
After that Xuanyuezong disciple fell into the water, he used all his strength to march quickly without stagnation.

With his swimming speed, within half an hour, he would be able to smoothly pass through the waters and board the island.

In this way, time passed by every minute and every second.

Everyone stared at it tightly, and if it was all right, they would immediately swim over.


When that Xuanyuezong disciple swam halfway, sudden changes suddenly appeared!


The originally calm waters suddenly burst into a huge splash with a bang!

Immediately afterwards, a huge black shadow rushed out of the water.

The Xuanyuezong disciple was shocked, and his whole person was stunned.

Everyone's eyes shrank suddenly.

It was clearly seen that it was an ancient giant crocodile full of pitch black and scales, with a sharp horn on its head, a hideous face, and an extremely terrifying and brutal atmosphere!

"Chen Hu, come back quickly!"

Yue Lingfeng's complexion changed drastically and hurriedly shouted.

However, due to restricted activities in the water, let alone martial arts, even escape is difficult.

"go to hell!"

Chen Hu is also a ruthless character who is not afraid of danger, a long sword flashed in his hand, and the power of the early stage of the Spirit God Realm burst out and slammed the head of the ancient giant crocodile.

This level of power can pierce it instantly even if it is a hard profound spirit iron.


However, when the sword tip pierced the scale armor on the head of the ancient giant crocodile, there was a sound of gold and iron fighting, and it could not penetrate into it.

"How can it be!"

A touch of horror surged in Chen Hu's eyes.

Obviously, he did not expect that with a full blow, he could not even break the scale defense of the ancient giant crocodile!

That's a fart!

Chen Hu started to panic, and hurriedly wandered wildly.

However, the speed of the ancient giant crocodile in the water was obviously astonishingly fast, and it immediately caught up.


With a sharp roar, the ancient giant crocodile opened its big mouth full of fangs, and directly bit Chen Hu in one bite. The body guard spirit hood on his body was instantly bitten into cracks.


Chen Hu screamed, his right foot was bitten off abruptly, and the blood instantly stained the water.

The **** smell undoubtedly stimulated the ancient giant crocodile, and it was fierce and biting at Chen Hu again.

Just listening to the blast of bones of ‘click’, Chen Hu’s entire head was directly bitten to pieces and completely killed.

Soon the ancient giant crocodile churned on the water surface, dragging the corpse into the bottom!

Seeing this scene, everyone couldn't help taking a breath, and their eyes were full of fear.

Unexpectedly the strength of the early stage of the spiritual realm, facing the attack of that ancient giant crocodile, there was no resistance to it, and he was brutally killed in just a few breaths.

As the blood spread in the water, a large number of black shadows appeared in the surrounding water bottom.

Yang Zilei's eyes narrowed slightly, and he found that those dark shadows were huge ancient crocodiles, obviously not many of them.

"so much!"

Everyone looked shocked, looking at the dense black shadow of the giant crocodile, they couldn't help feeling some scalp tingling.

Although they have more than 2,000 people here, they are considered to be a large lineup, but they can't play any advantage in the water. The biggest role is to feed these ancient giant crocodiles.


"If this space does not limit Wuhun's flying skills, otherwise I can fly directly!"

Suddenly, many sect disciples stood on the shore, regretting and hesitating.

"Right, aircraft!"

At this time, Yue Lingfeng, Bai Mingxuan and others suddenly lit up, remembering the spoils they had seized when fighting broke out with the Fu Zong disciples a few days ago.

Among them, there is the metal bird flying machine refined by Fuzong, which can fly in the air without using aura.

Therefore, at the moment, those more than a hundred sectarian disciples who had obtained the metal bird flying machine took it out one after another. With the switch turned on, the pair of metal wings quickly flapped like a perpetual motion machine.

Immediately, metal birds stepped on their feet, floating up.

However, this kind of aircraft, due to air waves, cannot fly at high altitudes, and can only be at a height of about five meters above the ground.

In this kind of low-altitude flight, if you want to cross the waters, if you are attacked by monsters, there is still danger.

"I'll try it first."

With a trace of dignity on Bai Mingxuan's face, he looked at the disciple of the Heavenly Sword Sect next to him and said.

As the big brother of the Heavenly Sword Sect, he is stronger than others in terms of strength and reaction speed.

If there is any danger, you can still have the ability to retreat.

"The same goes for you, stay where you are."

Yue Lingfeng and Youquan of the Blood Shadow Sect looked at each other, both nodded tacitly, and each confessed to the juniors behind him.

Obviously the scene just now let them know how powerful the monster beasts in the waters really are!

If something unexpected happens, it will be difficult for their younger brother to escape.

If the number of people is small, the damage can be reduced.

"Wait a minute, I have another way."

Just when the three of Yue Lingfeng and the others were about to swoop into the water, Yang Zilei suddenly spoke.

"Sect Master Yang, do you have any good ideas?"

Upon hearing this, Yue Lingfeng and the others flickered, and they all looked at Yang Zilei together.

After these days of getting along, they are very clear about Yang Zilei's various magical abilities.

Especially those munitions and weapons, as if they are emerging in endlessly, each of them is enough to shock the world!

The thing that drew them most eagerly at this time was the Thunder fighter, the kind of giant machine that could fly at high altitudes.

So at this time, they looked at Yang Zilei's eyes, and there was a glimmer of expectation, hoping that he could take out the Thunder fighter and take everyone there.

"I have a ship that can carry everyone in the past at once, and it is equipped with many protective weapons, which is safer."

Yang Zilei said lightly, and then he said in a meaningful way: "But well..."

"but what?"

"If Sect Master Yang can take us there, please let me know if you have any needs."

"Yes, as long as you can help, it's indispensable!"

Hearing that Yang Zilei really had a way, everyone immediately asked eagerly.

That look, it seems that even if Yang Zilei asks them to kill people at this moment, they will execute it without hesitation!

"The ship? With the power of that ancient giant crocodile, I'm afraid it will collapse once it is hit."

However, at this time, a sneer sounded.

That person was Tengyou of the Spirit Devouring Sect, and he was obviously a little funny about Yang Zilei's idea.

And when he said this, everyone suddenly felt some truth, and began to question the safety of Yang Zilei.

Yang Zilei was too lazy to talk nonsense, and moved his mind directly to take out the combat ship in the system backpack space.

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