"If this is the case, we can't be considered destined..."

Seeing Yang Zilei's hard-hearted heart, after Leng Yuyan stroked his cheek with her palm, she stood up a little bitterly, and walked away slowly...

It wasn't until Leng Yuyan walked out of the door and Yang Zilei hadn't said anything to stay, the surrounding scene slowly disappeared and returned to calm.

Yang Zilei's vision also suddenly became dark, and he couldn't see his fingers.

"This kid has a good concentration, and he can't be moved by the lust."

Outside, Bai Yuzhe stared at the projection of the light screen above, nodding with relief.

Next is the final level of the illusion, the heart demon.

"I don't know what his demons are like?"

Bai Yuzhe smiled faintly, looking forward to how Yang Zilei would deal with this most difficult illusion level.

At the beginning, he was like Yang Zilei, easily connecting the illusions of the first three levels, but in the end when facing his own inner demon, he almost fell into disrepair, sinking into the illusion for more than a month before awakening.

At this moment, Yang Zilei's eyes were still pitch black, he simply closed his eyes and waited for the next assessment.

However, I don't know how long it took, and suddenly there was the sound of bustling cars.

Yang Zilei opened his eyes suddenly, and found himself lying on the ground on an asphalt road with many figures standing around.

Beside, there was a silver battery car and a taxi.

"Huh? Isn't this the scene of my car accident?"

When he saw the surrounding scene clearly, the pupils in Yang Zilei's eyes suddenly shrank.

"How is it possible? Didn't I cross it?!"

Yang Zilei rubbed his eyes and looked around in surprise, his eyes full of incredible color.

"Look at him, he is awake."

"Tsk tsk, I was hit so badly, I was only in a coma for a while, and my physique is really good."

The crowd onlookers were surprised and talked.

"Great, you'll be fine if you are fine!"

At this moment, the middle-aged driver who drove the car came over, and said to Yang Zilei happily and nervously: "Don't worry, I will pay you for the crashed battery car."

Yang Zilei looked dazed, looking at the middle-aged driver in front of him and the people around him, he became a little at a loss for a while.

Because the current scene is so real, it's exactly the scene that happened before he didn't go through.

Also because of this car accident, this caused his soul to travel to the Tianyan Continent and regenerate.

"Could it be that everything that happened before was just a dream?"

Yang Zilei looked blank.

If it is a dream, it is too real, too long, right? !

"Young man, do you have WeChat? Let's add a friend, and I will transfer the amount to you according to the repair fee."

The middle-aged driver seems to be an honest man with a very sincere attitude.

Hearing the driver's voice, Yang Zilei came to his senses and nodded quickly: "Yes."

After that, Yang Zilei reached out his hand to his pocket and took out the phone.

This is a black Xiaomi phone, more than one thousand yuan, equivalent to half a month's salary.

But at this time, the screen of the phone burst, apparently because it broke when the car accident happened just now.

Yang Zilei's mouth twitched slightly, and he couldn't help feeling a little distressed.

Fortunately, it still works. Yang Zilei quickly pressed the WeChat QR code and made friends with the middle-aged driver.

At this moment, the phone rang.

Yang Zilei looked down and looked at the name "Liu Yuehao" displayed on the phone screen.

This guy Yang Zilei is no stranger, it is the business executive of a company he is now intern.

"Xiao Yang, have you overslept again? Look at what time it is now, why haven't you come to work yet!"

"Return to the company within ten minutes, otherwise you will pack your stuff and go!"

As soon as the answer button was pressed, there was a burst of anger from the phone.

Yang Zilei was slightly startled, everything came so suddenly and true.

In order to keep his job, he couldn't allow him to think too much, and immediately pushed the battery car up.

Although the front of the car was horribly hit, fortunately it was still able to drive.

At the moment, Yang Zilei rode his bike, and drove away at full speed...

"This is his demon?"

Outside, Bai Yuzhe's eyes flickered, staring at the projection of the light curtain where Yang Zilei was.

The high-rise buildings, the intricate roads, and the metal boxes that can drive fast on the roads all impacted his vision.

"Curious scene, where exactly is this?!"

Bai Yuzhe was stunned. He had lived for more than three thousand years, and he had never seen it before. There is such a unique place in this world.

Is Yang Zilei from other worlds?

Looking at the strangely dressed humans on the road, Bai Yuzhe's heart was full of shock, and he couldn't help but guess.

After all, the heart demon is an obstacle formed in everyone's life due to mental and consciousness defects.

Although it is an illusion, it can reflect the deepest desire and helpless side.

Therefore, Bai Yuzhe felt that his guess should be very possible. The scene that Yang Zilei experienced at this moment was the place where the latter lived before.

In that world, Yang Zilei still had an obsession in his heart, which gave rise to a demon.

"It turns out that the boss's previous life is this place, it feels so fun."

Next to him, Xiaolongyuan looked at the world projected by the light curtain, his eyes gleaming with curiosity.

As for Yang Zilei's true identity, the little dragon ape can be said to know better than anyone else, but he used to only tell from Yang Zilei's mouth, but now he can see it with his own eyes.

"Unexpectedly, this son still hides such a secret..."

Bai Yuzhe muttered to himself meaningfully.

Regarding the arms and weapons that Yang Zilei had previously shown, and Bai Yuzhe's previous doubts and curiosity, his thoughts at the moment also felt like a fusion.

If Yang Zilei really came from a foreign space, it would not be surprising to be able to invent those weird weapons.

"But now, Yang Zilei seems to be sinking into the life of that world, and he didn't realize that it was just an illusion."

Bai Yuzhe's eyes narrowed slightly, watching Yang Zilei riding the battery car, rushing toward the company in a hurry.

With such an expression, it was obvious that he could not distinguish between illusion and reality.

If he indulges in the illusion of the Tongtian Tower and can't extricate himself, even Bai Yuzhe, I am afraid it will be difficult to rescue him.

Bai Yuzhe shook his head secretly. His former demon was only obsessed with martial arts and was hindered. Although the peak of martial arts appeared, he was almost lost, but it was not incapable of consciousness and awakening.

But right now, Yang Zilei's heart magic illusion is undoubtedly much more difficult.

Because of the difference between the two worlds, it is impossible to figure out what is true and what is false.

All of this can only be seen in one's own good fortune.

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