"Demon Devouring Heaven and Earth!"

Xu Ye snorted coldly.

The terrifying True Demon Head opened its huge mouth, and a terrifying suction force emanated from it, like a whirlpool.

The entire Heavenly Fortune City shook.

The ground shook, and large swaths of land were turned upside down, swept into the sky, into the mouths of true demons.

There are also those who are close, and those who are strong in the divine realm.

Caught off guard, he was also sucked and fell into the mouth of the real demon, and he couldn't even struggle, so he was directly shattered by the demonic qi.

It's a post-apocalyptic scene.

"Crazy! Xu Ye is crazy!"

Several leading figures led everyone back.

"Under this kind of power, what kind of defense is a joke at all...."

Prince Divine Breath said with a wry smile.

"I'm afraid that if the powerhouse of the life and death realm falls into the devil's mouth, he will be swallowed up completely!"

Everyone can only watch this battle from a distance now, and if they get a little closer, even if they are geniuses on the god list, they are at risk of dying.

"How should Gu Xuan resist this move?"

"I can't resist it at all!"

Someone said with a complicated expression: "The Four Great Ancient Wonders, each of which is a supreme inheritance that transcends the Heavenly Order. It is the biggest outlier between heaven and earth, and one of them can suppress an era.

Although Gu Xuan is the protagonist of heaven and earth, but...

Who's to say if the protagonist will be replaced?"

Everyone's hearts were shocked, and their faces all showed great horror.


No one argued.

Because the power of Xu Ye's move is too terrifying.

So far, Gu Xuan's strength, although it is incredible, is within the scope of everyone's cognition.

But the "Evoking Sutra" is too mysterious and too powerful.

The power of Xu Ye's move has broken everyone's cognition and reached an unknown and terrifying situation.

"The chance that Gu Xuan can block this move is no more than thirty percent."

Someone looked at the terrifying true demon head that was raging in the sky, and muttered with a shocked look in his eyes: "Unless, he also has a killing move that is several times more powerful than the Twenty Percent Spatial Mystery." "

Several times more powerful than the Twenty Percent Space Mystery?

Is it possible?

Hardly possible.

The sword of the Twenty Percent Space Mystery is already a terrifying killing move that exceeds the limit of the Divine Realm.

It is unknown whether many of the people present will be able to touch this height in their lifetime.

How many times higher than this height is a killer move?

Just kidding.

Even if Gu Xuan is the protagonist of heaven and earth, it is impossible....


Everyone was still thinking about it, and suddenly saw Gu Xuan, who was facing the true demon head in the sky, raised the Ming Hong knife again.

"This "Evoking Sutra", I like it very much, I want it!"

In the depths of Gu Xuan's eyes, black lightning and flames burst out.

His body exuded a thick aura of destruction.

"Destroy the Mystery!"

Gu Xuan slashed out at the true demon's head.

Sancheng's sword of destruction almost represents the limit of Gu Xuan's current combat power.

A black phantom of chains appeared in the void.

After this knife was slashed out, the void in front of Gu Xuan's body was immediately shattered.

It was as if he had shattered countless mirrors.

Wherever the sword light passed, the void "rumble" and collapsed, forming a black trace.

The sword slashed through the terrifying head of the true demon.

The latter was directly chopped off without even saying a word, and then exploded with a bang.


Xu Ye, who was still smug and sneering with a cold face in the last second, was about to bulge out of his eye sockets at this moment.

"How is this possible!"

Xu Ye, who was pale, shouted wildly in disbelief, this move was a forbidden move in the "Evoking Demon Sutra", and he paid a great price to perform it.

It's almost the mentality that I'd rather be broken than broken, but that's it....

was all smashed by Gu Xuan.

Xu Ye's eyes were round, as if he wanted to deeply engrave Gu Xuan's whole person in his mind.

And Sancheng's sword light of destruction is unabated, and it is still slashing straight at him.

For the first time in Xu Ye's life, a great sense of fear and despair rose in his heart, and he couldn't help shouting in his heart: "Bai Lao save me!"

An old voice soon rang out.

"Don't worry, I'm here. "

In the next moment, an incomparably powerful will took over Xu Ye's body.

Xu Ye's momentum rose wildly, and he soon broke through the boundaries of the Divine Realm, and rushed towards the realm of life and death, and even the realm of kings...


Gu Xuan's brows furrowed, sensing that something was wrong.

He found that Xu Ye in front of him seemed to be a different person, and his whole temperament had changed.

Gu Xuan had a very bad premonition in his heart, and his intuition drove him-

The vortex of divine thoughts in his mind swirled wildly, and the huge power of divine thoughts was unreservedly instilled into the Ming Hong Knife.

Wanting to get the inheritance of the Demon Summoning Sutra from Xu Ye, Gu Xuan had the idea of devouring his soul.

Now, it's just a little bit of a move in advance.


Divine soul killing, divine thought of a knife!

The Ming Hong Knife cut out an invisible wave mark, and in an instant, it fell on Xu Ye across countless distances.

Xu Ye, who was still frantically improving, suddenly shook violently.

"Damn, this kid..."

In Xu Ye's mind, an old voice let out a voice of surprise and anger.

The surging momentum on Xu Ye's body suddenly became disordered, and there was a tendency to fall into a rampage.

"Let's go, let's go!Xu Ye, this person has the skill of soul killing, which is not something you and I can afford to provoke for the time being. Let's go!"

The old voice endured the pain, gave a final reminder, and then fell into complete silence.

"Bai Lao! Bai Lao .."

Xu Ye was so anxious that he hurriedly shouted a few times, but he couldn't get the slightest response.

Xu Ye raised his head and looked at Gu Xuan, who was slowly walking towards him with a knife in the distance, and an unprecedented deep fear rose in his heart.

Bai Lao, who has always been synonymous with omnipotence, was even folded under this person's knife.

This Gu Xuan, the origin and means are inevitably too terrifying.

Xu Ye was scared, completely scared.


He remembered what Bai Lao had said to him before he fell asleep, and hurriedly took out something from the storage spirit ring and crushed it.


A teleportation portal immediately appeared in the void, and Xu Ye escaped as quickly as he did.


When Gu Xuan saw this scene, his brows couldn't help frowning.

He was bound to get a divine thought, but he didn't know why, but he obviously slashed Xu Ye's divine soul, but the other party didn't seem to be affected at all.

On the body of an ordinary powerhouse in the realm of life and death, that knife is enough for the other party to die.

But Xu Ye can still have the spare strength to use means to escape?

This is something he didn't expect.

However, fortunately, the other party was slashed by his divine thoughts, and the divine thoughts of "Nerve Eater" were also left on his soul, no matter how he fled to the ends of the earth, Gu Xuan could find him along the imprint.

At the same time, the people watching the battle below were all stupid....

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