The Fourth Meaning!

Lose your marbles!

The onlookers were going crazy.

On the last breath, they also firmly believed that the only way Gu Xuan could crack Xu Ye's "Demon Summoning Sutra" was to cast a killing move that was several times more powerful than the Twenty Percent Space Mystery.

And this is very unlikely, almost impossible to happen.

With the next breath, Gu Xuan slashed out an unprecedented, incomparably powerful sword light with his backhand.

Contains the meaning of three percent destruction.

It is several times more powerful than the spatial mystery of Ercheng, and directly and neatly smashes Xu Ye's true demon head, and even frightened Xu Ye to use a secret method to escape.

This Nima....

The onlookers were numb, completely numb.

I can't find words to describe my inner feelings at this time, and there is only one thought left in my mind - Gu Xuan can't be messed with, Gu Xuan is not a person!

And the leading figures such as the Prince of Divine Breath and the Sect of the Divine Sword Sect are more far-reaching than ordinary martial artists.

"Just now, Xu Ye seemed to be preparing to cast an extremely powerful secret method, but was stopped by Gu Xuan's knife again..."

"That slash seems to be Xu Ye's spirit! It is also the real reason why Xu Ye chose to flee!"

"Spirit.... The art of killing!"


Several people were shocked, and the eyes that looked at Gu Xuan could no longer be described as shock.


Awe from the heart.

Gu Xuan at this moment was like a whirlpool and a black hole in their eyes.

It's bottomless and unpredictable.

You'll never know how many hole cards he's hiding in his hand, and you'll never know how terrifying the next hole cards will be.

This kind of background is really unimaginable, and it can make people completely lose the will to fight with it.

"Even those young Tianjiao who have already embarked on the road of fighting for the king and are on the list of life and death, there are few who can compare with Gu Xuan in terms of talent.."

Someone muttered with a complicated expression.

"This son is really amazing, his talent is so strong that he can completely ignore the gap in age and other aspects, and directly compete with the young generation!"

"I have a hunch that this son will have a good chance of winning on the road to the throne. Moreover, the realm of kings is by no means his end.."

"No. 1 on the list of gods... Maybe it's also the strongest God Realm in the history of the Tianxuan Continent!"

Today's battle is definitely the most exciting battle that many people have ever witnessed.

They witnessed the birth of a young myth that, perhaps, in the near future, would be truly plated with indelible colors, called the Legend of the Ages.

Many people may never forget what happened today for the rest of their lives, and it will become the talk of the story in their later years.

In the midst of everyone's shock, the Qi Luck Golden Dragon above Gu Xuan's head roared, and his body suddenly swelled by nearly a third, directly reaching a length of nearly one hundred and seventy zhang.

Maybe it was related to the reason why Xu Ye was defeated and fled, Gu Xuan got a lot of luck benefits from him.

"Congratulations to the host for his successful chance to intercept the beard and get the reward: Life and Death Tribulation Pill*1"

"Life and Death Tribulation: Stand in the realm of life and death. "

The effect of the Life and Death Tribulation Pill was simple and straightforward, which made Gu Xuan stunned for a moment.

Stand in the realm of life and death.

If you want to advance to the realm of life and death, you need to stimulate a wisp of death qi in your body, go from death to life, and then enter another higher level of life.

This is too difficult for Gu Xuan.

Because his life gate Dao Palace has always been open, full of vitality, and the whole person is soaked in rich vitality all the time.

In this case, it is even more difficult to stimulate a wisp of dead air in oneself than to find fire in water and water in fire.

Now, with this Life and Death Tribulation Pill, this problem that plagued Gu Xuan was directly solved.

"The sooner I embark on the road to the king, the greater the benefits for me. One step is slow, one step is slow, one step is fast, one step is fast. This life-and-death catastrophe is a relief for me.

Moreover, Xu Ye has a lot of secrets on this person, and after being promoted to the realm of life and death, if you go to find him, you can be more sure!"

Thinking about it, Gu Xuan smiled slightly, and directly threw the life and death pill that had just arrived into his mouth.

The entrance of the Life and Death Tribulation Pill immediately turned into a strange force.

This power flowed all over Gu Xuan's body, making up for all the subtleties that Gu Xuan had not yet reached perfection in the Ten Levels of the Divine Aspect Realm to a state of harmony and perfection.

Then, a bit of dead air burst out from the depths of Gu Xuan's dantian.

It came so naturally, and it came naturally.

Gu Xuan's eyes lit up with a glint - life and death realm!


On the black ancient monument of the god list, the original golden characters gradually melted, and new words appeared.

New Divine Rankings!

"The first on the list of gods, Gu Xuan, the gods are tenfold.

Age, XVIII. "

Rao is people had already guessed Gu Xuan's age before, but when they saw this line of words, they were really taken aback.

Eighteen years old....

A cadre of gods and goddesses, including several leading figures, all looked at each other with complicated expressions.

The youngest of them was also over twenty-two.

Gu Xuan was at least four or five years younger than all of them, but even so, they still didn't have the slightest temper with one person and one knife.

"I remember!"

Suddenly, a flash of inspiration flashed in someone's mind, and he blurted out: "The person who appeared on the god list with a double realm of divine appearance is also named Gu Xuan. It must be him..."

Many people also recall this memory.

At the beginning, someone ranked at the bottom of the list of gods with the god realm, which caused a lot of sensation.

Many people have tried to look for it, but they can't find it.

Looking back now, Gu Xuan's rise was not without warning.

His brilliance was predestined, but no one expected that the process would be so short.

In less than a year, he climbed from the bottom of the god list to the top of the list, covering countless Tianjiao.

The speed of progress of such a demon is simply shocking.

Someone stared at the words on the Divine Appearance List and said with emotion: "If Gu Xuan can be promoted to the Life and Death Realm before the age of twenty, then he is really the first person in the history of the Tianxuan Continent!"

"Very likely, I guess that in as little as half a year, as long as a year, Gu Xuan may be able to advance to the realm of life and death. Officially enter the young generation and set foot on the road to the king!"

Some people retorted: "You can't help but look at the realm of life and death too simply. When the divine realm enters life and death, it is necessary to stimulate a wisp of death in the body.

The younger you are, the more you have a deep background, and the harder it is to do that.

Don't you see that the geniuses of the younger generation who have been promoted to the realm of life and death are all over 30 years old?

It's not that their qualifications are inferior to Gu Xuan, it's that they spend too much time fighting against themselves at the level of life and death.

Gu Xuan is the protagonist of Tianding, and his background is deep and ancient.

Under such circumstances, it is not so simple to break through the realm of life and death.

Want me to say... Gu Xuan's last five years and ten years on the Ten Perfection Card of the Divine Aspect Realm were normal things. "

The man spoke eloquently, but what he said was well-founded and convincing.

Many people think that this is indeed the case.

The main reason is that the realm of life and death is too special, and sometimes the talent is good and the foundation is deep, but it becomes an obstacle to one's own breakthrough.

"In this way, it is too difficult to advance to the realm of life and death before the age of twenty..."

"It's not difficult, it's impossible! Throughout the entire history of the Tianxuan Continent, there are very few people who have advanced to the realm of life and death before the age of thirty.

If Gu Xuan can be promoted to life and death before the age of twenty, I will directly shatter the Xuan Dan, and then pull it out upside down and spiral!"

Someone swore by it.

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