The sudden upheaval made everyone stupid in place.

Seeing Gu Xuan punch after punch into the dirt, the white elephant saint son below was beaten by him like a sandbag.

Suddenly, a terrifying wave of qi erupted from the ground.


The dirt in the venue rolled like waves, and everyone withdrew far away, and saw that the huge deer cutting banquet hall had become a mess.


A terrifying body burst out of the ground, even shocking Gu Xuan into the air.

I saw a figure several feet tall, with a huge physique, but white skin like jade, appearing in the field.

The body exuded a monstrous ferocity and savage aura, like a terrible beast descended from ancient times, and it could only be vaguely recognized from the face that it was the appearance of the White Elephant Holy Son.

Seeing the appearance of the White Elephant Holy Son, the pupils of the onlookers all contracted.

"The body of the white elephant! The holy son of the white elephant actually directly used the body of the white elephant!"

"It is said that the body of a complete white elephant can have all the power of an ancient holy elephant, a full 100 million catties of huge power, the power of a hundred dragons!

In the entire White Elephant Holy Land, the only young generation who can use the body of the White Elephant is the First Holy Son and the Second Holy Son!

Although the body of the white elephant of the Second Holy Son is not yet complete, the power of fifty or sixty dragons is definitely there!"

"Is this the method of using strength to prove the Tao in the Holy Land of Body Refining? It's terrifying, looking at it from a distance, there is a suffocating sense of oppression, as if the heart is about to explode!"

"This kid is so arrogant that he dares to make a move on the White Elephant Holy Son, he will know that he has provoked someone he can't afford to provoke.

In such a small place, a pure body refining martial artist is very terrifying, let alone a Tianjiao body cultivator who has achieved physical refining like the White Elephant Holy Son. "

Not only ordinary people, but even the Prince of Divine Breath said with a wry smile: "The White Elephant Holy Son in a state of anger, I don't dare to provoke it easily. I'm afraid I'm going to suffer a big loss. "

The second prince of Jin Wu said lightly: "This person is too arrogant, he should be taught a lesson." Just take a look at it, what is his bottom line?"

Duan Soul's eyes were scorching, staring at the direction of the battle group.

He wanted to see if in the face of such a terrifying White Elephant Holy Son, this person's Spatial Mystery Sword Technique could be defeated.


A deep and deep voice came from the mouth of the White Elephant Son, giving people a sense of suppressed cruelty.

"I swear, I'm going to crush every bone in you. "

As he spoke, the White Elephant Son shook his body.

The seemingly bloated and huge body is incredibly fast, disappearing in the blink of an eye, so fast that it cannot be caught by the naked eye.


The White Elephant Holy Son slammed into Gu Xuan's body with a strong punch.

With a muffled snort, Gu Xuan's whole person was smashed into the ground, and the ground shook.

The onlookers all had unbearable expressions on their faces.

"It's over!"

"Even if he has profound swordsmanship and can comprehend the mysteries of space that are difficult to find for a thousand years, but in this case, I am afraid that he will not be able to use the means, and he may be beaten to death!"

"Hey, no wonder someone else, who made himself too arrogant.

The arrogance of the powerful is called arrogance, and the arrogance of the unpowerful is looking for death. "

"It's a pity, how can I be regarded as the top genius in my east, I'm afraid that I will be ruined by the White Elephant Holy Son today. "

"This punch goes down, nearly sixty dragons' power, I'm afraid that the person is already half-disabled, God knows how much qi is left.."

As he was talking, he suddenly heard a long laugh from the ground where Gu Xuan had disappeared.


Immediately after, the next moment.

I saw endless thunder and flames gushing out of the pit underground, and a figure intertwined with thunder and fire stepped out of the pit.

I saw Gu Xuanshen tattoos all over his body, and the thunder and fire were intertwined on his body into a gorgeous armor, and the whole person was as noble and majestic as an ancient god.

Gu Xuan was condescending, overlooking the White Elephant Holy Son, and sneered: "If I use a knife, I can be regarded as bullying you!"

As he spoke, he punched the head.

When this punch was thrown, the thunder fire around the body directly evolved in the void such as spears, spears, and halberds... of the phantom.

Divine Power Dao Palace, open!

Do'er Dao Palace, open!

Torture Dou Dao Palace, open!

The three palaces are opened, and ten thousand laws are played with your hands - thunder and fire are like hell!

Gu Xuan punched out, as if the power of Huanghuang Heaven had descended.

The White Elephant Holy Son's eyes contracted, a trace of surprise flashed on his face, and he subconsciously raised his hand to resist.

was blown away by Gu Xuan's punch.

Everyone in the audience looked stupid, and they were speechless one by one.

"Damn, this son's physical strength is even stronger than that of the White Elephant Holy Son?!"

"Isn't he majoring in the Dao of the Dao of the Dao, how can the Dao of Body Refining be so strong?!"

"Two initiates?!"

"What kind of physique is this son? I feel that at least it is a Xuan Body, and it is an extremely powerful Xuan Body!"

There were bursts of exclamations outside the court, and giants such as the Prince of Divine Breath also saw their eyelids jump and look terrified.

Being able to achieve such a high level of achievement in both martial arts and body refining at the same time, Gu Xuan's talent was so strong that it was really the only one they had ever seen in their lives.

"Damn it!"

The White Elephant Holy Son was punched by Gu Xuan a few times, and he was annoyed and angry, and there was also a sound of "boom" opening the door in his body.

Suddenly, the body of the White Elephant Holy Son suddenly swelled again, and his body was full of vitality.

Gu Xuan's eyes lit up.

The White Elephant Son really has a problem.

No wonder he wanted to rob the nameless beast skin with himself, it turned out that he had also practiced the Nine Secrets of the Dao Palace.

Gu Xuan didn't panic at all, but his face showed more excitement.

"Okay, well, it's been a long time since I've come across a good punching bag..."

The potential of Gu Xuan's divine body continued to be tapped, and the aura on his body rose and rose, and almost the radius of dozens of miles centered on himself turned into a sea of thunder and fire.

It is obviously two forces that are extremely violent, but under the harmony of a trace of yin and yang power, they appear to be extremely balanced and harmonious, which is like Gu Xuan's arm.

Seeing the power of yin and yang, Qin Qingmiao, who was next to her, trembled slightly for some reason.

In the sea of thunder and fire, Gu Xuan, who had opened the Torture Dou Dao Palace, constantly evolved a powerful and incomparable fighting method in his hands.

The fighting skills are simply higher than those of the White Elephant Son of several eras.

Although the White Elephant Holy Son's strength became more and more amazing after opening the Dao Palace, he could only passively become a sandbag for Gu Xuan to practice his hands.

But the White Elephant Saint Son is also powerful, every time he is injured by Gu Xuan, the wound can heal quickly in just a few breaths, and it becomes vigorous again.

"It seems that the two Dao Palaces he opened, one is the same Divine Power Dao Palace as me, and the other is the Dao Palace that enhances his own vitality and can make his injuries heal quickly..."

Gu Xuan thought in his heart, and his subordinates became more and more ruthless.

"Boom, boom!"

In this way, the White Elephant Holy Son was completely pressed and beaten by Gu Xuan.

The huge movement made by the two made the huge Wind City like an earthquake, and I don't know how many hidden old monsters were alarmed and ran out to check.

Prince Shenzhi and the others saw their eyelids beating wildly.

What kind of monster is this guy!

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