Looking at the huge tower not far away, everyone's eyes were full of enthusiasm.

Under the strong temptation of inheriting the secret, the super sect disciples present finally couldn't bear the restlessness in their hearts and rushed away.

However, some people are still stuck in place.

Among those people, including Yang Zilei, Leng Yuyan, Huo Feng'er, Yue Lingfeng and Bai Mingxuan, all showed vigilance.

Obviously, they are all aware of the subtle changes in this island.

"Have you found that the temperature in the air seems to have risen?"

Yue Lingfeng frowned slightly, staring at the surroundings with alert, and asked.

And when he saw Yang Zilei still standing in place, Yue Lingfeng was even more convinced of his guess.

I feel that this island is not as simple as imagined.

After getting along for a while, he also has a general understanding of Yang Zilei's character, and there will be no movement in matters that are uncertain.

Especially the Tongtian Tower is right in front of him at this moment, but he is still unmoved.

There is no doubt that this island must have some problems.

And just as Yang Zilei and others had guessed, at this moment, the sudden change occurred!

I saw a sudden gust of wind blowing in the desert on the island, rolling up the dust in the sky, and suddenly my vision became blurred.

Feeling the increasingly depressive atmosphere in the air, Yang Zilei, Huo Feng'er, Leng Yuyan, and Yue Lingfeng were already alert, and they mobilized their spiritual power almost at the same time, condensing a protective shield in their bodies.

And as the protective cover emerged, it directly blocked the somewhat weird dust!


At this moment, a scream suddenly came from the crowd rushing forward.

I saw a disciple of Wuzong in the sky, whose right foot was covered by the sand on the ground.

To be precise, it should be bound by a lot of sand!

Because the sand is extremely sticky, no matter how hard the Wuzong disciple in the sky, he can't break free even with his spiritual power.

What is even more bizarre is that the sand started to creep up while the sand squirmed quickly.

In just the blink of an eye, the hapless man was covered by a large amount of fine sand, spreading from the heel to the thighs, waist, chest, and finally to the head.

Almost the whole person is wrapped in sand, which looks like an oval sand ball.

"Quickly, save me!!!"

In the sand ball, there was a panic call for help from the Wuzong disciple in the sky.

Huo Feng'er Liu frowned, and the flame sword flashed out of her hand suddenly, and the sword body flicked. She was about to step forward to rescue the guy, but Leng Yuyan reached out to stop it.

Leng Yuyan sighed with a cold face: "Don't go, it's too late, otherwise you will be hurt too!"


As soon as the voice fell, the elliptical sand ball shrank sharply, and immediately expanded and became larger, and at the moment when it rose outside the sand ball, it exploded violently and made a loud noise.

The Wuzong disciple in the sky didn't even have time to make a scream. He exploded and died. The countless sand, mixed with broken flesh and bones, splashed around and fell to the ground.

However, what was even more strange was that the flesh and blood on the sand was completely absorbed in a blink of an eye, leaving only Bai Sensen's bones.


Seeing this scene, everyone looked horrified, and the sound of inhaling air-conditioning sounded endlessly.

At this moment, they understood completely, it was no wonder why Yang Zilei and his group of powerful people were not tempted at all. It turned out that some terrible creature was hidden in the desert.

At the moment, their rushing figure suddenly stopped, and a series of body protective spirit hoods also condensed, and then gathered together, staring dignifiedly around.

Soon they saw that the gravel on the ground not far away suddenly gathered together at an astonishing speed, gradually forming a huge human figure, with golden sand flowing all over.

In that form, it looks like a desert giant!

Yang Zilei's eyes sank slightly, staring at the desert giant, his spiritual sense swept down, but he didn't find the other party's life fluctuations!

"Leave this guy to me!"

Bai Mingxuan's eyes were slightly drenched, and his figure swept out, suddenly turning into a white phantom.

In the next second, Bai Mingxuan, like an unsheathed sword, flashed sharply in front of the desert giant.

The silver long sword in his hand, the cold light slashed across, directly at the left shoulder of the desert giant.


The desert giant didn't move at all, and didn't know whether it was too slow or not afraid. No matter the silver sword was cut on the shoulder, the whole arm was cut off shoulder-to-shoulder.

And that broken arm suddenly turned into a pool of dead sand and fell to the ground.

But then, a strange scene happened.

But seeing the sand on the desert giant's body squirming quickly, flowing to the left shoulder, an arm suddenly re-grown.


Bai Mingxuan was startled, his right foot slammed on the ground, anxiously, he retreated several feet to the rear, and distanced himself from the desert giant.

Yang Zilei's eyes sunk slightly, it seems that a simple physical attack cannot cause actual damage to this desert giant. "

And just as everyone was horrified, the gravel within a radius of one hundred meters suddenly surged like a wave.

Under this surging, sandbags emerged one by one, forming desert giants, four or five meters tall, and there were about a thousand in number.

Their dark eyes, staring coldly at all the super sect disciples Yang present, their eyes flashed with cold killing intent.

"This is terrible."

Seeing this, everyone looked shocked. They didn't expect that they had just stepped into the island, not far from the Tongtian Tower, but they encountered so many desert giants!

And these monsters seem to have no way to kill them!

"Analyze weaknesses."

Yang Zilei was in the steel armor, his retina suddenly appeared in the form of a desert giant, and he quickly analyzed various combat powers and defects.

From these data, Yang Zilei quickly learned that these desert giants are not life forms, but are artificially refined monsters.

Their combat power is extremely high, at least they have reached the peak of human spirits and gods, and they also have powerful healing capabilities that can ignore any physical attacks.

Of course, there is also one weakness, that is, the soil monster spirits in their bodies. As long as they are destroyed, these desert giants will completely turn into a pool of waste sand.

However, through the smart scan of the steel armor, Yang Zilei found that their demon spirits did not have a fixed position.

In other words, the demon spirit, which acts as a driving force, has been in a flowing state within the body of the desert giant, and it is undoubtedly very difficult to find the right time to destroy it.

"These desert monsters, the demon spirits in their bodies are weak points, as long as they attack the demon spirits, they can be completely killed!"

After changing his mind, Yang Zilei spoke out the information he had obtained.

Now they can only rely on the power of everyone to resist these desert giants.

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