The words of the sick young man can be regarded as blocking all the room for Gu Xuan's mediation.

The way of martial arts is to fight with the sky and grab that glimmer of life.

Compared with his own martial arts and life, no matter how big the face of the Yin Moon Dynasty is, it can't stop his determination to snatch "Nerve Eater".

And the four great ancient scriptures, each generation can only have one successor.

The sick young man said that he only wanted Gu Xuan's "Nerve Eater", but it was no different from asking for Gu Xuan's life.

A real life-and-death crisis.

Gu Xuan took a deep breath, seemed to have made up his mind, and said, "If the predecessors want to survive the death tribulation, they don't have to inherit the "Nerve Eater". "

The sick young man frowned and said, "What do you mean?"

Gu Xuan raised his head and looked at the young man without fear, and there seemed to be an invisible whirlpool circulating slightly in his eyes.

"I got a few extreme elixirs that can increase longevity in the Demon Burial Cave, which contain infinite vitality, and may help my predecessors survive the death tribulation..."

Gu Xuan's words were extremely sincere, and he even took out a small tree and a fruit in his hand.

As soon as the two appeared, an extremely rich vitality immediately emanated, attracting people's attention.

“.. I can offer these elixirs together, and even provide more elixirs of vitality to my predecessors in the future, just ask my seniors to give up robbing me of the inheritance of "Nerve Eater". "

The sick young man looked at the Extreme Tree and Extreme Fruit that Gu Xuan took out, and felt the incomparably strong breath of life, and his eyes couldn't help but show a little longing.

But soon, these few desires were forcibly pressed down by the sick young man, and he regained his indifference and indifference.

"Not enough..."

The sick young man said indifferently: "Compared with the supreme inheritance of the Four Great Ancient Wonders, this Extreme Elixir is far from enough."

Gu Xuan's brows furrowed, and his face showed a look of confusion and thought.

Suddenly, his eyes lit up, and he said in surprise: "I remember, senior! I still have something in my hand, the value is not at all under the "Nerve Eater", and it is the most useful for the situation of the predecessor who is riddled with death and is about to die..."

The sick young man's expression moved, and he said lightly: "What is it, you take it out and take a look at it first?"

Although his face was flat, he was still aroused by Gu Xuan's words.

What can be worth not being inherited by "Nerve Eater", one of the four great wonders of antiquity, and still be of great help to him through the catastrophe?

The sick young man made up his mind in his heart, if Gu Xuanzhen took out this kind of treasure.

Then he even snatched this treasure and "Nerve Eater".

"Wait a minute, senior, I'll show you..."

Gu Xuan smiled and lowered his head to rummage through the storage spirit ring.

Just when the sick young man was full of doubts and expectations, Gu Xuan, who had lowered his head, suddenly raised his head suddenly.

Before, his face was full of sincerity and sincere smiles, but now he is only extremely cold and murderous.

"I have a knife, but I can send my predecessors to die in advance, and I don't have to endure the torment of death!"

As he spoke, Gu Xuan slashed out.

This knife is almost all Gu Xuan.

As soon as the sword flashed, the sky changed color.

Vast expanses of clouds and mist converged, thunder and fire intertwined, and an ancient portal connecting the heavens and the earth emerged from the clouds.

And then there's the endless rainbow of lights.

The rainbow light converges to form an incomparably splendid and gorgeous rainbow bridge.

On the Hongqiao, a sword light that spanned the eons suddenly appeared.

Unlike in the past, this sword light was wrapped with a thick sense of death and demonic energy, as if it was a knife from the Nine Demon Lords.

"Heavenly Sword Second Style, Slash Hongqiao!"

The majestic sword light, the shocking knife intent...

Gu Xuan's knife was slashed out, and the killing machine of Senhan filled the entire heaven and earth, whether it was the sick young man in the sky or the lowly onlookers, they all changed color.

What an amazing and peerless sword!

How could the sick young man not react that he had been tricked by Gu Xuan, and his sallow face showed an expression of surprise and anger.

"How daring?!"

The sick young man stretched out his hand and pointed out, and the void behind him immediately conjured up an incomparably huge Yuan Force hand.

Compared to this big hand, Gu Xuan's astonishing sword light seemed to have become smaller.

"The mayfly shakes the tree, and I don't know whether it is dead or alive!"

The young man's eyes were cold, and he directly pinched Gu Xuan's knife light with one hand.

The gap between the Life and Death Realm and the Xuandan Realm is too big, so big that even Gu Xuan can't surpass it.

After pinching and exploding the knife light, the sick young man had to shoot directly at Gu Xuan.

But as soon as he was about to make a move, a surging death qi erupted from his body, making his face change and his breath surge.

Gu Xuan's eyes lit up when he saw this.

It really worked!

A thousand miles of embankment, destroyed in an anthill.

Even if it is a grasshopper shaking a tree, it may not be without a glimmer of life.

A large amount of thunder and flames erupted from Gu Xuan's body, intertwined with divine patterns like the roots of a divine tree.

Divine Power Dao Palace, open!

Do'er Dao Palace, open!

With all his strength bursting out without reservation, Gu Xuan rushed into the air like a dragon and smashed his fist into the chest of the sick young man.

"Look for death!"

A cold light flashed in the eyes of the sick young man, and he slapped it lightly.

A large amount of spiritual energy between heaven and earth was mobilized, forming a majestic and incomparable huge force, which hit Gu Xuan fiercely.


Gu Xuan's chest was directly dented, and blood spurted wildly.

The super defensive power given by the Do'er Dao Palace is still as brittle as tissue paper under the blow of the powerhouse of the Life and Death Realm.

Gu Xuan took out the extremely raw fruit that had just been revealed, and quickly stuffed it into his mouth, while his eyes showed a great look of madness.

A punch slammed into the chest of the sick young man.

In an instant, the seed of dead qi in Gu Xuan's body was suddenly drained, and a large amount of dead qi was unreservedly instilled into the body of the sick young man with Gu Xuan's punch.

“... The life and death qi in the body of the strong in the life and death realm are entangled, every step is like walking on thin ice, and the burial demon cave is full of all kinds of demonic qi and death qi, and the strong people in the life and death realm will only run there if they are afraid of a long life..."

The words that Yuyue had said to him couldn't help but echo in his mind.

This is Gu Xuan's plan.

He wants to detonate the death of the sick young man in advance, so that he can know what it is-

Even if it is a mayfly, it can still shake the sky!


The previous knife had already caused the dead qi in the body of the sick young man to explode, and his breath was unstable.

Gu Xuan's punch, which contained all the seeds of death qi, directly detonated his powder keg.

In an instant, the dead qi on the sick young man's body surged wildly like a tide.

His face turned gray at a speed visible to the naked eye, and a large amount of dead air frantically devoured his body.

The sick young man tried his best to suppress it, shocked and angry, and his eyes were almost dripping blood when he looked at Gu Xuan.


Gu Xuan's face was pale, Ming Hong's knife was on the ground, and he was standing on the ground staggeringly, but his face was extremely happy and arrogant.

He gently raised the Ming Hong knife, pointed it at the sick young man, and said with burning eyes: "Don't die, your head should be kept and waited for me to cut it!"

After speaking, Gu Xuan took out the big teleportation talisman that Youyue gave him before and crushed it.

The figure disappeared in place in an instant.

The sick young man who was entangled in death and calamity, where did he have the strength to block this world at this moment, he could only watch Gu Xuan disappear.

"Damn! You're damned!"

Above the wilderness, only the voice of the sick young man, full of endless resentment and anger, echoed in the sky...

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