In the next instant, in the open space behind everyone, a huge ship made of metal suddenly appeared out of thin air.

This ship is exactly the warship that was won by the lottery when completing the mission in the arena.

Among the weapon systems, in addition to being able to carry fighter jets, there are also anti-submarine missiles and shipborne anti-aircraft bombs, torpedoes and naval guns.

Under the scanning of the radar, any living creature at the bottom of the water can instantly locate and lock the target.

"This...this is the ship?!"

When seeing the huge battleship, everyone present was suddenly speechless, and their eyes were full of shock.

Especially the Spirit Devouring Zong Tengyou who sneered just now, his face was stunned at this moment, and the whole person was directly stunned.

Such a huge ship, let alone more than two thousand people, even five thousand people is more than enough.

Moreover, the hull made of metal is extremely strong, and it is totally different from the kind of ship in his impression!

Thinking of his ridicule at Yang Zilei just now, Teng You couldn't help feeling like being beaten in the face.

Even more embarrassing is that I will ask Yang Zilei to carry him later...

"I believe everyone, there won't be any problems with me now."

The corner of Yang Zilei's mouth was curved, and then the combat ship was re-entered into the system backpack space, and continued: "But this ship is not an ordinary ship. It needs profound spirit iron as an energy supply to drive it."

When he said this, Yang Zilei's expression was indifferent, but his mind started to turn quickly.

There are more than 2,000 disciples of the seven super sects here, and each of them will give some. That will be a huge fortune!

Yang Zilei knew in his heart that although he could easily fly over the vast ocean in a steel armor, he did not know that there was still unknown danger on that small island.

And if there are really powerful monsters, not to mention that there are many people and powerful, at least the target of the attack can be scattered, and you will not only lock yourself in.

Therefore, it is better to take this opportunity to make a fortune.

"The energy supply is profound spirit iron?"

Everyone was stunned, but it was the first time they heard that profound spirit iron could also be used as energy consumption for spirit weapons.

"Yes, and it's 25,000 tons."

Yang Zilei nodded indifferently.

25,000 tons, which is equivalent to 50 million catties, and then converted into a strengthening point, that is 5 billion, which is enough for him to raise his cultivation to the level of the peak of the spiritual **** realm.


When hearing this huge number, Yue Lingfeng and others couldn't help taking a deep breath, staring at Yang Zilei in surprise.

Although it was a little guessed that Yang Zilei was planning to make a fortune, but now only Yang Zilei can take them across the waters, even if they know that the other party wants to blackmail, there is no way.

"The number of people present is estimated to be more than 2,500. For the sake of fairness, each person should just allocate 2 million catties on average."

"As for those that cannot be paid, other treasures can also be used instead, and I can make up for you."

Yang Zilei grinned, showing the essence of a profiteer.

Seeing everyone's shocked reaction, Yang Zilei lightly shrugged his shoulders, "If you don't want to, I won't force it, just fly over by yourself."

After that, the steel armor on Yang Zilei's body burst into flames, flying up with the little dragon ape, deliberately making a posture that he wanted to leave.

"Sect Master Yang, please stay!"

"Don't go, I happen to have two million catties of mysterious iron iron here!"

"I have it here too!"


Seeing that Yang Zilei was really leaving, most people finally stopped hesitating and hurriedly shouted.

Although two million catties of profound spirit iron is not a trivial matter, it is undoubtedly insignificant compared to the heritage secret of the Tongtian Tower.

Faced with such a situation, they had no choice but to give up small things.

Even though he knew that Yang Zilei was pitting them, he gritted his teeth and accepted it.

In this way, more than 2,000 disciples of the sect began to take action in full swing, paying all the profound spirit iron to Yang Zilei as a travel expense.

As for those who don't have enough sect disciples, they can only reluctantly take out some valuable treasures.

As far as valuable things are concerned, Yang Zilei almost never refuses those who come, and he is happy to receive them.

In the end, Yang Zilei harvested more than 30 million catties of profound spirit iron, as well as a large number of various spiritual tools, elixirs, and various heavenly materials and earth treasures, which can be said to be a lot of money.

"Ding, the swallow is successful, congratulations to the host for gaining 3.75 billion + enhancement points."

"Ding, the upgrade is successful. Congratulations to the host's cultivation to the middle stage of the Spirit God Realm, with a strengthening point of -2.04 billion."

With a move of Yang Zilei's mind, he directly swallowed all the profound spirit iron and improved his cultivation base.

Suddenly, he clearly felt the aura in his body, which increased to another level.

Then Yang Zilei took out four beast cores of different colors from the storage ring.

The energy attributes of these beast cores are fire, thunder, earth, and wind.

And the level is not low, all of them are the beast cores of the 9th-order fierce beasts, exactly what they have just obtained from those sect disciples.

Immediately, Yang Zilei synthesized and strengthened all the four beast nuclei on the battleship, instantly enhancing the attack power and hull defense.

At the same time, he also guarded the four avatars at the entrance of the outside light curtain, and all the four Thunder fighters were recalled and spun over the waters, preparing to **** the ships out.

Anyway, this space is not like the illusion seen by the outside world, even if the disciples of the low-level sects come in, it will take a lot of time to get here.

By then, the heritage secrets of the Tongtian Tower may have been looted by people like them.

"Okay, all go up."

As Yang Zilei waved his hand, the battleship re-emerged, and suddenly fell on the surface of the water, suddenly splashing with huge water.

"Huh? How did this ship change?"

Everyone took a closer look and was surprised to find that the battleship had obviously changed a lot, the whole body shone with light of various energy attributes, and the surface of the hull was also covered with a layer of metal surface wings that looked like animal scales.

Faintly, there was an extremely obscure energy fluctuation.

That kind of fluctuation, like a mixture of four kinds of energy, is extremely powerful.

"Energy is sufficient, of course it will only change when it is activated."

Yang Zilei smiled indifferently, and explained.

Hearing that, everyone looked at Yang Zilei with weird expressions, feeling that this guy would really open his eyes and talk nonsense.

However, they couldn't understand these changes, so they thought that Yang Zilei had two different giant ships, so they deliberately used them to fool them in order to make money.

Especially Leng Yuyan and Huo Feng'er, the two of them, had seen Yang Zilei use a beast core to instantly strengthen the magical means of guns.

Since Yang Zilei didn't charge them the profound spirit iron, he didn't break it.

Seeing Yang Zilei's natural look when facing everyone, the two women looked at each other, and they both couldn't help but laugh.

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