Hearing that, everyone Yang Zi looked startled. It turns out that these desert giants are all monsters formed by the gathering of sand by demon spirits?

"Knowing the weakness, it feels not so difficult to deal with."

Bai Mingxuan held the sword in his right hand, and a trace of warfare flashed in his eyes.

As the powerful spiritual consciousness radiated out, he did sense that the energy fluctuations of the demon spirits existed in the bodies of the desert giants, and they were moving and changing positions at a slow speed.

Some are on the chest, or on the legs, or on the head, all different.

"Lao Bai is right. If there is a weakness, there is a possibility of killing!"

Yue Lingfeng stretched out his hands, and a red-yellow battle axe flashed directly, exuding a strong sense of strength.

Leng Yuyan, Huo Feng'er, You Quan, and Teng You all took out their weapons and prepared to fight.

However, after these desert giants emerged, they did not rush to attack Yang Zilei and them on a large scale.

Suddenly, Yang Zilei saw that the desert giant whose arm had been cut off just now came out, with dark eyes, looking at the people in front of him, and finally stopped on Yang Zilei.

It stretched out its sand-filled right hand, pointed at Yang Zilei, and hooked its fingers weirdly.

"You, come out."

Obviously, this desert giant has the sagacity, and speaks in a hoarse voice.

Yang Zilei looked slightly startled, looked at the desert giant in surprise, frowned and said, "What are you doing?"

"Since you see our weaknesses, come out and challenge."

The fingers and hands of the desert giant hooked Yang Zilei again, his behavior was full of provocation.

Everyone's heart sank. They had never expected that these desert giants still possessed intelligence. It is undoubtedly difficult to catch their weakness attacks.

Yang Zilei looked at the desert giant who was provoking him, wondering what the other party wanted to do.

But this is also just right. The opponent's number has the advantage. If it is singled out, the situation is not very bad.

In his mind, Yang Zilei said calmly and calmly: "If I win you, can I leave safely?"

"Yes, the winner can enter the tower."

The desert giant's mouth opened a grinning grin, "However, we must abide by our rules."

Hearing this, Yang Zilei raised his eyebrows lightly, and suddenly became interested, and couldn't help asking: "What rules?"

The desert giant said in a low voice: "Take turns in battle."


Yang Zilei was slightly surprised, and he didn't quite understand what the other party meant. "You mean, do you mean that each camp will send one person out to fight heads-up?"

"Do not."

The desert giant shook his finger and said in a low voice: "We, send one to fight with you. If you lose, all of you must leave, otherwise you will kill you!"

Yang Zilei's eyes narrowed slightly, "Then what if I win?"

The desert giant pretended to ponder for a while, and said: "If you win, then the two will fight with you."

"If you win again, double it. This stacks up and it rises to eight, and if you finally win, we will no longer block you from entering the tower. This is just taking turns!"

After listening to the other party's rules, Yang Zilei's mouth twitched slightly, almost exposing his mouth.

Yue Lingfeng and the others were also a little unhappy, and said angrily: "It's not fair, what kind of turn do you call?!"

"If you don't accept it, then we will gather and attack now, and none of you can escape."

The desert giant gave a grin, with a cat-and-mouse-like joke in his words.


As soon as the voice fell, the surrounding thousands of desert giants with the same shape flashed black lights, and the dust in this area suddenly swept away, instantly forming four huge sand walls, and all Yang Zilei and the others were all trapped. Inside.

Seeing this scene, everyone's complexion changed drastically, and now they can't escape even if they want to escape!

"Wait, I accept your challenge."

Feeling the restless energy in the air, Yang Zilei said coldly.

This desert island is undoubtedly the world of these desert giants.

Yang Zilei estimated that even if he could fly with the steel armor, he might not be so easy to enter the tower.

Therefore, it is better to fight with them, maybe there are still some opportunities.

"Boss, let me come."

At this moment, a black shadow flashed by, but Xiaolongyuan was standing in front of Yang Zilei holding the wishful mysterious golden rod in his hand.

It waved the golden rod in its hand and glared at the desert giant in front of it, fierce gleams in its **** eyes, and fighting spirit spewed!

"No, because he was the first to see our weakness, so he can only get this treatment, no one else can accept the challenge!"

The desert giant said indifferently, without the slightest retreat in his tone.

At the same time, it can be regarded as recognition of Yang Zilei.

Obviously in the situation just now, if Yang Zilei hadn't pointed out the weakness of the desert giants, these monsters would have attacked them in groups long ago, so how could they take turns to battle?

In this case, it also seems to be an artificial procedure, which must be followed and completed.

The little dragon ape snorted angrily, and then retreated to the Huo Feng'er and the others behind, but kept his eyes fixed on Yang Zilei and the desert giant.

He planned that as long as Yang Zilei had something wrong in the battle, he would be ready to take action as soon as possible.

However, the desert giant seemed to have seen the mind of the little dragon ape, and his low and hoarse voice sounded again: "During the challenge, no one on both sides is allowed to help, otherwise it will be regarded as a violation of the rules!

Yang Zilei felt that this request was reasonable, so he didn't say much.

"Yang Zilei, be careful."

The voices of Leng Yuyan and Huo Feng'er, the two daughters, sounded almost at the same time, with a sense of concern that could not be concealed.

With the sound, the two of them couldn't help but start to look at each other.

Perhaps because of the twins, they quickly guessed their respective mood swings, a strange light flashed in their eyes, and they fell silent immediately.

And seeing the two peerless beauties of Wuzong in the sky, they all expressed concern for Yang Zilei, and the disciples of the sect present suddenly became jealous, and their hearts were extremely envious.

"Don't worry, just a few sand monsters."

Yang Zilei looked back at Leng Yuyan and the others, his eyes flashed with confidence.

Soon his eyes turned to the desert giant who challenged him, "It's time to start."

With a wave of the desert giant's arm, he saw a desert giant about five meters high behind him. It suddenly turned into a cloud of sand and swept ten meters away from Yang Zilei, and then resumed its form.

Yang Zilei secretly guarded himself that these desert giants are good at manipulating sand and must not have any contact with the ground.

Thinking of this, Yang Zilei's figure levitated, and the steel armor on his body reflected a cold metallic luster under the sunlight.

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