How powerful is the pinching of the Demon Corpse of the Divine Aspect Realm, everyone has seen it with their own eyes just now.

Even the law of the god powerhouse was pinched and exploded by him, and he was seriously injured and dying.

The Divine Realm is still like this, not to mention the Xuandan Realm.

Under this terrifying pinch, even the immortal Tianjiao with great sword intent will probably be pinched into a puddle of flesh.


Beichen Tianxuan, who was slashed by Gu Xuan, struggled to get up from the ground and laughed when he saw this.

"Idiot, is it really so easy to solve the god realm...?

Beichen Tianxuan's expression was full of resentment and full of joy.

He was seriously injured by Gu Xuan's knife, not only lost face in front of countless people, but was also seriously injured, and he was unable to participate in the next scramble, which can be regarded as completely missing out on "Nerve Eater".

I have long hated Gu Xuan in my heart.

Now seeing Gu Xuan's "death", he is naturally very happy.

"It's unbelievable that such an amazing and brilliant person has fallen here..."

"The Four Great Wonders of the Ancient Ages are really not available to those who are not atmospheric carriers, no matter how high your talent is, it is useless. Damn, still have to die!"

Everyone on the field couldn't help but sigh and sigh.

Yuyue stood stunned, unable to believe what was happening in front of her.

"Gu Xuan is dead?.. No, it's impossible! In the future foreseen by the national teacher, Gu Xuan's future strength will be thorough, and he can even cross the long river of time. How could such a world-famous figure fall here?!"

Yuyue struggled to convince herself.

At this time, someone suddenly frowned, pointed to the position of the fist of the demon corpse, and said, "It doesn't seem right.."

"What could be wrong?"

The crowd followed the sound.

Sure enough, I found that the Demon Corpse Law Minister pinched Gu Xuan's hand, and he still hadn't let go.

On the fist, thunder and flames burst out, and the law phase trembled, as if something was about to break free.

"Could it be that this son is not dead?"

Someone blinked and said something in disbelief.

At this moment, only a loud "boom" was heard.

The right hand of the Demon Corpse Law Appearance exploded open, and a figure stepped out of it.

This person's body is full of thunder and fire, and the mysterious divine pattern is like the root system of the divine tree, all over the body.

Although compared with the Fa, the body is indifferent and small, but it gives people a sense of boundless majesty.

The whole person is indescribably majestic and noble, handsome and noble, like a god who has come out of the ancient picture scroll!

"Divine Realm, isn't it?"

Gu Xuan quietly looked at the demon corpse in front of him, and a trace of violence flashed in his eyes.

"Then let's give it a try..."



A silent roar came from Gu Xuan's body.

In the dark, two portals were suddenly opened.

Divine Power Dao Palace, open!

Do'er Dao Palace, open!

In an instant, the momentum on Gu Xuan's body skyrocketed like a volcanic eruption, and a great sun seemed to rise in the dim and lawless Demon Burial Cave, shining brightly.

Gu Xuan took a step.

Directly cross the spatial distance and appear in front of the demon corpse.

The demon corpse roared at him, Gu Xuan's face was expressionless, and he punched out.

The power of eighteen dragons, the power of eighteen million catties!

The demon corpse flew directly like a cannonball, smashing into the tide of demon corpses below, smashing a large number of Xuandan demon corpses to death, and smashing out a huge deep pit.


The earth trembled.

The hearts of everyone on the field also shook violently.

A young man who had been clamoring for another battle with Gu Xuan.

Hundreds of beast souls on his body were added, and he ran to Gu Xuan's approach with great momentum, but before he could make a move, Gu Xuan turned his head and swept over with a faint glance, and he was suddenly so frightened that he shrank back again.

"It's horrible, it's horrible..."

Tuoba Chi, whose mind was occupied by beastliness and wildness, was directly frightened back to a trace of clarity by this glance.

It's like being suddenly poured a bucket of ice water on the head in the summer, and you wake up instantly.

"You can't provoke him! If you do, I'll die!"

A hundred voices roared at him in Tuoba Chi's heart, and the beast soul behind him forcibly took it back, didn't say a word, turned around and ran.

Here, the demon corpse that was blasted into the ground by Gu Xuan's punch let out an angry roar and jumped up from the pit.

Half of his head was smashed by Gu Xuan, but there was a steady stream of black qi pouring into his body, quickly repairing his injuries.


The demon corpse roared, and the law phase behind him also roared, and the huge law phase body rushed towards Gu Xuan.

The terrifying power that belonged to the Divine Realm overwhelmed everyone on the field and retreated.

It's horrible!

Is this the true strength of the Divine Realm?

Countless people looked moved and showed shocked expressions.

Gu Xuan, on the other hand, was expressionless.

"Imperial Dragon Fist!"

The dead qi and demonic qi rolling in the void and the leylines underneath were attracted by this punch, and with Gu Xuan's fist as the center, countless invisible veins appeared in the void.

A punch is struck.

Thunder and fire are intertwined with death and demonic energy.

This punch directly struck out layers of clear ripple folds in the void.


The leopard-headed human body behind the demon corpse withstood the power of this punch and exploded directly!

Gu Xuan took a step forward, spanning a distance of hundreds of zhang, and arrived in front of the demon corpse in an instant.

Reach out and grab the corpse's shoulders and forcefully...


In the gazes of countless people, the fierce and hideous demon corpse was torn in half by Gu Xuan, and the billowing black gas poured into Gu Xuan's body, and in the blink of an eye, there was not a single drop left by him.

Gu Xuan threw away the two pieces of corpses in his hand, as if throwing away two useless rags.


One after another, the sound of inhalation.

Everyone looked at him with wide eyes, and their eyeballs were almost protruding from their sockets.

What do they see?

Gu Xuan, with a pair of meat palms....

Tearing up the god alive?!

The incomparably huge impact and shock made everyone's brains buzz, and they couldn't express their inner feelings in words.

And with the death of the demon corpse of the Divine Aspect Realm, the countless demon corpses below also stopped moving.

And then....

They all fell down on their knees, and the direction of their bowing...

It's Gu Xuan!

Ten thousand corpses worship!

"This can't be! This can't be..."

Below, Beichen Tianxuan looked in a trance, and muttered to himself in disbelief: "How can the Xuandan Realm be so powerful?..!"


An invisible fist force struck, Beichen Tianxuan's body suddenly exploded, and a storage spirit ring was pulled and gently fell into Gu Xuan's hand.

Gu Xuan heard it clearly in the fist of the Demon Corpse, when he was trapped, it was this guy who laughed the most.

Beichen Tianxuan's burst of blood fell on many warriors.

These people's bodies trembled uncontrollably, and they all stepped back, lest they would become the next unlucky ones.

Even Beichen Tianxuan said that he would kill him, this son is not only outrageously strong, but also a killing star.

At this time, no one had the intention of competing with Gu Xuan for the opportunity anymore, and they all avoided it.


There have been a lot of things in the past two days, and I owe two mores, so I'll make up for it when I go back, sorry

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