Xuandan Realm, tearing apart the demon corpse of the God Realm!

This scene has exceeded the cognition of everyone present, and the three views have almost collapsed.

"I've never heard of someone who can cross a big realm in the Xuandan Realm and kill the God Realm by leaping through the ranks?"

"Only the legendary heroes of the world who have amazed an era have ever done this!

"Unbelievable, if you don't see it with your own eyes, you can't imagine it!"

"There is a demon in the great world, I can almost foresee the scene of this person shaking the Southern Regions in the future!"

There was a strange brilliance flowing in the beautiful eyes of the dark moon, and the dazzling figure in the distance quickly overlapped with the majestic figure she had seen in the prophecy of the national teacher at this moment.

"It's him, yes, it has to be him..."

Youyue muttered in a voice that she could only hear.

Xie Tianyi's expression was complicated, and the shock in his heart had not subsided for a long time.

Only now did he understand how big the gap between himself and Gu Xuan was.

In the black pillar of air, the golden light cluster representing the inheritance of "Nerve Eater" was still quietly levitating, and Gu Xuan quickly approached it.

The people below were full of envy and unwillingness, but they were helpless.

At this time, Gu Xuanwei suppressed the audience, who dared to plunder his edge?

Although the Four Great Wonders of the Ancient Ages are tempting, compared to their own lives, it is obvious that the latter is more important.

"This son gets the inheritance of "Nerve Eater" today, and he will be like a tiger with wings, and from now on, I am afraid it will be more difficult for someone to compare with him..."

Someone couldn't help but sigh.

The rest of the people looked complicated and nodded their heads one after another.

At this time, Gu Xuan had already approached the golden light cluster.

In the golden light cluster, an ancient clumsy jade was quietly suspended.

Gu Xuan frowned.

Isn't this "Nerve Eater"?!

This guess instantly popped up in Gu Xuan's heart.

The inheritance of the "Heavenly Cultivation Sutra" is recorded on a page of gold paper, which is also the four great wonders of antiquity, and there is a high probability that "Nerve Eater" should also be recorded on a page of gold paper.

Gu Xuan quickly reached out and took out the jade slip and held it in his hand.

Divine thoughts probed in, and a stream of information flowed into Gu Xuan's mind.

It's a map, and some places look familiar.

It seems to be...

Map of the Cave of Burial!

On the map, there is also a golden point of light that is constantly flickering.

Gu Xuan's face became ugly.

The so-called "Nerve Eater" turned out to be such a useless thing.

So why are they fighting here to live and die?

It's a hoax!

Gu Xuan suddenly felt like he had been fooled.

But when he calmed down, he quickly realized that something was wrong.

"There have always been rumors of "Nerve Eater" in the Demon Burial Cave, and the three big characters of Nerve Eater manifested by the golden light just now also confirmed this.

The news that "Nerve Eater" is hidden in the Demon Burial Cave cannot be groundless. "

""Nerve Eater", it is very likely that it is really in the Demon Burial Cave, but it is not here. "

"Making such a big noise, attracting countless people to compete, and the Demon Corpse of the God Realm is guarding, it will never be as simple as just a map..."

Gu Xuan noticed the little bit of golden light on the map, and his brain quickly worked.

"Is there such a possibility, this golden point of light on the map is the real burial site of Nerve Eater, and what the owner of the Demon Burial Cave wants us to fight for desperately is not "Nerve Eater", but a key that can find "Nerve Eater"!"

"The four great wonders of antiquity cannot be obtained by those who are not atmospheric transporters. "

A flash of light flashed in Gu Xuan's mind.

Atmospheric carrier?!

What about Xiao Chen?

Where is Xiao Chen, who is burdened with colorful opportunities?

Gu Xuan's divine thoughts quickly swept the audience, but he found no trace of Xiao Chen.

"Not good!"

Gu Xuan reacted instantly, his figure flashed, and he immediately rushed towards the location of the golden light shining on the map.

He was now almost certain that the location of the golden point of light was the true location of Nerve Eater.

And if he is one step slower.

"Nerve Eater" is afraid that it will be given a head start by Xiao Chen, a real atmospheric carrier.


"That's right, it should be this demon corpse!"

Xiao Chen stared at the demon corpse in front of him, his eyes showing excitement and expectation.

With the change in the center of the Burial Cave, almost all the demon corpses in the Burial Cave have been summoned over.

And at this time, he suddenly ran into a strange demon corpse that was not inspired, and the answer was self-evident.

The demon corpse in front of him must be the demon corpse that hides the real "Nerve Eater".

"As long as you kill it, one of the four great wonders of the ancient world, "Nerve Eater", will be mine!"

Xiao Chen couldn't suppress his excitement, he could even see a faint golden light coming out of the chest of this demon corpse.

It didn't tell him it was true, and I didn't believe it when I killed him.

However, the strength of this demon corpse has reached the eighth or ninth level of Xuandan.

Although Xiao Chen is not afraid of it, if he wants to solve it, he still has to work a little hard.

"Divine Void Finger!"

Xiao Chen urged the Yuan Force of his whole body and tapped his fingers.

A stream of light appeared and slammed into the demon corpse's chest.

The demon corpse suffered a heavy blow, and its rotten chest was directly dented by Xiao Chen's blow, revealing what was buried inside.

Xiao Chen's eyes froze, and he clearly saw that it was clearly a golden page.

"Nerve Eater?!"

Being so close to the Four Great Wonders of the Ancient World, and the great opportunity was close at hand, Xiao Chen suddenly became excited.

But the demon corpse was injured, and it roared lowly, no longer entangled with Xiao Chen, turned around and ran, and it was extremely fast.

Xiao Chen was stunned, it was the first time he had encountered a demon corpse that would still escape.

"Bastard, give me back!"

Xiao Chen was so angry that he stomped his feet and hurriedly chased after him.

The speed of the demon corpse was extremely fast, and it was difficult for Xiao Chen to catch up with his full body technique.

Seeing that the distance between himself and the demon corpse was getting farther and farther, Xiao Chen gritted his teeth and simply urged the secret method - Burning Xuandan!

In an instant, Xiao Chen's speed skyrocketed several times, and he quickly approached the demon corpse.

"Although burning the Xuandan will damage my foundation, it is nothing compared to the 'Nerve Eater', one of the four great wonders of antiquity.

As long as you can get "Nerve Eater", it is acceptable to lose a little of the foundation. "

Xiao Chen thought secretly in his heart.

By burning the Xuandan, Xiao Chen kept closing the distance between him and the demon corpse, and seeing that he was about to catch up with the demon corpse, Xiao Chen's eyes gradually lit up...

But at this moment, a stunning sword light fell from the sky.

With a single sword, the demon corpse was split in two, and a page of golden paper fell into the palm of a fair, slender hand.

The golden pages shattered abruptly, turning into countless golden lights and pouring into the man's body.

Xiao Chen's whole person was stunned for an instant, and his brain seemed to have been smashed by 10,000 sledgehammers.


This Nima.....

What the hell is going on?!

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