vomit blood.

"This monster is amazing!"

Seeing the situation reversed, Tengyou and Kong Yuanyun looked at each other, and both saw a touch of horror in each other's eyes.

Obviously, I didn't expect that Yang Zilei's pet could have such a fierce strength. This is too terrifying!


Immediately, the two of them nodded secretly, and then they withdrew from the battle circle with their respective sects in a tacit understanding.

For a time, many Fuzong disciples were encircled and suppressed by the three forces of Heavenly Sword Sect, Blood Shadow Sect, and Xuanyue Sect.

Taking advantage of the chaos, Chen Wu quietly left the arena with the storage ring under the cover of a few talisman puppets.

He knew very well that with the current situation, even if the ancient hall was successfully opened, with the power of their current Fuzong, they could not get any valuable resources from it.

Instead of this, it is better to bring the ancient secret key back to the sect and wait for the next time the ancient secret realm is opened again.

And if he could protect the ancient secret key well this time, it would be considered a great achievement. If he didn't, he would be rewarded by the sect and replace Gu Qing's position.

Thinking of this, Chen Wu even appeared in his mind to be promoted to a high-level Fu Zong. He stepped on the metal bird of the aircraft and rushed towards the distant mountains and forests.


However, at this moment, a breaking wind came from behind.

Chen Wu was startled, and hurriedly turned his head to look.

"It's him!"

When he saw a steel light and shadow chasing him, Chen Wu's pupils suddenly shrank, and a look of terror surged in his eyes.


Yang Zilei's eyes narrowed slightly, staring at the Fu Zong disciple fleeing in front, without any nonsense, and directly launched a miniature missile.

Seeing this scene, Chen Wu's expression changed drastically, and he was so shocked.

When Yang Zilei was fighting the blood spirit puppet before, he witnessed the power of this terrifying hidden weapon, and the blood spirit puppet, which was invincible in the realm, was instantly blasted to pieces. He only had the middle stage of the spirit and **** realm, so how could he resist it?

Immediately, Chen Wu manipulated the metal bird to reverse its flight direction, turning in a beautiful arc in mid-air, trying to avoid the bullet attack trajectory.

However, under the positioning and tracking, the miniature missile seemed to have eyes long, and it also changed its direction, chasing after Chen Wu violently.

Chen Wu looked back with a fortunate state of mind, and was suddenly shocked.

"Do not……"

Looking at the miniature missile rapidly expanding in his pupils, a touch of despair passed in his eyes.


Suddenly, an astonishing explosion sounded.

Chen Wu's body, together with the metal flying machine, was instantly blown to pieces.

A **** palm fell from mid-air.

Yang Zilei's eyes condensed slightly, driving the steel armor, turning into a light and shadow to fly by, catching the broken palm, and removing the storage from his finger.

This storage ring is golden all over, with the small characters'Guqing' engraved in the inner circle.

There is no doubt that this is the storage ring that was taken away by Chen Wu.

The reason why Yang Zilei came after him was because of the ancient secret key.

Others may not know, but with the holographic scan of the steel armor, any movement of the entire arena is seen by him.

Including Chen Wu secretly killing Gu Qing and taking away the storage ring.

Yang Zilei was aware of micro-movements, and quickly searched for the ancient secret key from the storage ring. At the same time, he discovered that there was a large amount of metal materials stored inside.

Fu Zong is best at refining all kinds of things. Fu Puppet is the most famous one. Every disciple of the sect is a Fu Puppet master.

In addition to cultivation and refinement, Fu Puppet Master usually needs to collect various materials.

Especially metal, can be said to be the main material for refining talisman puppets.

Therefore, there are many metals in their storage rings, and they are also rare high-grade metals.

After scanning, Yang Zilei was surprised to find that in Gu Qing's storage ring, ordinary metal alone contained millions of catties.

As for the high-grade metal Xuanling Iron, there are about one million catties.

Among them, Yang Zilei also found some metals with glittering golden light, which were extremely hard, and the aura was stronger than the profound spirit iron.

Obviously it was Chen Jin, the metal that Yang Zilei had swallowed the body of Gu Qing before, and it was these, the conversion enhancement point could reach a thousand times.

But the weight is not much, the storage ring is only about 100,000.

Immediately after Yang Zilei made a survey, there was not much interest in the treasures of heaven and earth, as well as some unrefined talisman puppets.

"Ding, successfully swallowed, congratulations to the host for gaining 153 million enhancement points."

Yang Zilei directly swallowed all the metal, and then collected the ancient secret keys and other things into his storage ring.

After doing this, Yang Zilei dived down, and soon found the remains of Chen Wu's body that had been killed in the forest, and took away the storage ring.

Perhaps it is because of the low status of the sect. Chen Wu's storage ring is not as rich as Gu Qing, and all the metal is swallowed, and he has gained tens of millions of strengthening points.

"No matter how small the fly is, it is meat, but it can't be wasted. Take it back to the little cubs of the Sunset Sect."

Yang Zilei also moved all the things inside to the storage ring, preparing to take it back to the disciples in the sect to practice.

After all, he is now the lord of a sect, and there are more than one hundred disciples and grandchildren under his hands, and they can't let their lives be too shabby, otherwise they will lose face.

"Next, it's the ancient hall."

Yang Zilei looked far away, looking at the giant mask hundreds of miles away.

Now that Fu Zong's affairs have been resolved, and all ten ancient secret keys have been gathered, the next step is to open this dusty secret for thousands of years and see the sun again.


After thinking about it, Yang Zilei's figure moved, with an astonishing burst of air in the sky, suddenly turned into a light and shadow, and flew towards the arena not far away.

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