The infinite approach to the destruction of forty percent of the killing is already extremely shocking.

Who would have thought that the mystery of destruction that Gu Xuan comprehended was even more terrifying than that of stopping killing, reaching forty and a half!

The most important thing is that Gu Xuan is now only a mere mortal realm of life and death, and he has not yet received the inheritance of the Ancient Sword Emperor.

The huge gap between the two is immediately apparent.

"How is this possible?

The whole person was stunned, and he retreated under his feet, muttering in his mouth.

He is a dignified descendant of the Ancient Sword Emperor, the most important inheritance of the Sword Emperor, the handle of the magic sword is in his hand, and his comprehension of the mystery of destruction is not as profound as that of a person who has not obtained the inheritance?!

How is this acceptable to stop killing?

I can't accept it at all.

Gu Xuan looked at him condescendingly, and said lightly: "Now, do you think you are still worthy?"

Then, Gu Xuan's body suddenly rose with an unprecedented terrifying knife momentum.

The Ming Hong knife in his hand changed again.

A majestic vision appeared in the void.

There is the ancient and majestic Nantian Gateway, the extremely splendid seven-colored rainbow bridge, Sendai Yuyu, and ten thousand immortals to come to the dynasty...

This vision made everyone dizzy, and Yuan Jiansheng's eyes burst out with an incomparably strong essence.

But at this moment, a terrifying sword light that spanned the eternities and exuded a strong sense of destruction fell from the sky.

Smash everything that is so beautiful that it looks like an ancient fairyland.

Everyone was shocked like never before, their eyes widened and their hearts swayed.

Gu Xuan had always used the Heavenly Sword sparingly, because the power of destruction alone was enough to solve the vast majority of opponents.

And once he uses the Heavenly Sword, the power of destruction contained in it will become more brilliant and powerful, far more than the simple Destruction Sword Dao.

With the shattering of the vision, Gu Xuan's voice seemed to come down from the Nine Heavens, with incomparable majesty and indifference.

"My sword path is better than that of the Demon Heaven, even if the Demon Heaven is alive, I must be subdued and bow down.

Why don't you worship?!"

The sword light fell suddenly, and the terrifying pressure pressed the void and the ground to collapse into huge cracks.

Kill turned pale and staggered back like a poor worm lying on a broken mirror.

"You have to worship the magic robe every day, why don't you worship?!"

"Why don't you worship?!"

Gu Xuan's voice was like thunder, rolling through the void, shaking countless people's bodies and minds.

The terrifying sword light fell, and the killing was terrifying, and a deep fear appeared in his pupils.

In the end, the sword light was submerged, and the figure of the stop killing was torn to pieces under the terrifying knife light.

A wisp of divine soul broke free and wanted to escape, but was strangled and killed by Gu Xuan's divine thoughts, and it was devoured cleanly.


The broken knife in the killer's hand fell to the ground with a crisp sound.

Stop killing, die!


There was a deathly silence on the field.

Everyone stared blankly at the peerless figure in mid-air, the worship of heaven and earth, and their expressions were in a trance, wondering if they were dreaming at this moment.

Stop killing...

The inheritance of the ancient sword emperor, comprehending the two mysteries of killing and destruction, Tianjiao, the top life and death list that is almost comparable to the dollar sword life, has died...

Died under a sword path that was more brilliant and brilliant than his.

Died at the hands of a man who was younger than him and cultivated lower than him.

Gu Xuan!

Not long ago, everyone was still admiring that Stop Killing had the potential to become the leader of the sword path of the entire Zhongzhou youth generation, and he was even better than Gu Xuan.

But who would have thought that the change would come so quickly, and Gu Xuan's true strength would be so terrifying.

In the blink of an eye, Stop Kill was dead by his sword.

Such a genius who should have amazed Zhongzhou died quietly in this secret realm before he rose.

It's really embarrassing.

But more....

is still a sigh for Gu Xuan.

It's horrible.

From the short process of Gu Xuan and Zhi Killing, Gu Xuan revealed at least three kinds of mysterious powers.

The mystery of space, the mystery of extreme darkness, the mystery of destruction, plus the mystery of life and death revealed when he survived the death tribulation before.

That's four!

And the degree of comprehension of each mystery is more than 20%.

The mystery of destruction has reached a staggering forty and a half.

There is also an amazing sword path that is even better than the ancient sword emperor demon robe.


It's hard to accept!

"When the demon robe sees my sword path, he will also break his heart and bow down!"

Gu Xuan's previous words still echoed in everyone's ears, and with the current killing of death, everyone trembled from the bottom of their hearts.

It was the shock and horror of Gu Xuan's unparalleled terrifying talent.

It's a feeling that is almost impossible to describe in words.

"The leader of the young generation of Zhongzhou.... From start to finish, there was only one!"

"The first knife in the middle of the sky... Culmination... First Knife!"


Countless people looked dazed and muttered in amazement.

At the moment when he stopped killing and died, the sword intent on Yuan Jiansheng's body was sent to the extreme, even exceeding his previous state when he faced the fifth sword of the Black Shadow Remnant Soul.

And Tianjiao, such as the Golden Crow Prince, the White Elephant Holy Son, and the Daoyan Holy Son, were shocked and couldn't say a word.

The strength of stopping killing is obvious to all.

However, Gu Xuanbi stopped killing... Stronger!

is as amazing as stopping killing, and it can only be reduced to a stepping stone under Gu Xuan's feet!

The Purple Mansion Holy Son was dumbfounded.

At this moment, he seemed to really understand.

Why, Qin Qingmiao has always admired Gu Xuan, and looks like she is obsessed with Gu Xuan.

Masters of the Life and Death Realm, such as the Demon Heart Old Monster, also looked at Gu Xuan in a daze.

An old monster said in a difficult tone: "The evil of this son is really the only one I have seen in my life!"

The rest of the old monsters had a look of agreement on their faces.

On the side of the Yaotai Holy Land, Su Qingmo stared intently at Gu Xuan's silhouette, her beautiful eyes full of shining little stars.

"Childe, Childe is so strong, Childe is so handsome..."

Gu Xuan stretched out his hand and made a slight move, summoning the broken knife to stop killing into his hand.

The broken knife and the first half of the fragment in his hand were gathered together, and although there was a missing piece in the middle, he could still feel the ancient and terrifying knife power contained in it.

This is the saber of the Ancient Sword Emperor Demon Heaven.

Mosage Heaven has used it to suppress an era, and even fought with the sky.

It's a pity that it's broken now.

Moreover, Gu Xuan already had his own saber.

However, what Gu Xuan values is not the knife itself, but the knife path and knife momentum contained in the knife.

"Congratulations to the host for the success of the Hu Interception Opportunity and the reward: Mystery Fusion Pill*1"

Upanishan Fusion Dan?!

Gu Xuan was taken aback, and hurriedly checked the effect of the pill.

"Mystery Fusion Dan: There is a certain chance of merging two meanings. "

Although Gu Xuan didn't know what kind of changes would happen after the fusion of the two mysteries, the power would definitely become greater.

Great stuff!

Gu Xuan was overjoyed in his heart, and carefully put away this "Mystery Fusion Pill".

This time to kill and stop killing, the benefits Gu Xuan got were too great.

Not only the Magic Knife Inheritance, the Mystery Fusion Pill, but also the Storage Spirit Ring to stop killing, the Divine Soul Memory to stop killing, and so on....

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