On the street, Yang Zilei looked at the pedestrians around, as well as various shops and signs, etc., everything was familiar in his memory.

"This shouldn't be an illusion, right?"

Yang Zilei frowned, a trace of complexity flashed in his eyes, and he couldn't tell which one was the real world.

When Yang Zilei arrived at the door of the company half an hour later, he could see the business executive through the glass door, standing there with an angry face, as if waiting for his arrival.

Yang Zilei secretly said bad luck, it is estimated that he will be fired.

"It would be great if the system was still there."

Yang Zilei shook his head and sighed, holding the doorknob, and was about to push the door to enter, only to find that the doorknob was made of metal, and immediately tried to say silently: "Swallow."

After a brief silence, an electronically synthesized sound soon sounded in his mind.

"Ding, the metal touched by the detection host is not physical and cannot be swallowed."

Yang Zilei's heart was startled, and his eyes were full of surprises.

The system is still there, which means that the experience of traveling to Tianyan Continent is not a dream, but a real existence!

In this case, his current world is false!

Thinking of this, Yang Zilei was overjoyed, but he was a little bit emotional.

Although going through rebirth opened up another life, deep in his heart, there has always been an obsession to be able to return.

Because of this obsession, the demons gradually formed.

And only by erasing this demon, can we truly make the soul clear.

"Yang Zilei, I limit you to get to the company within ten minutes. How long has it passed now?!"

Seeing Yang Zilei, the business executive came over and sweared.

Yang Zilei's eyes sank slightly, and his mind moved slightly, a May Fourth pistol flashed in his hand.

"You... what do you want?!"

Upon seeing this, the business supervisor looked horrified, "It's illegal to kill, don't mess around!"

"In that case, go to death."

Yang Zilei smiled coldly, raised his pistol, and directly pulled the trigger at the business supervisor.

Suddenly, hearing only a ‘bang’, the business executive was instantly headshot by a bullet and fell to the ground to death.


Hearing the gunshots, the company's colleagues suddenly screamed.

Looking at these colleagues who took good care of him in the past, Yang Zilei's eyes were indifferent, and he took out several grenades.

"Since it is fake, then... all disappear."

After saying this, Yang Zilei threw all four grenade out with both hands.

Bang bang bang! ! !

Suddenly, astonishing explosions sounded one after another, the fire was diffused, and the powerful destructive power made the entire floor of the office building a mess, with signs of beginning to collapse.

"Xiao Yang, are you crazy? Because we treat you so well, I didn't expect you to be a terrorist!"

Those colleagues who survived by chance suddenly pointed to Yang Zilei one by one in anger.

Facing those familiar faces, Yang Zilei frowned, and simply closed his eyes.



He also took out a few grenades again in his hand, constantly exploding.

Bang bang bang! !

In this frenzied bombing, the office building finally collapsed completely, and Yang Zilei stood there without fear, allowing him to be buried in the rubble.


Then, Yang Zilei seemed to hear the sound of a broken mirror.

The surrounding scene disappeared instantly.

When Yang Zilei opened his eyes, Bai Yuzhe and Xiaolongyuan came into view.

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