"how is the taste?"

After the meat soup was full, Yang Zilei looked at Leng Yuyan, who had just finished drinking a bowl of soup, and asked.

He is very confident in his cooking skills.

"It's delicious, but... where did you learn it?"

Leng Yuyan swallowed the last sip of the soup in her mouth and looked at Yang Zilei curiously.

This man is too mysterious.

Yang Zilei smiled faintly, and said: "Before, I set up a street stall on the side of the street, mainly grilling meat."

"Uh... difficult to place the floor?"

Leng Yuyan was stunned for a while, obviously he didn't understand this word.

"what did you say?"

Zhou Jingchun and Huo Feng'er were also puzzled.

"To set up a street stall, in layman's terms, there is no storefront, so you can only set up a street stall to sell food."

Yang Zilei replied without thinking.

"Are you kidding me?"

Huo Feng'er glanced at Yang Zilei suspiciously, feeling how the latter's talents could be so impoverished.

Moreover, she had heard from her sister Leng Yuyan before that Chenchen was from the Yang family and was considered a prominent family in Longyun City.

Although Yang Zilei was a prodigal son at that time, he was even expelled from the family and became a branch of the Yang family of Qingyang City, but he couldn't be so poor, right?

"Why, is it weird to set up a street stall."

Yang Zilei raised his head, not feeling any surprise in this.

Everyone has times of despair. In his previous life, he specially built a barbecue grill to survive. He set up a stall outside the school every day. Although he was often driven by the city management and did not make much money, he had a small life. free.

Seeing Yang Zilei's indifferent expression, it seemed that he was not lying.

Leng Yuyan and the others couldn't help but feel a little dazed, feeling increasingly mysterious about the origin of Yang Zilei's identity.

Originally thought that Yang Zilei was just a ruined prodigal, and he was also a martial arts genius with hidden strength.

Unexpectedly, there still exists such an experience that no one knows.

But... set up a street stall? Where did he put it before?

For this, Yang Zilei did not explain too much, and Leng Yuyan and the others did not ask too much.

Because everyone has their own secrets, what they want to say is naturally not hidden.

In this way, there was no word for a night, as the sky gradually brightened, everyone began to move forward cautiously.

After about two days, the Tongtian Pagoda in his sight was no longer a vague shadow.

The whole body is solid and dark, exuding an extremely majestic and ancient atmosphere.

However, what is prohibitive is that the Tongtian Pagoda actually stands on a small island, surrounded by a vast ocean.

It is very difficult to get through the vast ocean in front of you in such a broken space that cannot be flown.

What's more, this seemingly calm waters, faintly, seemed to have a strange aura exuding.

Obviously, in this water area, there is very likely some unknown water monster beast, even if it swims over, it is probably dangerous.

Looking at the obstacles in front, everyone's complexion slowly surged with a touch of solemnity.

The ancient secrets of Tongtian Tower are already in sight.

However, they can only stare here, which undoubtedly makes everyone extremely unwilling.

"What's to be afraid of, isn't it just a pool of water."

Among the crowd, a disciple of Xuan Yuezong walked out.

He is a burly figure, a face full of flesh, and he seems to be full of scorn, with an aura of fearlessness.

As soon as the words fell, the Xuanyuezong disciple looked at the Tongtian Pagoda on the small island, his eyes flashed with undisguised greed.

Now it’s hard to come here, it’s impossible to go back, so I have to fight for it.

"Ahu, don't be impulsive."

Yue Lingfeng frowned and reached out to block it.

"Brother, I know how to measure."

The Xuanyuezong disciple Zheng nodded his head. Obviously, he did not act recklessly, but found a few stones nearby and threw them into the water.

"Puff!" "Puff"...

As a few stones were continuously thrown into the water, the ripples that rose up seemed very calm, without any abnormality, even the shadow of the monster beast did not appear.

Seeing this scene, a hint of surprise flashed in everyone's eyes, and they thought that they had thought too much just now, but no one dared to be that early bird.

"The martial arts journey is full of dangers. The ancient secrets of the Tongtian Pagoda are right in front of you. Do you have to shrink your head and turn back?"

The Xuanyuezong disciple named Ahu said in an awe-inspiring voice.

As soon as the voice fell, his body suddenly burst into a powerful spirit.

Instantly condensed into a body protection aura, and then he jumped and jumped directly into the water, swimming towards the island at a very fast speed.

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