To be able to force a strong person in the One God Realm to such a situation, what kind of existence should the person who pursues and kills him exist?

The faces of several Divine Realm worshippers in the Youyue Mansion condensed slightly, and they all put on a defensive posture.

But before they could decide whether they should come to the rescue or not, they saw an invisible sword light pierce the sky, instantly slashing into the vest of the powerhouse of the God Realm in an instant.

The latter's face instantly showed great horror, his expression froze, his eyes quickly dimmed, and then the whole person fell straight down like a stone.


Several of the Divine Appearance Realm worshippers of the Youyue Mansion were taken aback, and they all changed color.

In a dazzling moment, a god realm powerhouse was stunned and died under their noses.

The other party's means of killing people are simply incredible.

Especially the second night, which was the weakest among the several.

There is an insurmountable gap between the Divine Aspect Realm and the Xuandan Realm, although he is the top few Tianjiao of the Yinyue Dynasty, but after all, it is only the Xuandan Realm, even the weakest Divine Aspect is an existence that he needs to look up to.

But now that a god realm powerhouse had died silently in front of him, how could he not feel terrified.

Several people suddenly looked around vigilantly as if they were facing a great enemy.

Soon, a figure was seen quickly chasing after him from behind.

With a knife in one hand, this man flew straight to the corpse of the Heavenly Thunder Sanren, and grabbed his storage spirit ring with great skill.


The gods of Youyue Mansion scolded sharply, and when the person raised his head, several people saw the person's appearance clearly, but they were stunned on the spot.

"Gu... Gu Xuan?!"

Several gods were all dumbfounded, and the second night was like a lightning strike, and they were stunned and motionless.

Gu Xuan!

The murderer is Gu Xuan?!

Gu Xuan is not just the Xuandan Realm, how can he kill a powerhouse in the Divine Aspect Realm?

And looking at the previous god-like powerhouse fleeing for his life in a hurry, and Gu Xuan's skillful movements when searching for the corpse, it seems that this is not the first time he has killed the god.

This discovery made several people gasp, and they looked at Gu Xuan in shock, unable to say a word.

They hurriedly said that they were coming to relieve Gu Xuan, but it turned out that Gu Xuan's killing of gods was like slaughtering dogs, and they didn't need them at all.

Gu Xuan also recognized the identities of several people, thinking that they were here for Princess Youyue, so he said lightly: "Youyue is behind." "

Several people looked at each other and nodded with embarrassed expressions, but the eyes that looked at Gu Xuan completely changed, as if they were looking at a monster.

After killing three gods in a row, the vortex of divine thoughts in Gu Xuan's mind increased several times in a row, and the strength of divine thoughts increased several times.

In his mind, a large number of fragmentary memories flashed like a marquee, making Gu Xuan feel a little uncomfortable.

"I still can't devour other people's souls too recklessly, otherwise the influx of a large number of other people's memories will sooner or later cause me to be confused, and I may even fall into madness..."

Gu Xuan thought secretly in his heart.

After putting away the storage spirit ring of the Heavenly Thunder Scatterer, Gu Xuan prepared to leave.

Such as the stone swordsman, the heavenly thunder scatterer, such as the general god realm powerhouse, he is now completely unafraid.

The transformation of the soul brought about by "Nerve Eater" makes the knife that directly slashes the soul directly become his biggest killer now.

Killing enemies over the level is like eating and drinking, and within the same level, it is almost invincible.

The human head sacrifice knives of the three god-like realm powerhouses, even if there are still people who have thoughts about "Nerve Eater", they have to carefully weigh whether their necks are hard enough.

However, Gu Xuan seemed to have underestimated the great allure of the Four Great Wonders of the Ancient Dynasty to martial artists.

Especially after he also used "Nerve Eater" to kill several god-like realm powerhouses in a row.


The clear sky darkened for no reason, and an incomparably huge divine thought rolled down, locking Gu Xuan firmly.

Gu Xuan had a strong warning in his heart, and the Ming Hong Knife quickly held it in his hand and raised his head suddenly.

Next to him, there was a god realm worshipper staring at the sky tightly, and said with a solemn expression: "It seems that it is the breath of the power of the life and death realm."

As soon as the words fell, I saw a young man in a gorgeous robe walking slowly down above the clouds.

The young man was thin, his face was sallow, and his body exuded a trace of death, and the whole person looked like a sick ghost who was about to sink into the ground.

The young man came here and stood in mid-air and looked down on the crowd.

With the appearance of this person, everyone on the field, including the powerhouses of the Divine Aspect Realm, all felt the huge pressure of suffocation.

Some of them were slightly weaker, and they couldn't even support it and fell to their knees with a thud.

The dead fish-like eyes of the sick young man fell on Gu Xuan, and he said in a blank tone: "You are the kid who got "Nerve Eater"?"

The eyes of the sick young man fell on Gu Xuan, and Gu Xuan immediately felt like a man on his back.

He felt an unprecedented pressure and an extremely strong sense of crisis.

The powerhouse of the realm of life and death is beyond him by two whole realms.

It is no exaggeration to say that it is not much easier for the other party to kill him than it is to pinch an ant to death.

It was definitely the biggest crisis he'd ever suffered.

"This senior!"

Before Gu Xuan could speak, a worshipper of the Youyue Mansion had already gritted his teeth and saluted the sick young man: "This son is the immortal pride of my Yinyue Dynasty, and he is extremely important to the Yinyue Royal Family, can you give a face..."

The sick young man's gaze slowly moved to the person who spoke, and he suddenly became cold.


The Divine Offering of the Youyue Mansion, who spoke for Gu Xuan, immediately spewed out a mouthful of blood, and flew out with a pale face.

"What are you? and you deserve to speak in front of me? let the people of the Lunar Moon Royal Family say it in person."

The faces of the remaining gods suddenly became extremely ugly, but they were silent, and they didn't dare to speak at all.

The realm of life and death is the last great realm before the realm of kings, and it is also the stage when a warrior completely moves towards transcendent sanctification.

The Divine Realm Martial Artist and the Life and Death Realm powerhouse, strictly speaking, the two sides are not at all species at the same life level, and the gap is so big that it is difficult to phenomenon.

The powerhouse of the realm of life and death came, and he didn't even sell the face of the Yin Moon royal family, and the eyes of everyone on the field looking at Gu Xuan suddenly became complicated.

It's almost a desperate situation.

Today, unless Gu Xuan hands over "Nerve Eater", or a strong person above the realm of life and death comes to relieve him.

Otherwise, he won't be able to pass this level no matter what.

Gu Xuan tried hard to calm himself down, looked at the sick young man and said in a deep voice: "I don't know what the predecessors want to do with "Nerve Eater"?"

The eyes of the sick young man flickered, and he replied lightly: "Life and death are tenfold, one step at a time, one step at a time, one day at a time."

There are 10 deaths to go through along the way.

Break through, the sea and the sky, if you can't break through, you will die.

Since ancient times, countless talented geniuses have fallen at this level, and those who are not burdened with great luck cannot get through it.

It's not that I refuse to sell the face of the Yin Moon Dynasty and insist on taking away your chance, but that my death is approaching, and the only ray of life will fall on you.

You don't have to blame me. "


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