
Gu Xuan slammed his fist on the door of the White Elephant Holy Son's face, directly denting his face.

If it was an ordinary martial artist, he might have died a long time ago.

But on the body cultivation of a body cultivator like the White Elephant Holy Son, it can only be regarded as an ordinary injury.

Moreover, in just a dozen breaths, the injury on the face of the White Elephant Holy Son was much better.

Gu Xuan's face was expressionless, and a powerful fist technique evolved in his hand again, which made the White Elephant Holy Son cry out in pain.

"You.. You open the Torture Dao Palace?!"

The White Elephant Son was furious, and roared as he was beaten.

At this moment, the White Elephant Holy Son's heart was filled with great shock and appallation.

Wu Xiu absorbed the aura, condensed the Xuandan, and went up step by step.

And the path of physical cultivation is to open the human body god treasure, the Nine Great Avenue Palace.

As the first day genius of the White Elephant Holy Land, the White Elephant Holy Son was able to open the Two Great Dao Palaces in his body before the age of thirty, and he was already a genius that had not been encountered in the White Elephant Holy Land for thousands of years.

But this guy in front of him, who was younger than him, not only comprehended the legendary spatial mysteries, but also achieved even higher achievements in the way of refining the body.

At least three Dao Palaces have already been opened!

And it contains the Torture Dou Dao Palace, which is extremely difficult to open!

At this point, even the First Holy Son of the White Elephant Holy Land did not do it!

The White Elephant Son was full of shock.

And also....

A deep fear that cannot be contained.

Although his life gate palace has been opened, there is an endless stream of vitality, and there is no danger for the time being.

But it is impossible for the Dao Palace to be open all the time, and when the time for the Dao Palace to open is up...

He may be beaten to death by Gu Xuan!


The White Elephant Son roared.

The huge and burly figure faced the thin and thin Gu Xuan, but he was a little cringe.

Gu Xuan stopped his hand, looked at the White Elephant Holy Son coldly, and said, "What, there are still last words to say?"

Sen Han's words were wrapped in undisguised murderous intent, and the heart of the White Elephant Holy Son who listened to it trembled fiercely.

The White Elephant Holy Son showed a thick look of humiliation on his face, gritted his teeth and took out the animal skin that had just arrived and had not yet been covered from the storage spirit ring, and threw it at Gu Xuan.

"It's yours!"

Gu Xuan took the animal skin and probed it.

Sure enough, I found the opening method of two more Dao Palaces on it.

But he didn't put away the animal skin, but looked at the White Elephant Saint Son and shook his head and said, "Mistaken, it's not this one." "

The White Elephant Son's eyes widened suddenly, and he roared, "Don't deceive people too much. "


A cold glint flashed in Gu Xuan's eyes, and he said with a smile: "It seems that you feel that your life is not worth much..."

The White Elephant Holy Son's body trembled violently, and he was helpless, so he could only take out another piece of animal skin from the storage spirit ring and throw it to Gu Xuan.

"There's only one piece of me on me, nothing else. If you still don't believe..."

The White Elephant Son took a deep breath and said with a tragic face, "Then kill me." "

Looking at the appearance of the White Elephant Holy Son, it should be real.

Gu Xuan was satisfied with the two animal skins.

At this time, the system's prompt voice also came from my mind: "Congratulations to the host for successfully cutting off the beard and obtaining the reward: Shenzang Dao Gong Dan*1"

"Shenzang Dao Palace Dan: You can open a Dao Palace, and the degree of opening the Dao Palace can directly reach one percent. "

Gu Xuan's eyes lit up.

This Divine Tibetan Dao Gong Dan is a good thing that has never been seen before, and he can just come in handy.

At this time, the onlookers were already stunned.

They guessed the beginning, but they didn't guess that it would be like this.

With the strength of his physical body, Gu Xuanchun was able to beat the White Elephant Holy Son, who specialized in cultivation, to the point that he had no temper, and he almost knelt down and begged for mercy.

And the most important thing is that Gu Xuan is still majoring in martial arts, and his attainments in the sword path are even stronger than the soul of the Splitting Sky Knife Section.

This kind of talent can no longer be described as terrifying.

"Who is this person sacred, and can the god list have the name of this person?"

Someone muttered.

"There doesn't seem to be a person in the eightfold realm of the god on the god list, there seems to be a monster on the god list before, but that person's name disappeared quickly, and I don't know if it's the same person?"

"With this kind of strength, I'm afraid it can be among the top ten on the god list. It's hard to imagine that there are still such characters in our east. "

While everyone was talking, Gu Xuan took the time to retract the divine patterns and thunder fire on his body, and regained his original personable appearance.

The White Elephant Son ran back to Prince Divine Breath and the others with an ugly face.

At this deer cutting banquet, he lost face.

As long as he didn't defeat Gu Xuan for a day, he would never be able to lift his head.

At this time, the Prince of Divine Breath, who had been silent, spoke.

"Your Excellency broke the rules, forcibly seized the treasure of the White Elephant Holy Son, and also destroyed the deer cutting feast, is it a little too disrespectful to me, the host?"

Prince Shenqi looked at Gu Xuan with flat eyes, and his tone was flat, but there was a trace of anger.

It's like the sea before a storm, and the waves are about to rise.

Suddenly, the atmosphere in the field, which had only calmed down a little, suddenly became tense.

Hearing Prince Shenxi's words, Gu Xuan was stunned for a moment, and then replied apologetically: "I'm sorry, I was worried." But...

I admit that I destroyed the venue, but I don't admit that I broke the rules. "

Gu Xuan pointed to the White Elephant Holy Son next to him, and said calmly: "You also said that as long as both parties agree, any way is fine."

I exchanged his life for the treasure in his hands, you are willing to do it, how can you break the rules. "

The face of the White Elephant Saint Son changed, and since he was embarrassed and angry, it was difficult to express.

The others were speechless for a while.

Such an arrogant, domineering, arrogant and unreasonable posture is really something they have only seen in their lives.

The Prince of Divine Breath listened to Gu Xuan's words, and a trace of anger appeared uncontrollably on his face.

Prince Divine Breath's eyes gradually became cold, and the momentum belonging to the leading figure in the east was released little by little, enveloping the audience in an instant.

"In other words, I want to exchange your life for the treasure in your hand now, is it okay?"

The cold words sounded in the audience, and the killing intent of the Prince of Divine Breath moved countless people in the audience.

Everyone realizes that the Prince of God's Will... Angry.

And Gu Xuan, who was the initiator, didn't seem to realize the seriousness of the problem at all.

Gu Xuan looked at Prince Shenzhi without giving in, his eyes lit up, and he nodded with a smile: "Yes...

As long as you can. "


Prince Shenxi's face turned cold, and the momentum accumulated on his body to the peak was about to explode.

At this time, Duan Soul next to him stared at Gu Xuan with burning eyes, and said, "I want to learn this person's sword path, can the prince give this person to me first?"

Prince Shenzhi's brows furrowed slightly, and before he could speak, Gu Xuan had already let out a long laugh and rose into the air.

"Since I don't like it, and I still hide it, what are you pushing me to let me?

As he spoke, Gu Xuan casually slashed out a sword light.

The sword light is like a waterfall, directly enveloping all the giants below.

Including Prince Shenzhi, Duan Soul, the Second Prince of Jinwu, Zhuo Tianyi and so on.

At this moment, the audience was in an uproar.

"This person, really crazy?!"

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